The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 4309

Chapter 4309

Chapter 4309

Jack Li’s words made Desmond feel a sense of relief.

He also immediately began to mentally calculate the reasonableness of this matter.

Thinking about it, he felt that Jack Li’s point was right.

If this is all a coincidence, then the old man can no longer even be described as blessed with a great life, but simply blessed by the gods of heaven. Moreover, Stefanie’s timing was just too good.

If she had been a few minutes later, the old man would have been brain dead, all due to lack of oxygen in his brain and that he might not have been saved by the Great Golden Immortal.

In addition, she suddenly flew so far to visit Los Angeles this evening, that too makes it a bit unbelievable. After all, the east and west coasts of the United States have a distance of more than 4,000 kilometers, a distance that is farther than from China’s northernmost Desert City all the way to the southernmost Hainan Island.

It is not reasonable to come to visit across such a long distance in the middle of the night.

What’s more, Stefanie came to the United States not a day or two, if she wanted to visit, she could have arranged earlier, or simply later, when she arrived in Los Angeles for a concert and then visit the family. But she chose this time, most likely as Jack Li said, she came in a hurry after knowing that the old man was critically ill.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but say, “If that’s true, then where exactly did Miss Sun get the information from? The Evans Family has a large number of people, I certainly do not dare to guarantee that all the family members, as well as the Evans Family’s underlings are absolutely reliable, but the flow of information takes time and it cannot be this fast.”

Jack Li said “If you really want to know, then you have to start from the moment she landed in the Evans Family and reverse comb her entire line of motion, such as from which airport her plane actually took off, time of departure and then push forward from the airport, such as how exactly did she get to the airport? What time did she arrive? With whom? Then continue backward to see exactly where she departed from before going to the airport.”

Having said that, he immediately tapped in front of the computer for a while and said, “All civil aviation flight information and flight trajectories are publicly available on the internet and the same is true for private jets.

I’ll take a look now.

I’m flying from New York this afternoon.

Flights to Los Angeles.”

While speaking he identified a series of information from the website, then he operated the mouse while speaking “There are only seven private planes flying from New York to Los Angeles this afternoon and the last one that landed on the runway at Evans Estate …… Well, there are only two, the one you flew in I know and this one with registration number B9733, should be the one that Stefanie took.”

While speaking, Jack Li exclaimed “She and you surprisingly both took off from JFK, the two of you only have a 20 minute difference in takeoff time.”

When Desmond heard this, his heart was shocked. Without waiting for him to speak, Jack Li said with some excitement, “Good! Good! Finally, I’ve caught a clue! I’ll have someone check the information and surveillance of the airport, to see where this lady got the magic power to receive the news in such a short period of time!”

Desmond was slightly stunned and quickly said, “Jack Li, how about this matter ends here, don’t investigate any further.”

Jack Li was surprised and asked, “Why? This is the only clue that can be caught and I now feel more and more my judgment is certainly correct, because the old man’s critical illness came too suddenly, so this Stefanie did not have the opportunity to properly deal with the clues left behind, otherwise if you really give her enough time, so that the person is hiding behind a little bit of planning, the mechanism, then we can not even find this clue! Do you not want to find out, in the end, through what channel she knew about the old man’s critical illness?”

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