The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4043

Chapter 4043

Chapter 4043

The young man looked at Charlie and said with a look of panic, “You… Who are you… I have no grievances with you, why are you attacking me?”

Charlie smiled and said, “No grievances and no grudges? Among the six girls you are going to trade from the Italian group today, one of them is my sister.

You still have the face to tell me that you have no grievances and no grudges?”

Having said that, Charlie took the pistol directly from Wesley’s hand and fired a shot at his right leg.

With a bang, the young man’s right leg was hit, and along with his painful screams, a large amount of blood quickly poured out of the hole.

The young man said in great pain, “I’m just here to pick up a few people, I don’t know anything about other things…”

“Really?” Charlie aimed the gun at his left leg and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

After a shot was fired, the young man hugged his legs hysterically and cried, and he almost fainted from the pain.

Charlie said coldly at this time, “Anything I don’t want to hear, I’ll punch a hole between your legs!”

The other party was frightened and cried, trembling and pleading, “Don’t…don’t…I …I’ll tell you everything…”

Charlie said coldly, “First of all, introduce yourself, what’s your name, and where do you come from.”

The other party cried and said, “I…my name is Cleavan Cox…the third Young Master of the Cox family in Seattle…”

“Cox family?” Charlie frowned and asked Wesley, “Wesley, do you know the Cox family?”

Wesley pondered for a moment, and said, “It seems to be a bit of an impression.

This Chinese family is not too strong, and the total assets are estimated to be 20 to 30 billion US dollars.

However, the development has been very fast in recent years, and the total assets are estimated to have been fast growing.

It’s close to a hundred billion dollars, and it has a certain influence on the West Coast.”

Charlie nodded, looked at Cleavan Cox, and said coldly, “Since your family has assets of hundreds of billions, why do you still do this kind of shameful thing? Is it for excitement?”

Cleavan Cox cried and said, “No… I didn’t do it… I am just helping my eldest brother pick up someone… I don’t know anything else…”

Charlie asked coldly, “Who did your eldest brother ask you to pick up?”

Cleavan Cox didn’t dare to hide it, and said quickly, “In the materials submitted by the Italian group this time, there is a girl named Jenny.

My elder brother asked me to take her to New York…”

Charlie had heard from members of the Italian group before that the other party would dispatch a yacht to pick them up, and there was a high probability that a big man with a background had been attracted to a certain girl in this transaction.

Now that Cleavan Cox mentioned Jenny’s name, he thought it was his eldest brother who thought badly about Jenny.

So, he immediately put a gun to Cleavan Cox’s forehead and asked, “Isn’t your Cox family in Seattle? Why did your elder brother ask you to send Jenny to New York? Seattle to New York spans the entire United States, at least 4,000 kilometers.”

Cleavan Cox hurriedly said, “He said that a big man in New York attracted to that Jenny, and the other party hoped that my elder brother would send her over as soon as possible, so my elder brother asked me to come over to pick her up, and let me be responsible for the inspection…”

“Inspection?” Charlie slapped Cleavan Cox in the face, directly knocking out seven or eight of his teeth, and asked sharply, “Are you still in charge of inspection? Are you fucking tired of living?”

Cleavan Cox hurriedly cried and explained, “It’s not what you think… My eldest brother asked me to inspect her, to see with my own eyes Jenny’s actual appearance.

To make sure that her actual appearance is the same as the photo.

If there is any discrepancy, I’ll contact him immediately, and he will send a seaplane over to take Jenny directly to New York…”

After speaking, he choked with grievances and said, “I would never dare to mess around with girls who are generally favored by big people…”

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