The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3822

Chapter 3822

Chapter 3822

Michaela shook her head and said seriously, “Shan, remember, in most cases, the more you are in a high place, the less you like to take advantage of others.

When you give him a lot of favor, he will definitely return this favor to you.”

After that, Michaela said, “At Stanford, there is a special course that teaches corporate executives how to be alert and respond to commercial bribery.

There are many classic cases in which the party who commits commercial bribery uses almost all of them.

In the same case, you are constantly giving favors to the other party in various ways but never mentioning your own needs.

When the other party’s feeling of debt reaches a certain level, as long as he speaks, the other party will take risks for him.”

Shan Elliott nodded thoughtfully, and then asked Michaela a moment later, “Miss, do you plan to let the master have a meal with him?”

“Not now.” Michaela hurriedly said, “Since Charlie has said that he wants to invite me to dinner later, I just want to let Grandpa come over according to the normal time schedule.

If he fails to get the Rejuvenation Pill at the auction.

I will take him to see Charlie.”


Two days later.

Aurous Hill Airport has ushered in its busiest day since its completion at four o’clock in the morning.

In normal times, the daily number of passenger, cargo and business jet landings at Aurous Hill Airport would add up to 800 times, of which the number of take-offs and landings was almost equal.

But today, Aurous Hill Airport has nearly 300 more landings than usual.

Starting in the early morning, a large number of private jets began to land at Aurous Hill Airport non- stop.

These private jets, without exception, all came to Aurous Hill to participate in the Rejuvenating Pill auction.

According to the requirements of the auction organizer, these bidders must arrive in Aurous Hill within today.

And according to the requirements, they must follow the organizer’s arrangements from landing to the end of the auction.

Any violation of the requirements will be regarded as a waiver of the right to bid for Rejuvenating Pill.

Therefore, after landing at Aurous Hill Airport, these top wealthy people can only wait in place for further arrangements from the organizer.

At ten o’clock in the morning, nearly one hundred private jets landed in Aurous Hill, almost occupying all the parking spaces at Aurous Hill Airport.

Some private jets have even begun to be temporarily parked at airports in other cities around them after passengers have disembarked because they have no stopping conditions.

At this time, at an altitude of less than 1,000 kilometers from Aurous Hill, a private jet modified by a Boeing 747 is flying fast towards Aurous Hill.

Inside the huge cabin, it has been transformed into a mobile villa in the sky.

In the extravagant living room at the front of the plane, two elderly people are sitting.

Both their hair and beards have become pure white, but one of them looks old and healthy, while the other can clearly see that their energy and physical condition have become very poor.

These two people are Ferdie Joules and Orion Exeor who have flown all the way from the United States.

Since Orion Exeor was invited by Charlie to attend the Rejuvenating Pill auction as a distinguished guest, and Ferdie Joules also successfully obtained the qualification to participate in the Rejuvenating Pill auction, Orion Exeor simply followed Ferdie Joules’ private jet all the way to Aurous Hill.

At this time, the service staff walked to the meeting room and said respectfully, “Master, Mr.

Exeor, our plane will land at Aurous Hill Airport in about ninety minutes.”

“Okay…” Ferdie Joules nodded slightly, then looked at Orion Exeor, and asked him, “Brother Orion, I don’t know if you can get an idea for me and see if I can make a successful shot to Rejuvenation Pill this time?”

Orion Exeor couldn’t help laughing, “Brother Ferdie, in fact, I’ve already done some calculations for you before I set off.”

Ferdie Joules hurriedly asked, “Brother Orion, I don’t know what the hexagram is like? Is it good or bad?!”

Orion Exeor sighed and said with emotion, “Perhaps my way of doing things is not enough.

I see this matter like looking at flowers in the mist, or looking at the moon in the water.”

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