The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5230

Chapter 5230

Chapter 5230

Xion didn’t hesitate to respond, “Mr. Wade, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”

Charlie explained his plan, “In the coming days, I’ll be asking Mr. Cameron to transfer ownership of some of the villas here.

I’ll purchase them all and transform the entire Elys-Champ into a private club…”

“It won’t be open to the public anymore, and when the wedding is over, I’ll leave you a villa here.

You can concentrate on your training and when the time comes, I’ll contact you.”

Xion was curious hearing at this and she asked, “Mr. Wade, why do we need to transform such a large hot spring resort into a private club?”

Charlie explained, “Although we will call it a private club, it’s actually just a front.

I want to completely close this place off from the outside world.

I believe it’s a beautiful location and I plan to transform it into a retreat for spiritual cultivation.”

Xion was surprised and asked, “Mr. Wade, are you planning to train martial arts masters here?”

Charlie didn’t hide his intentions and simply nodded, “Yes, that’s correct.

In order to compete with the Warriors Den, we need more martial arts masters at the Dark Realm level, just like you.

My plan is to gradually transform this place into a secret training base for masters.

When the time comes, you will be the headmaster here.”

Curiosity piqued, Xion asked, “Mr. Wade, may I ask a question?”

Charlie nodded, “Go ahead…”

Xion quickly asked, “Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to establish this kind of training base in the Dragon Temple base in Syria? The Dragon Temple has hundreds of square kilometers of land there and is not subject to any control, so it would be more convenient.”

Charlie smiled and explained, “While Syria may be a good location, it’s too far away, and I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to oversee it properly.

Aurous Hill is a more suitable location.”

He continued, “However, I plan to take it step by step for now.

Everyone will focus on closed-door training in Aurous Hill.

After they’ve improved their cultivation base, they will be sent to Syria for further closed-door training.

While they’re there, they will also receive modern military training.”

Xion was surprised and asked, “Are you planning on training them in military tactics?”

“That’s correct,” Charlie replied seriously.

“Although Martial Arts Masters are rare, many of them are defenseless against modern weapons.

Therefore, the Masters we train in the future must not only be physically strong but also proficient in modern weapons.

Only by combining their martial arts skills with modern weaponry can their combat effectiveness be maximized.”

On their way back to the downtown area of Aurous Hill, Charlie called Wesley to discuss preparations for establishing the Warriors Camp.

When Wesley answered the phone, he spoke respectfully, “Mr. Wade, how may I assist you?”

Charlie stated his plan, “Wesley, I want to establish a high-level secret training base.

You need to start organizing the training center soon.”

Wesley quickly asked, “Mr. Wade, what specific requirements do you have for the training center?”

Charlie replied, “First and foremost, the level of confidentiality must be extremely high.

Even the front entrance of the base must be kept completely secret, and it would be best to construct the base completely underground.”

Wesley responded respectfully, “Mr. Wade, this can be easily taken care of.

I will find the necessary location and functions required to achieve a foolproof design with a high level of defense, and I will take care of the rest.”

Charlie added, “Secondly, we need a construction area of at least 10,000 square meters.

This will ensure that twenty to thirty people can train and live in isolation at the same time, without any issues even if they stay for a year.”

Wesley assured him, “No problem, I will make sure to provide the necessary life support systems to meet your requirements.”

Charlie asked, “When will the construction be completed?”

Wesley responded, “Mr. Wade, we are currently working overtime on the construction.

The entire base should be fully operational by next year.

I will do my best to complete the 10,000 square meters you requested by the end of this year!”

“Okay,” Charlie said, satisfied hearing at Wesley’s answer.

“I have another task for you to complete during this time.”

Wesley replied quickly, “Mr. Wade, please give the order.

My team and I will do our best.”

Charlie continued, “I want you to conduct a private and comprehensive assessment within the Dragon Temple.

You can choose 30 core members with the strongest strength, the best understanding, and the highest loyalty, and submit the list to me as soon as possible.”

Wesley responded without hesitation, “Understood, Mr. Wade! I will begin the assessment immediately.”

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