The Coming Heroine: The Only Princess

Chapter 191 - God’s Will?

Chapter 191 - God’s Will?

Chapter 191 God’s Will?
After the hint of Shikong, Zhang Yunyan felt the same way. Although she had not checked carefully before, there was no shiny handwriting in her impression.

Why did this flat rock wall and shiny handwriting appear quietly at this time? Did the handwriting exist originally? They were too nervous and scared to notice it?

Impossible! How could they miss such obvious shiny handwriting? Although the mood had been influenced, they wouldn’t ignore it, or at least they would look at it.

Zhang Yunyan remembered the mysterious red light before entering the Cave of Fate and the magic that bounded Shikong was quietly removed. Now there was a shiny handwriting, which made her more uneasy and alert.

This cave looked ordinary, but in fact it was not. It was indeed mysterious and unpredictable. It was likely that there were some terrible things, and there might be terrible dangers that they had to guard against.

The appearance of the shiny handwriting should be regarded as a mysterious thing in the Cave of Fate. However, this mysterious thing had not triggered a chain reaction, nor had it been displayed in any other mysterious way. They couldn’t understand its inner meaning and couldn’t understand and guess its mystery.

In addition to the flashing, there was no terrible danger. In the midst of nervousness and anxiety, the two of them felt a little relaxed.

The Cave of Fate looked ordinary and empty. The master wouldn’t have sealed the hole for a few shiny handwritings.

What was puzzling was that he had given up the whole cave and only sealed up this small hole. Why was it?

There was no way to get out in the Cave of Fate. Apart from the shiny handwriting, there were no mysterious things and nothing mysterious appeared.

In this case, why did the master prevent others from entering and snooping?

In the Devil’s Cave, there were countless shiny words of fate, and the chess game that hadn’t been finished. There were mysterious feelings everywhere, but the master had all given them up. Why did he only take a fancy to this place?

The master didn’t want others to enter the Cave of Fate, so he prevented the devils from visiting, but he didn’t prevent Zhang Yunyan and the little monk Shikong. It was really strange and incredible.

The power of the seal was so strong. Why did he make such a mistake? Was there any other purpose?

Mystery, here was another unsolved mystery.

Shikong didn’t know why, but he had a feeling that the Cave of Fate would not be so simple. The master must have some reason to seal it up.

It seemed that there must be secrets that couldn’t be detected. They didn’t know if they would appear one after another and what kind of terrible danger would happen. It was likely to be an earth-shattering disaster.

Zhang Yunyan felt that Shikong’s guess was reasonable. Since they couldn’t know the hidden secret, there was no need to worry about it anymore. Their fate was doomed. Let it be.

She didn’t want to explore the secret of the Cave of Fate anymore. She just hoped that the cave wouldn’t hurt them and let the two of them stay here quietly.josei

What made Yunyan deeply depressed was that after checking, she confirmed that this was a sealed cave with no way out. Her desire to escape was completely shattered. The two were doomed to die here.

This was her fate, a hard and bumpy fate since she was born, a fate that she would never believe but have to accept.

Zhang Yunyan was deeply disappointed and a little satisfied because that reluctant wish could be realized. She could die here quietly.

She didn’t have to worry about being bullied by the devils, or being tortured and eaten. She could keep her body complete and wouldn’t only leave a skeleton to support her clothes.

With Shikong’s company, Yunyan no longer felt lonely. She sat against the cave wall and got lost in thought…

Shikong was no longer interested in the Cave of Fate. He sat beside her and was thinking…

Time passed quietly, taking away the complicated thoughts of the two dying people. Thoughts were constantly generated and quietly passed away…

In silence, Zhang Yunyan’s thoughts returned to her past experience of revenge. The evil House of Yan Family, Yan Xiaopeng’s ferocious face, her hopeless revenge, and the horrible situation of the execution ground…all came to her mind one after another.

At this moment, she was tortured by hatred and plunged into grief and pain…

Yunyan was eager for revenge and wanted to leave as soon as possible to fulfill her first vow–to kill Yan Xiaopeng, her enemy.

She went to avenge her parents several times without success. She was also repeatedly in danger, so she felt angry and depressed.

Last time, she encountered a terrible demon monkey and the demon deer, and was locked up in a closed cave and nearly died.

Later, she encountered the three dragon-riding monsters. If Du Xiaotian and Zhang Lianhu hadn’t saved her one after another, she would have been bullied by the three evil men and might have passed away.

She wanted to rush to the Yan Village to kill Yan Xiaopeng, but she got a cold and was delayed.

Now, Zhang Yunyan had finally recovered from her illness and was ready to get back on the journey of revenge again. She had decided to leave tomorrow. Revenge was about to happen, so she was anxious and a bit relieved.

She often thought of her parents who had died tragically. She was deeply grieved and painful. When she thought that the Living Yama was still committing crimes, her flames of hatred were burning furiously. She was troubled by disturbing thoughts and could not sleep or eat well.

Today, Zhang Yunyan didn’t have much supper. She put down the bowl and chopsticks and came out. She wanted to take a walk in the quiet night to calm herself, and to think about whether there were any omissions in the preparation of revenge. She wanted to be as safe as possible.

Things were unpredictable and it was also strange that there could be such a coincidence.

Last time, the night before Yunyan went on her journey, she got upset and went to worship the “god” as a teacher. Unexpectedly, she entered the Devil’s Cave. If it had not been for the rescue of Turtle Elf, she would have been killed by Jiuyou Sage and the devils.

Tonight, the night before her journey, Yunyan went out for a walk in order to calm the complicated emotions. It was unexpected that she could encounter the same disaster again. Why was this?

Two identical nights, two encounters with terrible devils, and two encounters with the Devil’s Cave… The two identical horrible experiences were really strange and somewhat incredible.

She couldn’t understand why she was so unlucky. Was it really fate?

Tonight, Zhang Yunyan and Black Tiger were led by the sika deer to the hillside of Qinglong Mountain. They accidentally met an old witch who claimed to be half an immortal and said some deceptive nonsense.

After that, she met Jiuyou Sage and the Four King Ghosts, which was a terrible moment.

Then, Black Tiger entered the Devil’s Cave.

She didn’t know whether she had been plotted or not, and she fell down inexplicably, causing the tragic death of Black Tiger, and she would die soon.

She didn’t know whether the hateful old witch cast spells in the dark and pushed her into the Devil’s Cave and into the hand of Jiuyou Sage and the devils.

However, Yunyan felt the same way. It seemed that the two falls to the Devil’s Cave all happened because of other people’s secret plot. Then the dangerous situations and disasters that should never have happened occurred.

In two different nights, Zhang Yunyan had the same horrible experience twice. What was hidden behind this and were there any vicious plots?

Relatively speaking, this time was more terrible and harsher. She was trapped in the Devil’s Cave and had no way to escape. She would surely die…

There was another strange thing. On the night of “worshiping the god as teacher”, Yunyan met the young monk Shikong for the first time. They rescued each other and beat Misty Flower.

Later, Shikong was unfortunately captured by Jiuyou Sage into the cave. It was a miracle that he didn’t die for more than twenty days.

Yunyan never dreamed of seeing Shikong again, but tonight she saw him and they were together.

The two people met twice for a short time, and it all had relations with Jiuyou Sage, which was too coincidental. Why was this?

If this matter was not simple, and it had profound meaning and connotation, it would be impossible to guess why. The profound meaning and connotation were not what human beings could do. It must be the will of God.

To think about it, there were many such mysteries that couldn’t be solved. She didn’t know whether it was accidental coincidence or the will of God.

Zhang Yunyan hated the demon monkey and the demon deer. She hated the three dragon-riding monsters, hated Jiuyou Sage and the devils, and hated the old witch. It was them who prevented her way of revenge and made her almost lose her life.

In grief and anger, she was very grateful to two great heroes. One was Cloud-reaching Crane Bai Yunfei, and the other was Cloud-reaching Dragon Zhang Lianhu.

Yunyan sighed silently that if the two benefactors hadn’t rescued her in time, she would have died by the sword of her enemy Yan Xiaopeng or the bullying of the three dragon-riding monsters.

Zhang Yunyan would not forget another person, that is, Du Xiaotian, the elder man who saved her. Every time she thought of the benefactor who looked like the second prince, she smiled.

She had many feelings that Du Xiaotian was ordinary, but he dared to make moves. If he hadn’t arrived in time, she would have been bullied by the three dragon-riding monsters and died. It was already too late to wait until Zhang Lianhu came to rescue her.

Thinking of Du Xiaotian, Yunyan’s heart could no longer be calm. She naturally thought her brother in the alienated world–the second prince of Tianyue Country.

She was separated from her beloved in two worlds. She didn’t know how her brother had been doing or whether he missed her. She really wanted to go to visit her brother in Tianyue Country to appease her incomparable yearning and express the pain of parting.

It was a wishful thinking again. She and her beloved brother had been separated by thousands of years of time and space. How was it possible for them to meet each other? They would never meet again in this life.

This kind of missing was beautiful, painful, sweet and bitter. In this life, she could only stay in this kind of happiness and pain, suffering in sweet and bitter feelings.

In her thoughts, a handsome figure seemed to have been in front of her, and he was Du Xiaotian.

Zhang Yunyan smiled silently. Whenever she thought of this benefactor, she would be moved. Naturally, her heart would beat for him.

This heart beat was not only for the second prince of Tianyue Country, but also for Du Xiaotian of this life, so it was difficult to rest.

Yunyan never thought that Du Xiaotian was so similar to the second prince. No matter face or figure, they looked like the same person and they even spoke in a very similar tone. The clear figure in her mind was not only the second prince but also Du Xiaotian. She just thought of both of them and couldn’t separate them.

It was a bit unbelievable to her. How could these two men who had been separated for thousands of years be so similar?

The more Zhang Yunyan thought about it, the more she felt strange and incredible. Was there also a hard-to-guess secret? If there was a secret, what was it?

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