The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3844

Chapter 3844

Chapter 3844

Afterwards, he slowly opened the painting and was surprised when he saw the whole picture.

This… turned out to be a world-class famous painting—the Mona Lisa.

Moreover, it is the Mona Lisa in the style of Chinese traditional painting!

Bernard Arnault saw this and he wanted to die.

In his opinion, this is no longer as simple as insulting IQ, right?

Charlie himself was dumbfounded, raised his head and looked at Zachary, with questions in his eyes.

After that, Charlie winked at him, which meant: I really don’t know how to blow this shit, you should do it yourself.

Although Zachary was frightened by Charlie’s astronomical numbers just now, he was still an old liar who had been in the antique street for many years.

He had very rich practical experience, so he quickly adapted to this routine.

So he laughed, and said to Bernard Arnault quickly, Mr. Arnault, the painting I introduced to you today is enough to shock the entire Eastern and Western painting world!”

After all, he said, “Everyone knows that the Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503, but let me tell you that this painting is actually not Leonardo’s original painting.

It was done by a great painter named Zhao Mengfu in China at the end of the Moore Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.”

Before he finished his words, he pointed to the painting in Charlie’s hand and said seriously, “It is the one in Master Wade’s hand! And the one painted by Da Vinci is modified based on this copy.

The second creation is plagiarized, if it is a bit ugly.”

Bernard Arnault wanted to cry without tears, and blurted out, “Is this possible? Leonardo da Vinci is my most admired master, and his Mona Lisa is also a masterpiece, how could it be plagiarism!”

Zachary’s expression was full, and he said seriously, “Look, this touches your blind spot! I tell you, this painting was created by Zhao Mengfu by the order of the great Khan Kublai of the Yuan Dynasty.

The approximate creation time should be at the end of 1275, which is more than two hundred years earlier than Leonardo da Vinci.

Isn’t this clear at a glance who is plagiarizing whom?”

“Nonsense!” Bernard Arnault said angrily, “This is absolutely impossible! And you see for yourself, the woman in your painting is also a Western face! How could China have a Western face at that time? What do you have to say about such a big error?”

Zachary didn’t panic at all, smiled, and hurriedly said, “So you have to be patient and listen to my introduction! In 1275, a major event with far-reaching impact occurred in the history of the world, do you know what it is?”

Bernard Arnault said angrily, “I don’t know!”

Zachary said very seriously, Mr. Arnault, it’s not that I said that you can’t patronize to make money, and occasionally read more to learn about history.”

After finishing speaking, regardless of Bernard Arnault’s almost vomiting blood expression, he said profoundly, “Let me tell you, this is the time when the famous Western traveler Marco Polo arrived in China!”

After all, Zachary looked at Bernard Arnault and asked, “You should always know Marco Polo’s Travels, right?

Bernard Arnault was mad, gritted his teeth and said, “I know! But what does this have to do with the Mona Lisa!”

Zachary shook his head, and sighed, “You who don’t know are fearless.”

After finishing speaking, he continued to explain, “I tell you that Marco Polo came to China in the summer of 1275 after a lot of hardships, and was enthusiastically received by the great man Kublai Khan.

In order to promote cultural exchanges between the East and the West, Kublai Khan ordered the famous painter Zhao Mengfu at the time to show Marco Polo and his party the superb skills of our Chinese painting.

At that time, Marco Polo happened to have a maid named Mona Lisa! Zhao Mengfu used this maid as a model to create this painting! The whole creation lasted half a year, from the summer of 1275 to the winter of 1275.”

Speaking of this, Zachary couldn’t help but sighed, “At that time, Kublai gave this painting to Marco Polo.

Marco Polo thought it was really a treasure, and he kept it with him, knowing to bring it back to the West.

Unfortunately, Marco Polo returned to the West and was sent to jail because of the turmoil, and the painting was lost.

Two hundred years later, this painting was transferred to Leonardo da Vinci’s hands.

After reading it, Leonardo was deeply inspired.

After more than ten years of imitating it day and night, he created the well-known version of the Mona Lisa! After his painting was completed, he gave the Mona Lisa made by Zhao Mengfu to his servants to burn them.

His servants couldn’t bear to fall away like this, so they quietly gave it to their relatives, and then this painting was handed down!”

Having said that, Zachary looked at Bernard Arnault and asked seriously, Mr. Arnault, do you understand now?”

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