The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3784

Chapter 3784

Chapter 3784

Michaela murmured, “It may not necessarily be directed at Mr. Rogers, but I feel that I will not be in any danger in a short time.

I think that since the opponent is so strong and let me go, then he is probably aware of it.

Mr. Rogers’s strength is not bad, he thinks he is a threat in Aurous Hill, so he attacked him first…”

Shan Elliott said in a puzzled way, “But this is too weird…Mr. Rogers is very strong, but he has never played in Aurous Hill, and he is a bodyguard, not a killer, and he has no initiative towards other people.

Why did the other party attack him?”

Michaela pursed her mouth and said, “This is what I want to figure out now…”

While she was talking, her cell phone rang suddenly.

It was her grandfather Ferdie Joules who called.

Michaela hurriedly picked up the phone and walked to the bedroom inside.

After arriving in the bedroom, she pressed the answer button and said respectfully, “Grandpa.”

Ferdie Joules asked very anxiously, “Michaela, where are you now?”

Michaela hurriedly said, “I have already returned to the hotel.”

Ferdie Joules asked again, “Is there still no information from Louis?”

“No.” Michaela said, “I already arranged for the hacker team to hack into the traffic surveillance, but there was no valuable clue.

It seems that the other party came prepared, not only are they strong, but also have a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance.”

Ferdie Joules hurriedly said, “I just communicated with Master Yeager.

What Master Yeager meant is that the opponent’s strength is likely to have reached the dark realm, let alone Louis, even if he is not an opponent, so Master Yeager meant that you’d better come back quickly to avoid danger!”

Michaela refused, “Grandpa, I want to stay! I had a hard time getting closer to the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill in Aurous Hill.

If I left at this time, wouldn’t it be a waste of all my previous efforts?”

Ferdie Joules sighed, “Then you can’t take your own safety issues at risk!”

Michaela hurriedly said, “Grandpa, if the other party is really a master of the dark realm and has already been watching me, it would be impossible for me to go back.

But since the other party has not done anything to me, it proves that the other party is still treating me.

There is no hostility, or the hostility is not too strong.

In this case, it is better to give me some more time and let me stay in Aurous Hill for a few more days, at least until the auction ends.”

As she said, Michaela said again, “Grandpa, if I go now, the situation in Aurous Hill will be like looking at flowers in the fog, and it won’t be clear.

It won’t be long before the Rejuvenation Pill auction will be held.

If you come here to Aurous Hill yourself, you are in danger at that time, the Joules family will fall into a group of dragons without a leader.

Instead of this, it is better to let me stay here first, and at least I can explore the reality for you.”

In fact, Michaela still has a thought.

That is, in her subconsciousness, she still wants to have more contact with Charlie and a little more understanding.

Therefore, her heart is ten thousand times unwilling to leave.

When Ferdie Joules heard this, he was embarrassed with emotion.

He didn’t expect Michaela to attach so much importance to his own affairs, which really moved him.

So he thought for a moment and said, “Michaela, if you really want to stay in Aurous Hill, I will let Master Yeager go over to protect your safety.”

Michaela hurriedly said, “Grandpa, don’t let Master Yeager come over! In case the opponent is really a master of the dark realm, it is very likely that he will be very hostile to the other martial artists who appeared in Aurous Hill.

Mr. Rogers suddenly appeared as a six-star martial artist.

Here, in the eyes of the dark realm master, it is like a fox entering the tiger’s hunting range, and it will naturally be spotted.

If Master Yeager comes, it must be the same! And the opponent is so strong, there is no chance of winning when Master Yeager comes, I might as well let myself stay here and look for clues slowly.

In this way, I can continue to get closer to the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill, and I can kill two birds with one stone.”

Ferdie Joules hesitated for a moment, and sighed, “Michaela, I beg you for this matter! If there is anything that you need Grandpa’s help with, just say it!”

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