The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3971

Chapter 3971

Chapter 3971

Until Charlie and Claire returned to the room after having dinner with Kelly West, the mysterious person who sent the text message still did not give Charlie any reply.

Charlie also tried to make a call quietly, but the other party’s phone was still turned off.

Charlie was still a little uneasy, so he sent another text message to this number, and the text message wrote, “If you are Jenny’s friend and it is a kind reminder, please tell me some more specific information, thanks.”

The text message was sent out, always like a rock sinking into the sea.

Claire was still a little tired because of the day’s journey, so after taking a bath, she couldn’t bear the sleepiness and went to bed.

After Charlie took a shower, wrapped in a bathrobe, he came to the terrace of the presidential suite on the top floor of the building, watching the lights outside, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Although he came to Providence for the first time, New York, two or three hundred kilometers away from Providence, was the city where his grandfather’s family settled.

And the San Francisco Bay Area on the west coast, thousands of kilometers away, is the Stanford University where his mother Lily Evans has studied, and the Silicon Valley that created her own legend.

After more than 20 years, he came to the United States again, and his thoughts about his mother poured out uncontrollably like a tide.

He remembered the little things he had with his parents when he was a child.

At the same time as blood dripped in his heart, he couldn’t help but ask himself again, who killed his parents back then, and what was the other party’s motive.

In addition, he also wanted to know that the Wade family was second to none in the country at the time, and the Evans family stood at the top of the pyramid in the world.

With the backing of these two families, why could his parents still be killed?

Thinking of this, Charlie had mixed feelings in his heart.

Even if he already has the means to reach the sky, what can he do?

Still can’t find out what happened back then, and what was the secret behind it.

If he can get his parents’ lives back, he is willing to give up everything he owns, even if he gives up the “Apocalyptic Book”, he has no resentment.

It’s a pity that this world would not give him a chance to exchange.

When he sighed, his cell phone suddenly rang.

He thought that it might be a text message sent by the mysterious person, but he didn’t expect it to be another strange phone number starting with 1.

Charlie retracted his thoughts, pressed the answer button, and asked cautiously, “Hello, who is it?”

Orion Exeor’s voice came from the other end of the phone, “Master Wade, it’s me, Orion Exeor.”

Charlie was stunned for a moment, and asked respectfully, “Mr. Exeor, it is so late, how do you have time to call me?”

Orion Exeor hurriedly said, “Master Wade, I have an important matter that I don’t dare to delay, so I called you as soon as possible.”

Charlie hurriedly asked, “Mr. Exeor, if there is something important, please say it directly.”

Orion Exeor said solemnly, “Your grandfather called me just now and asked me about the Rejuvenating pill.”

“My grandfather?” Charlie frowned and asked, “Did my uncle tell him about the Rejuvenating pill after he went back?”

“Yes.” Orion Exeor said, “Your grandfather said that he wants to buy a Rejuvenating pill, and I hope I can help match it.”

Charlie asked him, “Mr. Exeor, have you asked him why he wants to buy Rejuvenating pill?”

“I asked.” Orion Exeor said, “But your grandfather said that it is inconvenient to disclose.

I speculate that it is most likely that he needs it himself, but he cannot let the outside world know that his current health is in a condition.”

After speaking, Orion Exeor said again, “He came to me to know how the Rejuvenating pill I got at the beginning came from, but I have already told him that this matter is secret, and it is inconvenient to disclose it.

And I also clearly told him that if he wants to get a Rejuvenating pill, he must sign up for next year’s Rejuvenating pill auction.

But I was afraid that he would monitor my phone, so I changed a cell phone number that no one knew about and called you.

In addition, you don’t need to contact me with my previous mobile phone in the future.

Even my family doesn’t know this mobile phone number.

If you have anything, you can call me on this number.”

“Okay!” Charlie responded and said, “Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Exeor.”

“It should be!” Orion Exeor said, “I just gave your grandpa a calculation.

He has indeed been in trouble recently.

The next two or three years will be more dangerous as a whole, but in a short period of time, there should be no danger, so don’t worry too much, if there is any urgent situation over there, I will convey it to you as soon as possible.”

“Okay, Mr. Exeor, you have worked hard.”

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