The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3963

Chapter 3963

Chapter 3963

For ordinary people, it is basically impossible to get the contact information of a top rich man like Lord Wade.

However, it was not difficult for Desmond Evans to find out Lord Wade’s contact information.

Soon, he got Lord Wade’s mobile phone number.

Immediately afterwards, he called Lord Wade without hesitation.

At this time, Lord Wade was talking with Charlie. As soon as the phone rang, he picked it up and looked at it and found that it was an American number.

He couldn’t help frowning, and said to Charlie, “Charlie, I’ll answer the call.”

Charlie nodded and made a pleasant gesture.

Lord Wade answered the phone and said, “Hello, who is it?”

On the other end of the phone, Desmond Evans said with a smile, “Hello, Uncle Wade!”

Lord Wade was a little puzzled for a moment.

A strange number called, and as soon as the phone connected up, he called himself Uncle Wade.

Could it be the child of an old friend?

While surprised, he suddenly felt that the other party’s voice sounded familiar.

It felt like the man who was kicked out by Jasmine at the auction today.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly made a mouth shape to Charlie, and there were only two words in his mouth, “Desmond Evans”.

Immediately, he turned on the speaker and asked, “Who are you?”

Desmond Evans said humbly, “Uncle Wade, I am Desmond Evans, and Lily Evans is my sister.”

“Ah?” Lord Wade asked, pretending to be surprised, “You…are you Lily’s younger brother?”

“Yes.” Desmond Evans said hurriedly, “We are five siblings in total, and I am the second eldest.”

Lord Wade suddenly realized, “So that’s the case… How can you have my phone number?”

Desmond Evans explained, “I asked someone to get your phone number, so I called you.

If there is anything rash, please don’t take offense.”

“It’s nothing, nothing.” Lord Wade sighed, “Lily is our Wade family’s daughter-in-law after all, and you are her younger brother, that’s our Wade family’s relative, so don’t be so polite to me.”

If Lord Wade had said this to the Evans family before today, the Evans family would have sneered.

Because apart from Lily Evans, the other Evans family members did not consider the Wade family as relatives at all.

At the beginning, Lord Wade, as an elder, took the initiative to get close to Charlie’s second uncle at the Swedish summit, but he was even scolded.

From this, it can be seen that the Evans family really despised the Wade family.

However, Desmond Evans is now asking for Lord Wade, so when he heard Lord Wade’s words, he was suddenly relieved.

He felt that the old man of the Wade family really gave the Evans family a face.

This also made him relax a lot, so he said on the phone, “Uncle Wade, you are right, our two families are relatives, but we haven’t moved around for so many years, and we will have more opportunities in the future.”

“Yes, yes.” Lord Wade is also an old fox, and naturally he will not lose to anyone in the scene, so he said very politely, “Desmond, you suddenly called me on my phone, there must be something wrong, right? We’re all family, let’s not be so polite, just say anything.”

Desmond Evans said with a smile, “Uncle Wade is really a humble person, so I won’t be polite to you!”

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