The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 645

Chapter 645

Chapter 645

Sean truly felt like dying at this very moment.

He would never have dreamt that the broken bracelet on Jasmine’s wrist would turn out to be a relic left behind by her mother…

Moreover, he had even said that the relic left behind by her mother was nothing more than a piece of garbage…

This was a complete disaster!

Jasmine was already originally cold and indifferent toward him. Therefore, he was initially planning to rely on this bracelet to earn himself some points.

Unexpectedly, he had only dug his own grave…

This time, his score in Jasmine’s mind had probably been reduced to a negative score.

At this time, Donald, who had been standing not too far away, could not help but feel a little puzzled as he stared at his son who was left standing all alone in a daze.

Didn’t his son go over to give Jasmine the gift just now?

Jasmine must have been very happy to receive such an expensive gift.

If so, why did Jasmine drive away in such haste?

As he had some doubts in his heart, Donald walked over to his son before he patted him gently on the shoulder and asked, “How did things go with Jasmine?”

When Donald saw that Sean was still holding the diamond bracelet in his hand, he asked in surprise, “Did Jasmine reject your gift?”

Sean had a very sad and miserable expression on his face as he said, “Dad, the broken bracelet that Jasmine was wearing was actually a relic that her mother left behind to her… I did not know about it. I even said that the bracelet was just a worthless piece of rubbish that was not worthy of someone of her temperament and status…”

“Damn it…”

Donald was also very surprised at this time.

After that, he sighed as he said, “Sean! You should have known that someone of Jasmine’s status and identity would never wear such a cheap and shabby bracelet for no reason at all. Since she was wearing the bracelet on her hand, there should have been a deeper and hidden meaning behind it! You are simply too careless!”

Sean was about to cry, and he looked at his father with an aggrieved expression on his face as he said, “Dad, you told me earlier that I was very meticulous and focused, so how could you say that I am careless now…”

Donald flushed and arranged his thoughts before he said seriously, “You have indeed begun to be a little more observant, but your observation is not detailed enough. You should learn a lesson from your mistake this time and make sure that you do not make the same mistakes anymore in the future.”

Sean sighed before he said, “Well, I know, dad…”

After that, Sean said, “By the way, dad, Jasmine drove out to pick someone up in person. She even said that the person she was going to pick up was the most distinguished and important guest today. Dad, what kind of distinguished guest could he possibly be that the Moore family actually takes him so seriously?”

Donald frowned before he replied, “I do not know anything about that. As far as I know, apart from us, the guests that the Moore family has invited to attend Lord Moore’s birthday banquet today are some of their old friends and business partners in Aurous Hill. I did not hear about them inviting any distinguished guests to participate in the banquet today.”

“That’s weird,” Sean muttered. “Do you think Jasmine went to pick up her sweetheart, then?”

“I’m not too sure about that.” Donald said, “You’d better pay attention to see who Jasmine comes back with later.”



At this time, Jasmine was driving to Charlie’s house.

Even though she knew that she should be staying at home to help out since it was her grandfather’s eightieth birthday banquet, Jasmine really missed Charlie. Therefore, she decided to come out to pick him up personally so that she could spend some time alone on the road with him.

Once Charlie arrived at the Moore family mansion, she would definitely not have the opportunity to talk to him in private since there would be so many other guests around.

When Lord Moore heard that Jasmine was heading out to pick Charlie up, he naturally agreed without any hesitation. Although Charlie was already a married man, Lord Moore had already long regarded Charlie as the future grandson-in-law of the Moore family.

As Jasmine was on the way to Charlie’s house, she took out her cell phone as she prepared to call Charlie.

Since it was a weekend, everyone in the family would wake up later than usual. Therefore, Charlie only prepared and set breakfast on the table at ten o’clock in the morning.

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