The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4295

Chapter 4295

Chapter 4295

But when Jack recognized Ferdie, he was dumbfounded and asked, “Mr. Joules… Mr. Joules? When did you… When did you come back?”

As a high-ranking Chinese detective in New York, Jack is naturally very familiar with Ferdie. Moreover, he also knows the inside story of the Joules family’s previous struggle for power, knows that Ferdie was overpowered by his son Floyd and he even heard that Floyd was spreading dark flowers everywhere to buy Ferdie’s head. However, he did not expect that at this moment, Ferdie was sitting safely by Floyd’s side.

This made him immediately confused, here in the end what has happened.

At this moment, Ferdie slightly arched his hand at Jack and spoke, “Thanks to Inspector Li’s concern, I just came back today.”

After that, he pointed to Michaela beside him and said with a smile, “Inspector Li, let me introduce to you, this is my most beloved granddaughter Michaela, I don’t know if you two have met.”

Jack looked at Michaela and said politely, “Hello Miss Joules, we have met before at several events, we just haven’t spoken.”

Michaela also said with great respect, “Inspector Li, I’ve heard a lot about you too but I just haven’t had the chance to get to know you.”

Ferdie spoke up at this time, “Inspector Li, Michaela has now officially become the new head of the Joules family, from now on, she alone will be in charge of the entire Joules family, If you have any matters to discuss, just talk to her directly.”

When Jack heard this, his heart was even more shocked. The fact that Ferdie could return to the United States safely already surprised him, after all, in his opinion, since Floyd had succeeded in

seizing power, he had enough strength to make it impossible for his father to ever return to the United States alive. So, it is already unbelievable that Ferdie could come back alive and it is even more bizarre and even a bit weird that Floyd would give the family headship to Michaela which he had so easily snatched.

Imagine, who would be so stupid as to give up the power, that has just been grabbed and not yet warmed up so easily?

So he thinks that the only possibility is that Floyd was also forced to give up the family headship.

But this makes him even more puzzled “Master Joules has already been taken away from his power and even has to do everything outside to avoid the pursuit and how can he be able to force Floyd, who is already sitting in a high position, to abdicate?”

“Moreover, this Floyd even if his brain is kicked by a donkey into broken tofu, It is impossible to make such a decision… Could it be that… Could it be that there is some external force, more powerful than Floyd helping Ferdie? Thinking about it seems to be the only possibility…”

Thinking of this, he could not help but think of Patrick’s kidnap before and after.

In his heart, he is more amazed, feels that both events are permeated with a strong conspiracy theory and there may even be some kind of twist that he temporarily can not see, can not touch the connection.

So, he could not help but ask Floyd “Mr. Joules, your son Patrick was kidnapped, have you thought of any new clues? Could the kidnappers not be here for the money, but for another reason?”

Floyd said awkwardly, “About this… Honestly Inspector Li, I have no clue in my mind…”

Jack intuitively thought that Floyd must not have told him the truth, however in front of Ferdie and Michaela, he could not ask about the root of the problem, so he opened his mouth and asked, “Mr. Joules, then did you prepare the cryptocurrency for the kidnappers that they requested?”

Floyd said awkwardly, “This is… Inspector Li… Now my niece Michaela is in charge… Of all the big and small affairs of the Joules family, you should ask her about this matter…”

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