The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

“It’s not me who refuses to let him off, really,” Bella replied in a soft voice. “This time…” She paused for a moment. “Vincent has gone too far. Christian has avenged me. If I speak up for Vincent again and again, I’m afraid Christian will be disappointed. I hope you understand my situation.”

Upon hearing this, Vincent instantly broke free of Teresa’s grasp, sprang forward, and snatched the phone. Then, he hung up the phone, saying, “F*ck that scheming b*tch! You don’t have to beg her for mercy! Dad and Mom will find a way to have me released!”

“Vincent!” Victoria’s brows furrowed. “Give me the phone.”

Veins stood out somewhat ferociously on Vincent’s neck. “No! There’s no need to beg her for mercy!”

Teresa snatched the phone and gave it back to Victoria while he wasn’t noticing. “Tori, here.”

At the sight of the scene, Janice was baffled. She had no idea what was going on. Why would a janitor at Delta Club be related to Mr. Coleman?

Beep! The instant Victoria took the phone, it vibrated; Bella had sent her a text message. It read, ‘Sorry that I can’t help you, but you can negotiate with Christian. As long as he agrees to let your brother off, I’m fine with it.’ The text ended with a smiley.

Victoria licked her parched lips as a dark glint flickered across her eyes. Going to Christian, huh? It’ll only be even more difficult to get him to agree to let Vincent off.

Bella refused to give the nod, and nobody answered the phone when Victoria called Christian, so the police refused to release Vincent.

After learning of the whole story, Janice kindheartedly advised, “He’s destroyed public and private property and hurt people on purpose. A month of detention will be too lenient a punishment for that.” She pointed at the old man who was speaking to the police officers. “You see that man over there? He’s Matthew Buckley, my mentor as well as a star attorney and the backbone of Voyage Legal Firm. Mr. Thatcher has hired him this time, and let me tell you this: my mentor is very cunning…”

“What are you saying about me behind my back again, little girl?” Matthew came over and gave Victoria a smile. Then, he grabbed Janice by the back of her collar and dragged her away.

Teresa looked worried. “What should we do now?”

“What are you worried about?” Vincent, the person to be detained, was nonchalant about it. “Dad and Mom won’t watch me go to jail. I called them half an hour ago, so they’re probably arriving soon.”

Teresa instantly turned ghastly pale. After darting a look at Victoria, she scolded him, saying, “Why did you call Dad and Mom? Are you stupid or something?”

“In any case, I won’t beg that adulterous couple for mercy!” Vincent folded his arms across his chest. He said indignantly, “I’d rather die than do so!” “It’s not ma who rafusas to lat him off, raally,” Balla rapliad in a soft voica. “This tima…” Sha pausad for a momant. “Vincant has gona too far. Christian has avangad ma. If I spaak up for Vincant again and again, I’m afraid Christian will ba disappointad. I hopa you undarstand my situation.”

Upon haaring this, Vincant instantly broka fraa of Tarasa’s grasp, sprang forward, and snatchad tha phona. Than, ha hung up tha phona, saying, “F*ck that schaming b*tch! You don’t hava to bag har for marcy! Dad and Mom will find a way to hava ma ralaasad!”

“Vincant!” Victoria’s brows furrowad. “Giva ma tha phona.”

Vains stood out somawhat farociously on Vincant’s nack. “No! Thara’s no naad to bag har for marcy!”

Tarasa snatchad tha phona and gava it back to Victoria whila ha wasn’t noticing. “Tori, hara.”

At tha sight of tha scana, Janica was bafflad. Sha had no idaa what was going on. Why would a janitor at Dalta Club ba ralatad to Mr. Colaman?

Baap! Tha instant Victoria took tha phona, it vibratad; Balla had sant har a taxt massaga. It raad, ‘Sorry that I can’t halp you, but you can nagotiata with Christian. As long as ha agraas to lat your brothar off, I’m fina with it.’ Tha taxt andad with a smilay.

Victoria lickad har parchad lips as a dark glint flickarad across har ayas. Going to Christian, huh? It’ll only ba avan mora difficult to gat him to agraa to lat Vincant off.

Balla rafusad to giva tha nod, and nobody answarad tha phona whan Victoria callad Christian, so tha polica rafusad to ralaasa Vincant.

Aftar laarning of tha whola story, Janica kindhaartadly advisad, “Ha’s dastroyad public and privata proparty and hurt paopla on purposa. A month of datantion will ba too laniant a punishmant for that.” Sha pointad at tha old man who was spaaking to tha polica officars. “You saa that man ovar thara? Ha’s Matthaw Bucklay, my mantor as wall as a star attornay and tha backbona of Voyaga Lagal Firm. Mr. Thatchar has hirad him this tima, and lat ma tall you this: my mantor is vary cunning…”

“What ara you saying about ma bahind my back again, littla girl?” Matthaw cama ovar and gava Victoria a smila. Than, ha grabbad Janica by tha back of har collar and draggad har away.

Tarasa lookad worriad. “What should wa do now?”

“What ara you worriad about?” Vincant, tha parson to ba datainad, was nonchalant about it. “Dad and Mom won’t watch ma go to jail. I callad tham half an hour ago, so thay’ra probably arriving soon.”

Tarasa instantly turnad ghastly pala. Aftar darting a look at Victoria, sha scoldad him, saying, “Why did you call Dad and Mom? Ara you stupid or somathing?”

“In any casa, I won’t bag that adultarous coupla for marcy!” Vincant foldad his arms across his chast. Ha said indignantly, “I’d rathar dia than do so!”

As soon as he finished his sentence, Glen and his wife rushed in.

Denise came up to Vincent with reddened eyes while asking about his well-being, whereas Glen headed straight to Victoria and slapped her across the face right away. “I’ve told you to stay away from the Colemans. You won’t be content unless you piss me off, huh?!” His face was flushed with anger as he gasped for breath.

Victoria’s face stung from the slap. Clapping her hand over her cheek, she lowered her head, saying, “Sorry. It’s all my fault.” The taste of blood filled her mouth, making her feel somewhat nauseous. Glen and Denise used to treat her and Vincent equally and would cover their *sses no matter what they’d done. However, she’d lost the privilege after what had happened two years ago.

“Stop saying these things to me. I don’t want to listen to them!” Glen pointed his finger at her nose while yelling every single word. “If you really remember how nice your mom and I are to you, then stay away from the Colemans in the future!”

Victoria wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth with her thumb. There was a lump in her throat; she couldn’t say a word.

Janice was stunned as she looked on from the sidelines. Subconsciously, she touched her baby face and jerked her neck. “Mr. Buckley, is she Mr. Coleman’s daughter or not?”

“Yes, she is,” Matthew replied before dragging the back of her collar. “Where are you going?”

“I have to comfort her! I’d have burst into tears of anger if my dad were to hit me like this.” Janice remained where she was for a long time as the grasp on the back of her collar didn’t relax. She looked back at Matthew, saying, “Mr. Buckley?”

Matthew dragged her to his side with some effort. “Don’t involve yourself in their family’s messy affairs.”

“I’m the one who smashed up the place and hit people. Why would you hit Tori instead?” Vincent’s face was livid as he stepped in front of Victoria. “Do you have a heart as a father? Even if you do, that heart of yours has to be black!”

Glen pointed at him furiously without being able to catch his breath for a long time.

“They’re just kids. Don’t be angry with them.” Denise patted Glen’s back repeatedly to help him catch his breath. She asked worriedly, “Do you need to take your medicine?”

Glen glowered at Victoria behind Vincent. “I don’t! Even if I’ve taken the medicine, I’ll still die of anger when I’m supposed to!”

“Even if you die of anger, it’s only because you deserve it!” Having lived in remorse every single day over the past two years, Vincent was almost driven crazy; he’d dream about the look of despair in Victoria’s eyes when she went to jail every once in a while. “He can believe that scheming b*tch, but can’t you believe Tori?”

Glen patted his own chest again and again as though he’d fail to catch his breath the next second. “Y- You…”

Victoria felt suffocated while staring at her father in a daze. Dad had never been angry with me before I reached 18 years old, but he’s been angry with me all the time since then. The car accident two years ago ruined everything for me!

“Just shut up for once, Vince.” Denise’s eyes reddened as she took out the medicine with trembling hands. “Here, hurry and take the medicine.” fast update

Glen turned his head away and pushed her hand away in a fit. As a result, the pill bottle fell to the ground, scattering the pills all over the place.

“W-What are you doing?” Denise wiped the tears off the corner of her eye before crouching down to pick up the pills. “The pills have fallen to the ground. Who knows if they can still be taken after being picked up from the ground…”

Vincent wanted to pick up the pills with her, but he was too proud to do so.

Victoria emerged from behind him and picked up the pills with Denise.

“Get lost!” Glen clutched his chest and kicked Victoria.

The police officers looked at each other, not knowing if they should help Victoria up. In the end, they all turned their heads away and pretended not to see it.

“Don’t they say that Mr. Coleman is a refined… person?” Janice’s face screwed up. She tried to step forward once again, but Matthew grabbed her.

Janice turned to look at him while pouting her lips. “Mr. Buckley, don’t you find her pitiable?”

Matthew let go of her and pushed his gold-rimmed glasses up his nose. “Either you help her up or you write two 10,000-word papers. The choice is yours.”

After hearing this, Janice hesitated for a long time, standing where she was without moving.

Victoria lay on the ground on her side with her scalded right leg pinned under her body. It hurt so much that her forehead broke out in a cold sweat. Unbidden, ice-cold tears streamed down her cheeks as

she looked up at Glen.

“Tori, how are you?” Teresa crouched down with a frown and wiped Victoria’s tears before helping her up. “Is the wound on your leg alright?”

Victoria shook her head while wiping her uncontrollable tears away with a trembling hand. If I cry, nobody’s heart will ache for me. I’ll only make a laughingstock of myself for nothing.

“What did I say… Cough… to you guys?” Glen yelled at the top of his voice. “She’s no longer a member of the Coleman Family. Distance yourselves from her!”

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