The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4028

Chapter 4028

Chapter 4028

At this moment, he deeply realized that all his fantasies were completely shattered, and this time he was bound to die!

It’s just that he really couldn’t understand why Charlie knew that he was going to do something to Jenny!

He subconsciously asked Charlie, “Did you lose money in the casino twice because you were acting on purpose?!”

Charlie smiled sarcastically, “Of course, since I want to fish, how can I not prepare some bait?”

While Rhowell was horrified, he couldn’t help frowning and asked, “I don’t understand…you are not in Canada, how did you know all this? This matter is within our organization.

Even within the organization, only a few people know about our secrets! And they don’t know you at all, and they can’t reveal the information to you!”

Claudia on the side said coldly, “Rhowell, do you think I don’t know what you are doing? I have already discovered the mark you made at Aunt Lewis’s door! And what does that code mean? I know it too! I told Mr. Wade to come to Canada to protect Jenny!”

Rhowell waited for Claudia with a split canthus, and scolded, “It turned out to be you! Claudia, before today, you should not have known that I killed your whole family, and you came back after missing for a while.

I see this ghostly look on your face, I feel that you are pitiful and wanted to let you go, but I never thought that you would actually take revenge! If only I knew this, I would have killed you with my own fucking hands!”

Claudia stretched out her hand behind her right ear with a little force, and then tore down the scar on her right cheek spread all the way to her neck.

Rhowell trembled in fright, and blurted out, “You…you are pretending! This…what the hell is going on…”

“What’s the matter?” Claudia asked angrily with tears in her eyes, “You must think that I just got away with being burned, and it is impossible to find out the truth, right?”

Rhowell didn’t say anything, but his eyes were full of surprise.

Obviously, Claudia had what he had in mind.

At this time, Claudia said coldly, “When the house caught fire, the first thing I thought of was not to run for my life, but to wake up my sleeping parents and two younger brothers, but they were all dead at that time.

From that moment, I knew that they must have been killed by you!”

Rhowell’s eyes widened and he blurted out, “Since you knew that I killed them, you still dare to go back to Vancouver after this incident.

Were you trying to get revenge on me?”

“Of course!” Claudia gritted her teeth while weeping, “The reason why I came back was to find a chance to kill you! For a while, I would tie a few aluminum foil bags full of gasoline to my body every day, and I would also keep a pocket knife and a lighter in my pocket, and want to puncture those foil bags at the right opportunity, then set them on fire and die with you!”

Speaking of this, Claudia glanced at Jenny and said to Rhowell, “But you still have a big fate! During that time, every time you appeared in front of me, you came to look for Jenny.

Sister Jenny and Aunt Lewis have always taken special care of me, for fear that I will not think about it and that I will be bullied, so they have never given me a chance to meet you alone, otherwise, I would have burned you to death with my own hands!”

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