The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3924

Chapter 3924

Chapter 3924

Ferdie Joules suddenly gritted his teeth, and scolded with trembling hands, “That bastard! This time he usurped my position, he is killing me and doesn’t want me to continue living!”

At this moment, the whole audience heard Ferdie Joules’ roar.

Everyone’s eyes widened and they kept communicating in private.

Anyone can hear that the old man was put together by his own family.

If he can’t come up with the money, this time the Rejuvenating pill, I’m afraid he will miss out!

And Bernard Arnault was excited again at this time.

He doesn’t know how many times he was desperate, excited, desperate, and excited over and over again today.

He felt that his heart was about to be tossed down.

If he felt this way so many times, and still didn’t have the chance to get a Rejuvenating pill, I’m afraid that he would have a heart attack and he would just burp here.

He is now staring at Ferdie Joules non-stop, waiting for him to say that he can’t buy or pay.

In this way, he can win the Rejuvenating pill for only 72 billion US dollars!

Michaela Joules’ heart that had just been put down, also raised again at this moment.

Although she only heard a roar from her grandfather, she immediately knew that her uncle must have taken this opportunity to usurp the throne.

At this moment, Gibson on the phone choked helplessly and said, “Master… I’m sorry… I really have no way to help you, now I have been placed under residential surveillance by the eldest Young Master, and now there are at least dozens of mercenaries guarding my family in the surrounding area, and he said that I must not leave the house for half a step until you die…”

Ferdie Joules roared furiously, “I’ll call that bastard now!”

After all, Ferdie Joules immediately hung up the phone and dialed another number.

The call was connected quickly.

However, there was no sound from the other end of the phone.

Ferdie Joules gritted his teeth and roared angrily, “You bastard! Why did you do this?”

On the other end of the phone, a somewhat old voice came over and said, “Dad… I’m in my seventies this year, and you are considered to be familiar with history books.

Even in ancient times, you can’t find a few ten-year-old crown princes, right?”

Ferdie Joules asked in a fierce voice, “You can’t wait to take the throne, so you want me to die? Don’t forget, I gave your life! Everything you have is given by me! The Joules family’s fortune was all made by me! Don’t you know how to be grateful at all?”

The other end of the phone gave a wry smile and said, “Dad, if you don’t pursue longevity, I will definitely do my duty in front of you, and wait until the end of your life, and play the role of a dutiful son…”

Speaking of this, the other party sighed again, “But you are already in your 90s, do you still have enough to live? Why are you still obsessed with longevity at such an old age? If you really want longevity, what do you want me to do?”

Ferdie Joules roared, “Damn it! Do you think I have a long life?”

The other party smiled slightly and said seriously, “Dad, you believe in yourself all your life, you should know that changing your life against the sky is inherently against the law of the sky, and it is also a kind of damage to the blessings of your descendants.

If you live a long life alone, what should we do? Do you want to live another twenty years and then send me away as a son?”

Ferdie Joules gritted his teeth and said, “If I seek the way of longevity, how could I treat you badly! You are my flesh and blood!”

The other party sighed, “Dad, what do you mean, we father and son will live together for a few more decades, and then I will be the crown prince for a few more decades? When I am a hundred years old, will I still serve you by your side?”

Speaking of this, the other party paused slightly and said seriously, “I don’t want you to extend your life, I just want you to die normally.

It’s good to go with the flow…”

Ferdie Joules murmured and gritted his teeth, “But you know that my life is not long, and if I miss this Rejuvenating pill, you may not see me for the last time!”

The other party said lightly, “To be honest, I don’t want to see you for the last time.”

After speaking, the other party said again, “Dad, all your confidants in the group have been cleaned up by me, so I advise you to give up your struggles and stay in China to live a good life until your last breath.

After all, you have been away for so many years, and it is time to return to your roots.

Even if you want to come back, I won’t let you enter, and when you go back and forth and die on the road, I, as a son, will feel bad about it.

So, from today, you can enjoy your old age in China! If you are destined to live a long life, then I, as a son, am naturally very happy.

But if you are destined to live less than 100 years old and die soon, as a son, I will naturally send you the last ride in a beautiful way!”

Hearing this, Ferdie Joules hated him to the bone.

How could he not know what his son’s words meant?

Although the other party’s words are high-sounding, the essence is nothing more than the words, “Don’t come back and die in China!”

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