The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4125

Chapter 4125

Chapter 4125

In order to make sure that nothing goes wrong, Charlie took out Patrick’s information sent by Wesley in his mobile phone, opened Patrick’s photo, handed it to Hattori and the other ninjas, then said, “You remember this person well.

When he comes, you wait for him to come in, kill all his subordinates, if he comes over by himself, just tie him up and bring him to me, understand?”

Kazuo Hattori didn’t dare say anything, he nodded and said, “Master Wade, don’t worry, I understand.”

Charlie nodded, and said, “If he asks people to come to check for him, you don’t have to do anything, just let them in.”

“Okay!” Hattori Kazuo solemnly agreed, and then stared at Patrick’s photo carefully before he said, “Master Wade, I have memorized Patrick’s appearance!”

Charlie nodded slightly, waved his hand and said, “Since you have memorized it clearly, then there is nothing to do, so go!”

Kazuo Hattori breathed a sigh of relief, and said quickly, “Master Wade, I’ll retreat first…”

After all, he quickly retreated with the seven people.

As soon as they left, Stefanie asked impatiently, “Charlie, that Patrick, why did he want to kidnap me?!”

Charlie said coldly: “When I was in Canada, I was tracking the whereabouts of Charlson Cox, but this kid disappeared after he came to New York.

I just found out that Patrick turned out to be connected to Charlson Cox’s family.

They are dedicated to kidnapping and mutilating little girls for fun, and the means are extremely cruel.

It seems that you are their next target.”

Stefanie gritted her teeth and said, “This guy is too vicious! He acted in such a big fashion to lie to me! It’s so hateful!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Stefanie, don’t worry, I will make him pay the greatest price.”

Stefanie couldn’t help but ask, “Charlie, what are your plans next? Are you going to kidnap Patrick?”

Charlie nodded and said firmly: “I will definitely not let them go, but now I don’t know the specific whereabouts of Charlson Cox, since Patrick is here, let’s take this opportunity to give him a call first.”

Stefanie reminded, “Charlie, the Joules family is very powerful, and it is the second largest Chinese family in North America after the Evans.

If you move their Young Master, this matter will bring you trouble.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Charlie smiled casually, “We didn’t take the people, we were just witnesses.”

Hogan couldn’t help but admire, “Master Wade, this method is wonderful! When Patrick comes over, those ninjas kidnap him, and even the six bodyguards who died just now can be counted among them.

We just need to play a good show in front of the police, and we can watch the fire from the other side!”

Hogan said again, “Young Master Wade, in that case, I dare to suggest that you don’t bring these ninjas back.

If the Joules family traces them to you, this matter will be exposed sooner or later.”

Charlie nodded in agreement, and said, “There is indeed such a risk.”

Charlie asked Hogan, “Uncle Hogan, what advice do you have?”

Hogan hurriedly said, “I heard that a Japanese ninja just now said that the person who invited them here is the Charlson Cox you’ve been looking for, right?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded.

Hogan added, “Young Master Wade, you have never been able to find Charlson Cox’s whereabouts.

In my opinion, Charlson Cox is probably hiding in the Joules family home to advise Patrick, and the Joules family is strong and has many industries.

Their home is heavily guarded.

It’s really not easy for him to come out.”

Charlie said in agreement, “Yes, I now suspect that Charlson Cox has been hiding in Joules’s house.”

Hogan said, “Since you intend to let these ninjas kidnap Patrick, then you might as well let your subordinates control these ninjas too, and let them ask the Joules family for a huge ransom, and then let them evaporate, then The Joules family will naturally think that it is these ninjas who kidnapped Patrick, so they will follow the ninjas to investigate.”

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