The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5493

Chapter 5493

Chapter 5493

Maria’s journey to the southern province had yielded all the anticipated results. She returned to Dali, paid her respects to her parents, and revisited Heaven Lake, the site where the previous attempt to save Pu’er mother from catastrophe had failed.

Out of the blue, CharlieCharlie announced his intention to depart, carrying no regrets in his heart. Moreover, this visit to the south had unexpectedly borne fruit.

Prior to this, she had managed to skirt Morgana’s vigilant eye and, now, she had stumbled upon the rejuvenated sapling of Pu’er mother, an astonishing discovery. But CharlieCharlie’s proposition to transport the Mother of Pu’er to Aurous Hill made her apprehensive.

Initially, she had thought the reborn sapling of Pu’er mother would continue thriving here. Yet, CharlieCharlie’s words touched her deeply.

Throughout her life, she had been unswervingly tracing the path of failure in every endeavor, meeting only with disappointment. The previous life of Pu’er mother resembled an endless scientific experiment, a researcher striving relentlessly to unlock the secret of a room-temperature superconductor, the data so tantalizingly close to perfection but perpetually slipping through that final barrier.

If she embarked on this misguided research once more, another lifetime might pass in vain, with the outcome remaining unchanged. Perhaps millennia from now, Pu’er mother would endure the heavens’ cycle of reincarnation and yet again falter at crossing the cataclysmic threshold. However, by then, there might not be another CharlieCharlie to facilitate her rebirth through the flames of Nirvana.

With this realization, Maria accepted CharlieCharlie’s decision to bring the sapling back to Aurous Hill. She had lived alongside Pu’er mother for years, not only comprehending her deeply but also gaining extensive insights into Pu’er tea cultivation. Nonetheless, the thought of transplanting the young, fragile sapling was worrisome, fraught with the risk of near-fatal damage.

Observing her hesitation, CharlieCharlie consoled her, “Miss Clark, don’t worry. The sapling has already absorbed reiki, ensuring it won’t perish easily. We shall take it back and nurture it diligently. Perhaps next year, its leaves could grace our teacups.”

With a slight nod, Maria inquired, “My LordLord, when will the plane arrive?”

CharlieCharlie replied, “Give me a moment; I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”

Promptly, he dialed Isaac Cameron’s number.

Since their arrival in the southern province, they had chartered a business jet from the vest company, a mode of transportation that required careful scheduling. They hadn’t predetermined their return date, so upon arrival, the plane had departed to the eastern region. Now, arranging a return flight required negotiations with the jet company.

Currently stationed in the provincial capital Bloomington, a Gulfstream business jet was being readied for dispatch. Its estimated arrival at Banna Airport was 8,30 AM at the earliest.

Isaac Cameron returned the call and, apologizing for any inconvenience, offered to arrange a WadeWade family plane that could reach them within two hours. But CharlieCharlie dismissed the rush, acknowledging that the situation was unexpected.

“Nevertheless,” CharlieCharlie continued, “Don’t hurry. Coordinate the third-party business jet as planned. I’ll be at the airport by 8,00 AM tomorrow.”

Resolute in his decision, CharlieCharlie assured Isaac Cameron and added, “Once you’ve sorted the details, keep my return low-profile. This trip will be brief, and I’ll likely depart again within a day or two.”

With understanding, Isaac Cameron consented, “Understood, Young Master.”

Initially, CharlieCharlie hadn’t intended to rush back to Aurous Hill.

His original plan involved Morgana journeying to Shiwan Mountain while he stayed a couple more days with Maria in the southern province. The profound homesickness she felt for her childhood home after more than three centuries was something difficult for others to fathom.

Following Morgana’s departure from Shiwan, he and Maria would return to Aurous Hill. There, he would enlist Keagan Myers’s help in accessing the surveillance videos of Morgana’s time in China, using his connections to retrace her path. Yet, the sudden emergence of Pu’er mother compelled him to act swiftly. He dared not let her flourish in this environment, so he chose to relocate her to Aurous Hill. This also presented an opportunity to review current surveillance data and hopefully glean insights into Morgana’s movements.

After Maria had safely settled Pu’er mother and compiled information on Morgana’s route, they would proceed directly to Shiwan from Aurous Hill.

Perceptive as ever, Maria eavesdropped on CharlieCharlie’s conversation with Isaac Cameron, deducing his next moves.

Hence, she asked, “Young Master, when you journey to the mountains, can I come?”

CharlieCharlie responded, “Most of the mountains remain uninhabited. It’s a risky venture for you to join me.”

Maria’s voice was resolute, “Do you think I’d be a burden?”

CharlieCharlie tried to reassure her, “Not at all… I simply believe that a young lady’s safety could be compromised in such a perilous and wild environment.”

With sincerity, Maria revealed, “If I am with you, and we don’t encounter Morgana, then I know you will definitely keep me safe!”

Maria leaned in, her eyes alight with determination. “You know…”

She began, a spark of honesty in her voice, “My father once shared a secret with me. He said that the secluded sanctuary is filled with intricate puzzles and cunning snares. Without the right knowledge, a person could wander their whole life and never stumble upon their hidden haven. Even though you’re incredibly skilled, the world of formations is like quicksilver, always shifting. But if you let me tag along, who knows? Maybe I could offer some help to you.”

Of course, CharlieCharlie grasped this reality intuitively.

Having Maria by his side was akin to having a super think tank at his disposal. She possessed not only brilliance but also a wealth of knowledge. While she might not untangle all the mysteries, Maria had a knack for seeing through them with a mere glance.

Still, Maria’s physical strength could scarcely rival that of a featherweight.

A delicate woman who seemed eternally seventeen, she was ill-suited for the untamed wilderness that was the mountains. The primeval forests there would likely test her limits.

Observing CharlieCharlie’s uncertainty, Maria spoke candidly, her words brimming with sincerity. “Master, remember when I told you that Gideon once hinted at your parents discovering the elixir of eternal life?”

“Well, it occurred to me that it’s like my family’s history intertwined with yours. My father traversed the mysteries of Shiwan. My parents embarked on a quest to decipher the riddles left behind in those mountains. So, like you, my family shares a destiny with Shiwan. I yearn to honor my father’s memory by carrying his spiritual legacy to that place. If I could rediscover where he trained with Master Bazin, it would be as though his final wish found fulfillment.”

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