The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3850

Chapter 3850

Chapter 3850

After that, he immediately smiled and said, “Master Wade, you can just ask this old boy to come and find me.

I’ll have a good chat with him.”

“Okay.” Charlie said in a convenient way, “I will let him go to you now.”

After that, Charlie hung up the phone and said to Zachary, “I have already said hello to Don Albert.

Now you have to go directly to Heaven Spring Mansion to find him.

Follow him and get to know him well.

For the business context of the company, think and study more to see if there are any more unique ideas for yourself.”

Zachary bowed with great gratitude and said, “Thank you Master Wade! I must dive down and study with Don Albert! Thank you Master Wade for your support and cultivation.

Your great kindness is unforgettable!”

Charlie scolded with a smile, “Okay, don’t be so polite here, go quickly.”

Zachary’s eyes were red, and two tears flowed out.

Then he wiped it off with his sleeve and sighed, “Master Wade, don’t you know that I, Zachary, have been like an orphan without a father or mother over the years.

On Antique Street, I nod and bow my head to others everywhere.

In the final analysis, it’s because I don’t have a backer, and anyone in Aurous Hill can bully me.

Unexpectedly, I now have the chance to follow Don Albert and keep up with you in my life…”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help wiping another tear, and then seriously said, “Master Wade, it seems that I am too boring to say this! Anyway, don’t worry, I will not disappoint you and Don Albert in the future!”

Charlie nodded and said, “It is a good thing to have a backer, but you should also remember the days when you didn’t have a backer.

Don’t bully other people from poor backgrounds just because you have a backer now.

Make yourself a better person.”

Zachary nodded repeatedly, and said humbly, “Master Wade, don’t worry, I understand 10,000 times!”

Seeing that he was speaking from the bottom of his heart, Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Okay, go now.”

Zachary bowed to Charlie ninety degrees, and said gratefully, “Thank you, Master Wade, I will go to see Don Albert now!”


With excitement in his heart, Zachary took a taxi to Heaven Spring Mansion.

Just as excited as him, there is also the man named Vince, the salesman in the Hermes store.

Just now, the store manager, under the witness of all the colleagues in the store, calculated the sales commission for this order for him.

A total of more than 996,000 dollars of distribution quota, his commission is a full 298,000.

This order not only broke the store’s highest record for distribution, but also broke the store’s highest commission record.

Vince was naturally very excited.

Without thinking about it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called a friend who was selling in a second-hand car shop, planning to buy from him a second-hand Porsche 718 sports car that he had long wanted.

Although this sports car is Porsche’s cheapest sports car, the price is no more than a few hundred thousand dollars, but it is a very noble existence among most fashionable young people.

Especially on the street at midnight, the moment the hood is turned on, many young people feel the distinctive and noble breath.

Therefore, this car, in some coastal cities, is definitely the most popular model in car rental shops.

As a salesman of top luxury brands, Vince has always prided himself on being at the forefront of fashion.

He and many ladies and big models who are friends with him are what he desires most and to be able to drive his own Porsche 718.

Buying a brand-new Porsche 718, including the options, probably needs more than 700,000 to more than 800,000 dollars, which is not a large purchase tax of tens of thousands, which is really difficult for Vince to bear.

Although his income as a salesman is not low, it is difficult to save money every month because he likes to spend more on weekdays.

A second-hand car is relatively easy.

He already saw a two-year-old second-hand 718.

The color and configuration are in line with his requirements, and the price is in the early six hundred thousand.

Vince himself has almost 100,000 dollars in savings.

He calculated that when the nearly 300,000 commission is issued next month, he can pay half of the down payment and take the Porsche 718 home.

After the friend from the second-hand car dealer answered the phone, he hurriedly asked, “Flynn, is the red 718 in your store already sold?”

The other party opened his mouth and said, “It’s not yet sold, but there are customers who are ready to make an order.”

Vince asked anxiously, “When is it set? Have they already paid for it?”

The other party said, “It seems to be an intentional payment of 10,000 dollars.

It is said that it will be settled within today.”

As soon as Vince heard this, he was relieved immediately, and said hurriedly, “Since it’s only 10,000 dollars, it won’t be a problem.

Flynn, don’t sell this car, sell it to me, I want it!”

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