The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 856

Chapter 856

Chapter 856

Charlie understood right away that the two elderly people must have some unusual memories of “cooking” or “coming home with him” that made them react so awkwardly.

Paul also noticed the peculiarity, but he was too embarrassed to point it out, so he turned to Charlie and said, “Charlie, let’s go to our suite first.”

Then, he turned to Matilda and said, “Mom, you’ve been on the plane for more than ten hours, you must be tired. Let’s go to the suite and talk if you have something to say to Uncle Wilson.”

Matilda suddenly regained her composure. She was thinking about her past with Jacob and even recalled the details of their first love-making experience. She blushed shyly and said, “Oh, look at me, I’m so absent-minded! Yes, let’s go to our suite and talk!”

Jacob echoed hurriedly, “Yes, let’s go to the suite. It’s my fault, once I started talking, I forgot about all of it!”

Charlie shook his head and even sighed helplessly. They were like firewood and raging fire finding each other after 2 decades! If they were given a chance to bump into each other, there was no doubt that they would create the hottest campfire ever…


Taking the lead, Charlie escorted everyone to Shangri-La’s dining hall.

The manager of the food and beverage department was waiting by the door since he received the instruction. He hurriedly marched forward and greeted Charlie, “Hello sir, are you a member of Shangri- La?”

Charlie shook his head. “No, I’m not a member, but I have asked a friend to book a private suite for me.”

“May I have your name please? What is the number of the suite?”

“My name is Charlie Wade, but I’m not sure what the number of the suit is. I booked the suite through your manager, Mr. Cameron.”

The manager bowed graciously and said, “Oh, so you are Mr. Wade! Your suite is ready, please come with me.”

Charlie smiled slightly with a nod and said, “Thank you.”

While the manager led them to the suite, Paul asked curiously, “Charlie, do you know Mr. Cameron?”

Charlie nodded with a polite smile. “Yes, but we are just acquaintances.”

Paul said involuntarily, “If I’m not mistaken, Shangri-La is one of Eastcliff’s Wade family’s properties, and Mr. Cameron here is the spokesperson of the family.”

Charlie glanced at Paul in surprise. He didn’t expect this American to know so much about China and Aurous Hill, so he asked tentatively, “Paul, you must have studied a lot about Aurous Hill, right?”

Paul nodded humbly and said, “Yes, when I decided to shift the company to Aurous Hill, I had studied and understood certain situations here. The company is my father’s precious possession, after all, I can’t simply shift it into an unfamiliar environment without understanding the local groundwork.”

Charlie gaped in astonishment, “Wow, Paul, I’m impressed! You are so meticulous and have such an in-depth foresight. I’m positively sure that you and your company will take off smoothly in Aurous Hill and flourish.”

“You’re too kind, Charlie,” Paul donned a polite smile and said.

Then, as if something struck his mind, he looked curiously at Charlie and asked, “Charlie, your last name is Wade, and you know Mr. Cameron who works in Shangri-La. Are you from the Wade family of Eastcliff?”

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