The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5488

Chapter 5488

Chapter 5488

Maria found herself perpetually puzzled by Benita’s unexpected kindness.

Ever since the night when the ring transported Benita to the upper courtyard of Zilian Villa, his demeanor towards her had shifted drastically. Not only had he generously shared his elixirs, but he also extended the gift of longevity to Marius and others. He even set aside all his pressing matters to journey alongside her to the southern province.

As for Maria, her intention was simply to visit Erlang Mountain to honor her parents. But Benita’s actions surpassed all expectations, he purchased the Celestial Group, the proprietors of Erlang Mountain. What’s more, he planned extensive renovations, ensuring a future where he could pay his respects to his parents.

For Maria, who possessed vast wealth herself, Benita’s actions transcended monetary value. His attentiveness and careful consideration indicated a deep concern for her. Her instincts didn’t mislead her, Benita held a genuine regard for her.

The debt of a life saved was only one factor, the more time they spent together, the more Benita’s sympathy for her three centuries of turmoil grew.

This empathy, she realized, could easily morph into something deeper, an aching distress.

Maria, who had lived for over three centuries, cherished one essential desire when it came to honoring her parents. She yearned to stand beside their resting place, touch the earth with her own hands, and exchange silent words with them. She craved closure, a chance to reconcile and to make up for the lost years.

After kneeling on the ground, sharing her heart with her parents for around half an hour, Maria stood up. A knowing smile graced her lips as she gazed down at the darkened earth beneath her feet.

She turned to Benita and said, “My Benita, let’s depart.”

“It’s growing late,” Benita replied, his voice soft and considerate. “If you wish to spend more time here with your parents, perhaps we should rest for the night. I can set up the tent from the car.”

“Don’t trouble yourself,” Maria responded, her gratitude evident. “While I’d love to linger with my parents, I can’t bear to have you accompany me through nights of eating and sleeping outdoors. Besides, my lineage remains nameless. How could I impose the duty of guarding ancestral spirits upon you? I’ll return here alone in due time.”

Benita dismissed her hesitation. “No need for formality. I don’t require rest, and the setting matters little. It’s late, and we should find lodging or perhaps camp in Poole City.”

Maria suddenly recalled something and looked at Benita with anticipation. “Master, Banna isn’t far from here. How about we proceed to Banna and rest by the Heaven Lake? It’s the same lake where Pucha’s mother survived a catastrophe!”

Seeing her eagerness, Benita readily agreed. “Let’s head to Banna then. It’s just a two-hour drive.”

With that settled, Benita continued, “In the meantime, let the Celestial Group staff continue tending to matters here for the next couple of days. Once Miss Banks completes the acquisition, we’ll have her gradually replace the current personnel with her own trustworthy individuals. We can also arrange for security from Dragon Temple.”

Deep gratitude emanated from Maria’s eyes. “I entrust everything to your guidance.”

And so, the two of them descended Mount Erlang together.

Awaiting them at the mountain’s base was Nicolas Garza.

Spotting their return, he hurriedly approached. “Are you both satisfied with our tea plantation?”

“With time, the quality has matured considerably,” Maria replied, her tone appreciative. “Please maintain strict security over the next couple of days. Until the acquisition is finalized, the tea trees must remain unharmed.”

Nicolas’ assurance was swift. “You can trust us. We’ve had two security teams alternating in 24-hour shifts. The tea trees’ safety is guaranteed.”

Turning to Boneng, Maria said, “Master, we should be on our way.”

Nicolas was taken aback. “The night is upon us. You needn’t rush. Let us provide you with a feast in the cafeteria, and I can arrange lodging for you both.”

Grateful but firm, Benita declined. “We appreciate your kindness, Director Garza, but we must press on. Time is of the essence.”

With their decision made, Nicolas nodded in understanding. “Very well, I won’t detain you further.”

Farewells exchanged, Benita and Maria departed from the Celestial Group’s premises in the dark, their destination set for Banna.

Finding Maria’s childhood haven, Heaven Lake, was no challenge. A sole authentic lake graced Banna, Heaven Lake.

The spot was easily spotted on a map, yet it remained less popular among tourists, given Banna’s focus on its lush forests and nature reserves. The region development lagged behind, hampered further by the presence of ancient villages yet to be relocated.

After a two-hour drive, Benita and Maria arrived at the foot of Heaven Lake. A winding road allowed them to ascend the mountainside and reach villages on the lake’s north bank. This single path served as the villages’ sole connection to the outside world.

Banna’s elevated plateau offered an average altitude of 1,500 meters. As they drove higher, they quickly reached 2,000 meters. The sky sparkled with stars, a breathtaking sight.

Maria was elated, her window rolled down as she leaned out, beholding the stars. She resembled a young girl returning to her countryside haven after summer vacation. Her contented smile was contagious, mirroring the joy on her face.

Boneng, too, was captivated by the view. City life had only revealed a handful of stars each night, far from the dazzling array above. Here, countless stars adorned the sky, the Milky Way’s grandeur on full display.

Through a series of sharp turns, Heaven Lake emerged between mountains. Its waters sparkled like a mirror, reflecting the entire sky of stars. The tranquil night burst into life. While it was nighttime, the scene before Benita felt familiar, resembling Maria’s old paintings – similar in appearance and charm.

Maria’s joy was evident as she gazed at the lake’s outline.

She turned to Benita and mused, “The lake hasn’t changed at all. Its outline remains untouched, just like before.”

“Can you locate Pu’er mother’s spot?” Benita inquired.

“Of course,” Maria affirmed. She pointed towards a section of the lake’s north bank. “Pu’er mother’s spot lies on the northern shore, around a hundred feet from the water’s edge.”

As they conversed, darkness descended rapidly. Startled, they both gazed upwards. Dark clouds materialized, enveloping much of Heaven Lake.

Benita couldn’t help but remark, “Doesn’t it seem like someone’s doing this?”

Maria’s brows furrowed as she concentrated on the dark clouds thickening above.

She began counting on her fingers and muttered, “It seems like someone… Could it be…”

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