The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3787

Chapter 3787

Chapter 3787

Following this line of thought, Michaela became more and more frightened.

She sat up from the bathtub all of a sudden, and exclaimed in a flustered low voice, “Mr. Rogers is a six-star warrior.

If he can’t see any cultivation level in Charlie, then there are only two possibilities, there is no cultivation base, or it must be above the six-star warrior! Moreover, if it is above the six-star warrior, then it may not be the seven-star warrior, but the top is not capped! If Mr. Rogers is really killed or controlled by him, then his cultivation base, as Master Yeager said, has reached the dark realm! Also! He chose the place to eat today, deliberately chosen to be in such a remote place, is it really just for me to taste the local specialties? Unfortunately, the surveillance video around the location he chose had a problem, and no valuable clues were found! Moreover, Charlie didn’t always stay with me during the whole meal.

He went out to answer the phone during this time! If he is a dark realm master, then the time to answer the phone is enough for him to act on Mr. Rogers!”

Thinking of this, Michaela felt that her heartbeat suddenly accelerated more than twice, and the intensity of her heartbeat was so strong that it even shook her chest painfully!

She knew very well in her heart that if her guess was correct, it would prove that everything Charlie showed in front of her was acting on the spot, and even deliberately confusing herself.

Michaela suddenly panicked.

Charlie might only act in front of her, that is, he saw through her and knew her true motives, so he wanted to play with her game.

Michaela also knew that if she was really seen through by Charlie, it would prove that her mission to Aurous Hill this time had completely failed.

Moreover, it was not just that her plan to get Rejuvenation Pill failed, and even if Charlie knew her true identity, he might still be implicated in her Grandpa’s plan to participate in the auction normally.

If that’s the case, wouldn’t she have become a sinner in the eyes of her grandpa?

Thinking of this, Michaela was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

What she feared most now was that Charlie not only noticed her true motives, but also discovered her identity as Michaela Joules.

If that were the case, she would be completely powerless to recover.

If Charlie only noticed her own motives, but did not discover her true identity, then there is still a glimmer of life in this matter.

After all, she and her grandpa originally planned to adopt the double insurance method, even if their road is blocked, at least it will not affect her grandpa’s normal participation in the auction.

As long as Charlie doesn’t know her true identity and she doesn’t participate in the auction with her grandfather at that time, she can isolate the risk.

Thinking of this, she immediately picked up her mobile phone and called her Grandpa Ferdie Joules.

As soon as the call was connected, she hurriedly said, “Grandpa, I am now at risk of exposure, so from now on until the auction ends, I will never contact you again, and you don’t need to contact me.

When you come to participate in the auction in a few days, I will bring another person in with you.

I will not participate this time.”

Ferdie Joules asked in horror, “What’s the matter? Is there something unexpected?”

“No.” Michaela said truthfully, “I am afraid that I have been exposed in front of the owner of the Rejuvenation Pill.

I now suspect that he is the man behind Mr. Rogers’ disappearance.

If this is the case, I might have offended him.

If he’ll know the relationship between me and you, I’m afraid it will affect your participation in the auction.”

Ferdie Joules blurted out, “Are you sure? Does that person have the strength of the dark realm?!”

Michaela said, “I don’t have any direct evidence, but after my analysis, he is the most likely, so I think it’s better to be cautious.

In any case, you should not affect your bid for the Rejuvenation Pill.”

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