The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4127

Chapter 4127

Chapter 4127

Hogan’s analysis made Charlie unable to help but admire, “Uncle Hogan, your idea is really great! We will do as you say!”

Cherie couldn’t help but say, “Mr. Wade… Didn’t Hattori Kazuo say just now that the scum named Charlson Cox is waiting for him to send people to the dock? Just grab Patrick here first, Why not go to the pier to catch Charlson Cox? Why is it so troublesome?”

Hogan smiled and said, “Miss Cherie, reality is different from the movie.

In Young and Dangerous, he often took his younger brother to hack people in person.

This kind of thing is rare in reality.

There are very few, most of the organized crime has a very strict internal hierarchy and a very clear division of labor.

Everyone has their own division of labor and responsibilities.

How could the attacker risk putting himself in danger?”

Charlie also nodded and said, “If Charlson Cox would personally go to the pier to meet the Iga Ninja, then this person would not be alive today.

In my opinion, not only will he not go to the pier, but he has already made a complete plan saying, Maybe when these ninjas appear, they will be killed directly.”

Cherie laughed awkwardly: “Okay… I think too much…”

She asked Charlie again, “Mr. Wade, how can you be sure that Patrick will definitely come? If he doesn’t come late, wouldn’t the plan be in vain?”

Charlie said seriously, “It depends on who loses his temper first.”

Charlie looked at Stefanie and said with a smile, “Stefanie, help me perform a play later!”


At this moment, Hattori Kazuo and others have loaded the bodies of the six bodyguards into the garbage truck through the prepared internal passage.

In order to ensure that the matter would not be exposed, Hattori Kazuo forced Rudolph Brown to clear all the surrounding areas, so there were no other staff activities nearby, which also greatly facilitated them.

Afterwards, Kazuo Hattori and the others, according to Charlie’s request, pretended to be waiters again, returned to the vicinity of the VIP room, and continued the cleaning work.

In the banquet hall at this time, Patrick was anxiously waiting for the news that the ninja had succeeded.

Originally, Charlson Cox’s plan was that after Kazuo Hattori succeeded, he would take the person away in a garbage truck.

He would send a text message to Charlson Cox to inform him that the matter had been successful, and Charlson Cox would also reply to Patrick with a secret message with the good news relayed to him.

In this way, Patrick doesn’t have to have any contact with Kazuo Hattori in the whole process.

When the time comes, the person disappears, and Rudolph Brown will take the blame.

He just needs to pretend that he doesn’t know anything, and no one will think of him.

Therefore, Patrick is now only looking forward to Charlson Cox’s reply.

However, seeing that the Vice President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce had finished speaking, and President Dean was halfway through, it was his turn to speak on the stage.

But I still haven’t received any news.

The efficiency of this ninja is really disappointing.

At this time, Patrick was even more nervous.

He was nervous, not because he was giving a speech in front of so many people, but because he knew very well that according to the process that he had set up with Stefanie Sun, and even with the two presidents of the Chinese Business Association, when his speech came to the end, he would Publicly announce tonight’s charity dinner, and a heavyweight VIP.

Immediately afterwards, he needed to announce on the stage that he had invited a heavyweight VIP to appear.

And at that time, Stefanie Sun will come out of the lounge and walk directly to the stage, dropping a bombshell on the audience and pushing the charity dinner tonight to a climax.

Of course, this process is under the premise of no accident.

The real process is actually that before Patrick took the stage, Kazuo Hattori had to complete the task and kidnap Stefanie Sun.

Afterwards, he receives the code word from Charlson Cox, and gives a speech with confidence and boldness.

At the end, he publicly announces the heavyweight VIP tonight, and then invites the VIP to appear.

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