The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4011

Chapter 4011

Chapter 4011


When Andre heard Charlie’s words, he stood up in a hurry, and blurted out, “Are you sure it will return to China in the early morning?!”

Charlie said, “I came to buy this ship to bring it back to China.

I can’t just buy it and leave it at the Vancouver pier, right?”

After saying that, Charlie said casually, “Would you like me to call and tell the captain to let him not set sail for the time being?”

How dare Andre let Charlie call out at this time?

If Charlie made a phone call and asked the other party to call the police, it would be difficult for him to deal with the outcome.

After all, Charlie is a foreigner, and he is not a smuggler or an illegal immigrant.

If he cheated him out of so much money, if he really called the police, it may not end well.

Moreover, China’s embassies abroad have always attached great importance to the safety and rights of their citizens abroad.

If the embassy finds out about such a big thing, they will definitely put pressure on the Vancouver police, and then they will take Charlie’s money.

It is even more difficult to settle.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to force Charlie to sign all the transfer agreements clearly while this matter is still not out of his control.

As long as he has obtained a reasonable and legal property rights file, it is difficult for the police to break up this matter.

So, the top priority now is to keep the ship first! Then he can force Charlie to sign off all the files!

In this way, even if the police investigates later, he can take out these files signed by Charlie himself and tell the police that this is a normal debt problem between the two, which is reasonable and legal, and no one has the right to interfere.

Because of this, he couldn’t let Charlie communicate with the outside world.

Seeing that Charlie was going to get the phone, he rushed over first, grabbed Charlie’s phone, and said coldly, “Mr.

Wade, you can’t contact anyone until there is a solution!”

Charlie asked in a cold voice, “Since I lost to you today, I’d like to accept the bet, but you won’t even let me make a phone call, isn’t that a bit too much?”

Andre showed his fierceness suddenly, gritted his teeth and said, “You owe me the money, but you still want to call outside? I’ll tell you, from now on, you must obey my orders and don’t dare to play tricks with me.

Be careful or I’ll ruin you!”

After that, he looked at Rhowell and instructed, “Let everyone in the casino get ready, set off immediately with me to the pier, and take this ship with me no matter what!”

Rhowell immediately said, “Yes boss! I’ll go call the brothers now!”

Andre hurriedly stopped him and asked, “How many brothers are there in the field?!”

Rhowell thought for a while and said, “Twenty or thirty!”

“Not enough!” Andre said without hesitation, “Call some more people, no matter where they are, let them rush to the pier right now!”

Rhowell hurriedly asked, “Boss, how many people do you want?!”

Andre was afraid that there would be any mistakes in this matter, and said quickly, “For a freighter of more than 10,000 tons, there are more than ten or twenty crew members on board.

If we have fewer people, I am afraid that the odds of winning will not be enough.

In addition, we must beware of dock workers.

So at least two or three hundred people must be summoned, the more the better!”

Rhowell blurted out, “Boss, we already have some brothers at the wharf.

Today is the day to go to sea to deliver ‘goods’.

The brothers at the wharf are staring at the batch of ‘goods’, and a whole group of people have already set off to pick up new ones.

When they meet at the dock, there will be at least thirty or forty people left.”

Andre nodded and instructed, “Then call more people over there, the more the better, there is no room for mistakes tonight!”

Rhowell understood the boss’s intention, and immediately said, “Then I will order them to go on, and let the other brothers hurry over.”

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