The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4307

Chapter 4307

Chapter 4307

Desmond had many grievances against the Dragon Temple.

The reason for this is because the Dragon Temple had made a move against the Wade family and had also put out the word that his brother-in-law would be thrown to the ground. He is different from the second brother Marcus.

In the eyes of Marcus, he only recognizes his sister Lily and nephew Charlie. The others, even his brother-in-law, he does not put him in his eyes.

This is mainly because Marcus is younger, when his sister married Bruce, he was still in college and had little contact with his brother-in-law.

But Desmond is different, he and his sister only got two years apart, so he had a lot of contact with his brother-in-law, deep down, he still has a certain recognition of Bruce as a brother-in-law.

So, when he heard that the Dragon Temple was looking for the Wade family, he mentioned this matter to Marcus, hoping that he could put pressure on the Dragon Temple on behalf of the Evans family, so that they would not make things difficult for the Wade family. But Marcus did not agree.

The reason he did not agree was very simple, it is because he did not put the Wade family in his heart.

A long time ago, the Wade family’s old man Lord Wade once took the initiative to approach Marcus, at an elite chamber of commerce meeting, but Marcus told him explicitly, at the time, that in the Wade family he only recognizes Charlie, and no one else. Since Charlie was not found, he naturally had no reason to help the Wade family. But this incident later also gave Marcus a burst of fear, because it was so unexpected, Wesley actually wanted to go up to the Wade Mountain to his sister and brother-in- law’s remains and dig up their graves!

Fortunately, the Wade family later took the initiative to take out half of the family fortune to settle the matter, otherwise, if his sister’s remains were destroyed, Marcus could not forgive himself for the rest of his life. It was also at that time, in his heart for the Wade family his emotions more or less loosened and also with Desmond’s table attitude, if the time is right in the future, he will definitely give the Wade family some help.

Right now, Desmond heard that the Dragon Temple came again, in his heart he can not help but feel a surge of disgust.

So, he said to Jack “If it’s true that the Dragon Temple is behind this, you can’t let them get away with it.

If you can’t deal with them in the New York Police, go to the CIA and Homeland Security.

Jack said seriously “I also plan to do so, but right now there is no good opportunity, after all, I now know that the members of the Dragon Temple have arrived in New York, only Xion Banks as a person, grasped as the intelligence and evidence is seriously inadequate.”

Jack added “Moreover, there is something I still haven’t figured out until now.”

Desmond asked, “What is it?”

Jack said, “What you just said is that it is justifiable for Dragon Temple to help Master Joules seize power and make a fortune in the process, but they have no reason to kidnap Patrick, unless the person who kidnapped Patrick is someone else.”

Desmond sighed “It’s really a problem, it feels like solving a complex equation, no matter which direction to cut, it’s not right, it’s like there’s some necessary condition missing.”

Jack remembered something and asked, “Oh yes, do you remember what I told you about that star named Stefanie Sun?”

“I remember.” Desmond asked, “What’s wrong? This matter have something to do with her?”

Jack smacked his lips and said seriously, “There’s no evidence that it’s related to her yet, but I always feel some connection.”

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