The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4003

Chapter 4003

Chapter 4003

Charlie knew that Rhowell must be thinking about the two million he promised, so he would not do anything to Jenny tonight.

As he expected, nothing happened.

After getting up, Charlie received a call from Wesley.

When the call was connected, Wesley said respectfully, “Mr. Wade, more than 200 soldiers of Dragon Temple and I have arrived in Vancouver, and are ready to be dispatched by you at any time!”

Charlie asked in surprise, “Why are you here?”

Wesley hurriedly said, “There is nothing urgent for the time being in the Middle East.

You are in a hurry to get soldiers here, so I brought them here in person.”

With that said, Wesley asked again, “Mr. Wade, what are your requirements, please feel free to instruct us, and we will do our best!”

Charlie said, “You and your brothers find a place to stay first, and wait for my instructions for the specific arrangements.”

Wesley said without hesitation, “Okay, Mr. Wade, if you have any needs, please contact me at any time!”

After hanging up Wesley’s call, Charlie was about to wash up when he suddenly felt that someone was eavesdropping at his door.

From the other party’s breathing rate and habits, Charlie could tell that it was Claudia.

So, he walked to the door, and while Claudia was still eavesdropping, he pulled the door open.

Claudia, who was eavesdropping at the door of the room, heard the movement of the door, and it was too late to run, so she looked at Charlie embarrassedly, and said with a bit of panic, “Brother Charlie… Sorry, I……”

Charlie smiled slightly and said lightly, “If you have anything to do with me, just come in and tell me.”

Claudia nodded quickly and entered Charlie’s room.

As soon as she entered the room, she asked in a low voice, “Brother Charlie, can you tell me about your plan for today? If there is anything that needs my cooperation, please tell me in advance!”

Charlie shook his head and said lightly, “I have already arranged it, you can go to the store with Jenny normally during the day, and you don’t need to worry about anything else.

Before I go to the casino at night, I will arrange for someone to protect Jenny.

I will never let Jenny encounter any danger.”

Claudia put down a little, and asked nervously, “Brother Charlie, what are you going to do with Rhowell?”

Charlie looked at her and asked seriously, “He is the culprit who killed your parents and two younger brothers.

What do you want me to do with him?”

Claudia shook her head and murmured, “I don’t know… I used to think of my parents and two younger brothers who were poisoned to death and burned beyond recognition by the fire, and I wanted to kill him myself.

But when I calmed down, I felt that if my parents were alive, they might not want me to avenge them in that way…”

Saying that, Claudia paused for a while, and added, “If he and the mastermind behind the scenes can be punished by the law, that should be the fairest and most justice solution.”

Charlie smiled slightly and asked, “Claudia, according to Canadian law, if Rhowell pleads guilty and falls under the law, what kind of sentence will he face?”

“Canada has abolished the death penalty, so if he pleads guilty, he should be jailed for life,” Claudia said.

Charlie asked again, “Do you think it’s reasonable?”

Claudia hesitated for a moment with a tangled expression, but nodded and said, “I think it’s reasonable…”

Charlie said indifferently, “I don’t think it’s reasonable.”

With that said, he said with a grim expression, “It’s not that I disrespect the laws here, it’s just that since he targeted my sister, I have to use my own means to make him pay more!”

At this moment, Claudia saw from Charlie’s expression a majesty and courage that could not tolerate any provocation.

She couldn’t help but envy Jenny in her heart, how lucky she was to have a brother like Charlie.

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