The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5347

Chapter 5347

Chapter 5347

Jagoan smiled faintly, taking two amulet rings and a piece of lightning-struck wood.

He instructed Zachary, “Wait here for a moment.”

Without delay, Jagoan entered the inner room. Within the two amulet rings, he infused them with his reiki to create a simple yet protective formation. As for the lightning-struck wood, he carefully inscribed a basic thunderbolt pattern.

With these modifications, the two jade rings transformed into protective talismans capable of warding off minor calamities, while the lightning-struck wood became a one-time-use ring that would shatter upon activation.

Returning to the living room from the inner room, Jagoan handed the two jade rings and the thunderbolt ring to Zachary, instructing him, “Take these three items and make them appear as if they were recently crafted and unearthed.”

Zachary quickly replied, “Understood, Master Wade. I’ll take care of it as soon as I return! Should I bring them back to you once they’re ready?”

“No need,” Jagoan replied nonchalantly. “Go to Antique Street and find two clever street vendors who can handle the task. Give each of them one ring to wear on their finger. One should head to the airport’s arrival hall, while the other should position themselves at the high-speed rail station’s exit. They can hold signs and act as if they’re waiting to pick up someone. It doesn’t matter who they pick up, they can just use their own names.”

Zachary looked surprised and inquired, “Master Wade, who are we going to pick up? Can we simply write our own names and not actually pick up anyone?”

Jagoan responded calmly, “I don’t want us to pick up people; I want us to wait for them!”

He then continued with a serious tone, “Zachary, what I’m about to tell you is crucial. We have to wait for someone. Listen attentively! If we handle this matter well, I promise you will find fame and fortune in the future!”

Zachary’s excitement grew, and he straightened up, respectfully declaring, “Master Wade, I am at your command! I will give it my all!”

Jagoan nodded and elaborated, “You need to pay a high price for both individuals to wait at the airport and high-speed rail station from the moment they open until they close. They must wait until someone inquires about the origin of the jade rings they’re wearing. They should explicitly state that they purchased them from you. If the other party expresses interest in buying, they should demand a price that is 100 times the actual market value and not settle for anything less.”

Though Zachary felt a bit perplexed, he grasped the essence of Jagoan’s instructions and quickly affirmed, “Master Wade, rest assured, I will carry out your orders!”

Satisfied with the progress, Jagoan handed the Thunderbolt Talisman to Zachary.

Utilizing his aura and employing psychological hints, he instructed him, “Keep this item for yourself. Take it back to your antique stall on Antique Street and continue operating as usual. However, remember this: display it prominently in your booth. When someone asks about its price, confidently demand five million without budging. If anyone inquires about the origin of the Thunderbolt Talisman, simply state that it was recently unearthed from a live dig site. It’s crucial that you firmly believe in your heart that all three items were excavated from live dig sites. Understand?”

Zachary’s eyes widened, and he nodded emphatically. “Understood!”

Jagoan could sense that the psychological suggestion had taken hold of Zachary.

He continued, “If someone attempts to purchase the lightning strike wood, inform me immediately. Likewise, if anyone tries to steal it, notify me right away.”

Zachary responded respectfully, “Of course, Master Wade! I will ensure it is done accordingly!”

With a confident smile playing on his lips, Jagoan bid farewell to Zachary and watched as he left the villa. His plan was to set a “trap” on the two gates of Aurous Hill using the two amulet rings he had given to Zachary. These rings, although not visually striking, served a purpose known only to those with the ability to perceive the hidden formations within them.

As Zachary had mentioned, the material and value of these jade wrench fingers were average, and they wouldn’t attract much attention from those unfamiliar with antiques. Therefore, the individuals wearing the amulets and holding signs at the airport and high-speed rail station would only pique the interest of a specific kind of person, the ones capable of discerning the hidden formations within the rings. Such individuals were those well-versed in the art of manipulating reiki.

Jagoan knew that, besides himself, there were only five people with such abilities. Among them, one was the Lord of the Warriors Den, and the other four were the Marshals of the Warriors Den. However, the Lord was unlikely to personally visit Aurous Hill, and one of the four marshals had already passed away. Therefore, Jagoan’s target was narrowed down to the remaining three Marshals of the Warriors Den.

With his grandparents and Maria present in Aurous Hill, the likelihood of a Marshal of the Warriors Den appearing in the city had significantly increased. Jagoan, having completed his preparations, felt a strong sense of confidence.

The airport and the high-speed rail station served as the two entrances to Aurous Hill. It was highly unlikely for the Marshals to drive in from the surrounding cities, making air travel or taking the high- speed rail the most probable means of transportation for them.

Zachary had been instructed to have two individuals stationed at these locations continuously. They might have to wait there for several consecutive days, but that didn’t matter. It was highly improbable for more than one Marshal to be sent to Aurous Hill, and even if two Marshals were dispatched, they couldn’t arrive in the city simultaneously by plane and high-speed rail.

Hence, it was inevitable that a Marshal of the Warriors Den would encounter only one of the two individuals stationed at the airport and the high-speed rail station. Although the Marshals possessed formidable power, they couldn’t possibly know that another person, kilometers away, was wearing an identical jade ring. Nor could they be aware that the individual holding the sign had been patiently waiting there for days.

Their discovery of a mystical artifact in Aurous Hill would undoubtedly fill them with pleasant surprise!

Although this seemingly ordinary amulet served as a simple magic weapon, it was natural for anyone who obtained it to wonder if it held any clues to other mystical artifacts.

Given the public nature of the Marshal’s role in the Warriors Den, he couldn’t afford to be too conspicuous in such matters. Therefore, he would discreetly inquire about the origin of the finger ring.

This would ultimately lead the Marshal to Zachary.

Once the Marshal of the Warriors Den discovered Zachary, they would find the Thunderbolt Talisman in his possession. Even if they were unfamiliar with the specific nature of the talisman, they would undoubtedly recognize its potential for offensive capabilities. It far surpassed the defensive capabilities of the amulet they previously acquired.

At that point, they would realize they had stumbled upon a true treasure. They would not hesitate to pay a high price, even if it meant several million dollars. However, at first glance, the Thunderbolt Talisman appeared to be nothing more than an ordinary piece of lightning-struck wood.

Zachary quoting a price of five million was intentionally set high. Even a wealthy individual would find it difficult to afford such an exorbitant amount, which meant that only someone who recognized its true value would consider purchasing it.

In other words, the buyer must be one of the three Marshals of the Warriors Den!

When the Marshal acquired the Thunderbolt Talisman, they would undoubtedly be filled with excitement. They would likely seek a secluded location to test its power.

Unaware of the unique properties of the Thunderbolt Talisman due to the absence of the ‘Apocalyptic Book,’ they wouldn’t know that it could only be used once.

Consequently, when they activated the Thunderbolt Talisman, it would unleash a powerful burst of thunder, obliterating the talisman itself. This would not only alert Jagoan to the fact that the Marshal had arrived but also provide him with a general sense of their location.

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