The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4207

Chapter 4207

Chapter 4207

Since Charlson was also captured by the Dragon Temple, Charlie was in no hurry to go to New York.

The first thing is to let Hattori Kazuo cut off Charlson’s ears and lock him up with Patrick, so that the two of them can have a good night of shock and then wait until Charlie goes to New York and then break them down one by one.

The day after Charlie asked Hattori to kidnap Patrick, Stefanie put the matter behind her and focused on preparing for the next concert.

Today, she was busy with the concert.

In order to have better cooperation with the team, her agency rented a dance center in New York, specifically for Stefanie to rehearse choreography with her backup dancers.

After returning to the hotel in the evening, Stefanie had just finished washing up and was ready to rest, when her assistant Cherie knocked on the door and said to her, “Stefanie, Mr. >Roger Joules from the Joules family called and wants to invite you to their home for a meal tomorrow at noon.”

“Roger Joules?” Stefanie frowned slightly and asked, “Is it Patrick’s father?”

“That’s right.” Cherie nodded and said, “It’s him, what he means is that Patrick’s grandfather is eager to meet you.”

Stefanie said without thinking, “No! Refuse it!”

Cherie was saying, “Stefanie, the Joules family is very influential in New York, It’s not appropriate to refuse directly I’m afraid…”

“What’s inappropriate?” The always modest Stefanie, showed a rare expression of disgust and disdain and said coldly “How influential their family is, has nothing to do with me, I do not ask him to lend me

money, I do not ask him to do things, he is not the richest man in the world, I do not need to give him respect!”

“They invited me to dinner, what exactly is the intention without guessing, just want to take this opportunity to side-step from me to find out how in the end Patrick disappeared, or maybe, want to find out about Charlie, I will not give them any opportunity to take advantage of it!”

Cherie said helplessly “If we leave New York tomorrow even leave the United States, it does not even need you to speak, I directly want them to refuse, but we still have a lot of concerts in the United States, I’m really afraid that the Joules family will give us a trip…”

Stefanie lightly said “It’s okay, we are not accustomed to their problems, you just refuse the rest, the soldiers to block, water to cover up!”

“Yes.” Cherie nodded and said, “Hearing you speak is a boost, I’ll give a reply!”

Cherie walked out of Stefanie’s room, picked up the phone and called Roger back, the call was answered, she said nonchalantly “Sorry Mr. >Joules, Miss Sun recently had to prepare for the performance, there are more things to do, there is no time to visit your home, please forgive me.”

Roger did not expect that this girl Stefanie Sun even dared to refuse the invitation of the Joules family, so he said with some anger, “Even if Miss Sun is busy, there is always time to have a meal, right?”

Cherie laughed and said, “Sorry, this time she is really not available. Mr. >Joules I still have something to do, I have to hang up.”

Listening to the busy tone of the disconnected phone, Roger was furious. He immediately reported to his father at the side, “Dad, that girl refused! What a daring girl!”

Floyd was also a bit annoyed and said in a cold voice, “This little girl is a bit uncaring.”

Floyd waved his hand and said in a stern voice “Isn’t she coming to New York for a concert? You arrange someone to go and buy her performance venue, and then tell her team that the entire venue will be upgraded and the performance will be postponed indefinitely, and as for the contract she signed with the venue, we will pay the price and then I will see what she can do.”

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