The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3980

Chapter 3980

Chapter 3980

After speaking, she immediately said to the other two girls: “You two catch her for me, and I will teach this bitch personally!”

Aaron hurriedly begged: “Andrea, I really didn’t mean that…”

Andrea said coldly: “I don’t care what you mean, today I’ll give you two choices, either get out of the way, or beat that bitch for me!”

Aaron hesitated for a while, then seemed to make up his mind, then he clenched his fists, looked at Claudia, and scolded: “Claudia, I have never chased you, but you actually said in front of my girlfriend and her friends that I am harassing you.

Since you started this, don’t blame me for the consequences!”

Seeing this, Andrea wiped a successful smile from the corner of her mouth, and then said to the two girls beside her: “You two go and catch that bitch, I will take a close-up of her!”

Claudia was a little panicked at this time, and subconsciously took a few steps back, but at the same time she clenched her fists even tighter.

She knew very well that Andrea Rosea was definitely not joking.

This girl looks harmless, but in fact, she is extremely bad.

On weekdays, she often bullied those Chinese classmates who were studying abroad alone, and it was even more common for her to engage in bullying at school.

She can’t count the classmates she has bullied at school, and she does have some background in her family, so many things can be settled, and ordinary people really can’t provoke her.

At this moment, Lisa suddenly stopped in front of Claudia without hesitation, and then looked at Charlie who was silent with help-seeking eyes.

She didn’t understand why brother Charlie, who had always been angry about evil, why he didn’t act after seeing Claudia being bullied by these questionable teenagers.

In fact, Charlie didn’t want to watch this happen, he just wanted to take the opportunity to understand and observe this girl named Claudia.

On the one hand, you can take a look at the girl’s behavior, and on the other hand, you can take the opportunity to learn some information related to her life experience.

In the process of insulting Claudia just now, these people did reveal some information inadvertently.

For example, although Claudia is of mixed race, she should have been studying in a school with more Chinese, so she is a classmate with these Chinese teenagers;

For another example, the identity of Claudia’s father during his lifetime turned out to be a member of the Italian Mafia, and even through Andrea Rosea’s behavior of flattering Claudia, it can be seen that Claudia’s father was in the mafia during his lifetime.

He must also have been a figure high in the ranks.

Charlie even guessed that Claudia might still have some skills.

Because even though her figure is a little thin, in Charlie’s opinion, the hidden strength of her body is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and it seems that she has not practiced less.

Charlie even thought that, despite the clamoring of these four questionable teenagers, they were really fighting, and the four together might not be Claudia’s opponent.

However, when Charlie suddenly looked at Lisa and saw that Lisa seemed to be full of doubts and confusion about him, he knew that he would definitely not be able to continue watching like this.

He understood that Jenny, not knowing what to do, would have been disappointed in him if he just stood there and did nothing.

So, Charlie stepped forward immediately, stood in front of Aaron, and said lightly, “I see that you are all Chinese, and you are away from home.

Didn’t your parents teach you to keep a low profile?”

Andrea rolled her eyes, and said with a look of disdain: “Gross.

Who are you? What does auntie do to take care of you?”

Charlie frowned, looked at Aaron, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said seriously: “Little brother, your girlfriend’s mouth is awful, why have you not hit it? Are you waiting for the New Year?”

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