The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3965

Chapter 3965

Chapter 3965

Seeing that Desmond Evans was unwilling to disclose the purpose of buying the medicine, Lord Wade followed Charlie’s previous instructions and prepared to accept Desmond Evans casually, and then give him a trick.

Desmond Evans also knew in his heart that Lord Wade must be hiding something from himself, so he said, “Uncle Wade, if you can help with this matter, the Evans family will definitely not treat you badly!”

After speaking, Desmond Evans said again, “I heard that the Wade family lost a lot of money due to the Dragon Temple some time ago.

If the Evans family helps, it won’t take long to make up for the loss!”

Desmond Evans thought he knew very well the mentality of the rich suddenly plummeting.

The mentality of many rich people is actually no different from that of gamblers.

Once the assets fluctuate greatly, the mentality will change greatly.

The Wade family lost half of their net worth all at once, and Lord Wade, the head of the family, must be troubled, and he dreams of recovering this part of the loss.

However, it is easy to lose half of the property overnight, but it may take ten or twenty years or even longer to recover this half of the property.

If the Evans family pulled Lord Wade a little, then Lord Wade would definitely be grateful.

Desmond Evans’s speculation is not wrong, but he completely misestimated the situation of the Wade family.

If the Wade family really lost half of their property, Lord Wade would definitely rack his brains to make up for the loss.

But the actual situation is that the strength of the Wade family has not been affected in any way.

On the contrary, if you include Charlie’s strength, Charlie’s assets, and Charlie’s connections, the Wade family’s strength is more than double.

Therefore, he didn’t feel anything at all about the olive branch that Desmond Evans threw.

So, he said righteously to Desmond Evans, “Desmond, you are my relative, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, and I don’t want to use this to talk to you about any conditions.

Please, this matter is really beyond my ability, all I can do is to help you pay attention to inquiries, the others are indeed beyond my ability.”

Desmond Evans remembered that Lord Wade had been rushing to cooperate more with the Evans family, but every time he showed his favor, he was rejected by the old man without hesitation.

Just when he thought that Lord Wade was trying to get hold of it and was thinking about how to change his rhetoric, Charlie gave Lord Wade a sign of hanging up, and Lord Wade immediately said to Desmond Evans, “Desmond, I still have something to do, let’s talk another day.”

After speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Desmond Evans to respond.

Desmond Evans was caught off guard on the other end of the phone.

Apart from the old man, there seems to be no other person who hung up his phone so rudely.

Just when he was angry and a little undecided, Lord Wade on the other side put the phone back in his pocket and said to Charlie, “The Evans family is really used to being arrogant, and they avoided me as

a poor relative in the early years.

Now they have come to ask me to do things, and the arrogance in their bones has not changed.”

Charlie said lightly, “If my uncle can shout at the scene that he can give 370 billion to take the Rejuvenating pill away, we can see that they are really arrogant, so arrogant that they don’t put the rules made by others on the spot.

In their eyes, they always feel that as long as there is enough money, any rules will change for them.”

Having said that, Charlie smiled slightly and said casually, “It doesn’t matter, since they feel good about themselves, let them go.”

Immediately, Charlie said again, “By the way, Grandpa, I’m going to the United States in two days, and it may take more than a month to come back.

It’s hard for you to take care of the Wade family’s affairs.”

Lord Wade asked curiously, “Charlie, why are you going to the United States all of a sudden? Shouldn’t you be going to the Evans family to meet them?”

Charlie shook his head and smiled, “How come? I will accompany Claire to attend a Master class.”

Lord Wade nodded and said, “Okay, don’t worry about the Wade family’s side.

As for your uncle’s side, I won’t rush to find him anyway.

If he wants to find me, I will definitely not see him.”

“Okay.” Charlie stood up and said, “Grandpa, it’s getting late, you should rest early, and I should go home.

When are you going back to Eastcliff, I will go to the airport to see you off.”

Lord Wade said, “Don’t worry about me, an old man like me sleeps less, and wakes up naturally at five o’clock in the morning.

After waking up, I can eat whatever I want, and go to the airport.

Don’t come to see me specially.”

Charlie thought about it, it was indeed a bit early to go to the airport at five or six o’clock, so he nodded and said, “Grandpa, since this is the case, then I won’t send you off, and I will go to Eastcliff to see you when I come back from the United States.”

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