The Conquerors Path

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: The Sea Faction

Chapter 146: The Sea Faction

I Am Back!, well technically I didn’t go anywhere but still! And to any of you intrested in a novel about cultivation, then try out my new book ‘Heavenly Opposers’

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nora was quite as she lead me to the Water faction area, after my sudden words of love and gentle eyes, I am sure that her hearts in a disarray, after all what I said and did was not normal among siblings, I mean hug your sister sure but to hold her hand gently and whisper loving words to her?, well that’s not normal

I am sure that Nora’s head is filled with wild fantasies, her heart might be rejoicing in the fact that I might love her in a different way but that’s all I am going to do with her for now, I will slowly leave hints and make sure that it’s Nora that takes the initiative

“Sis are we heading the right way?”

It’s only after Nora heard my words, did she break out of her trance, she shook her head and looked at me intently, trying to find somethings to prove her theory but sadly for her I only gave her a happy loving smile, seeing it a blush came on Nora’s face as she looked aside

“O-Of course, we are heading the right way!”

Her voice was a bit more high pitched, probably trying to hide her embarrassment, I was really tempted to give her another kiss but I held myself back, currently we had already reached a populated area and loads of students can be seen

As we were walking I could see some students either pointing at me or Nora as they kept gossiping among themselves but none of them came forward or did anything note worthy, with a few minute calm quite walk both of us reached the teleportation centre

There both of us easily passed the line and got into the teleportation circle after that a white light filled my vision as we vanished from the place we stood, soon the lights covering my eyes disappeared as I arrived in another room identical to the one we were in before

As soon as I opened my eyes the calming smell of the sea filled my nostrils, I soon noticed that the students in the room were more of the ones belonging to the sea, I could see students from the turtle tribe to the sealion tribe roaming around, plus I could feel an abundance of water particle mana in the air, this was surely a good place for those that come from the sea, while I was feeling the atmosphere Nora next to me spoke


“Indeed, building such an area like this must not have being easy”

“That’s true, the entire area was built so that the ones that come from the sea would feel at ease, even though the one with the noble and royal blood have no problem at the surface”

“I see….”

I nodded my head to Nora’s words, I could understand it after all not every being living in the water could breath on land, only ones with royal or noble blood could do, plus they are also the group that won’t have a problem fighting at full power on the surface

It was then that I noticed something peculiar, it was silent, after we entered everything became quiet, I could see that most of the students belonging to the sea were quiet as they looked towards us…no as they looked towards me

I could see some looking at me with admiration, some with gratitude, while other had dislike, hate or some negative emotions towards me, the silence was tensing as the atmosphere was getting heated, it was then that a blue haired and eyed handsome kid walked up to me, he seemed to be 16 years old

Plus he seemed to have a high status as the rest of the students of the sea either bowed to him or showed him respect, as he was walking towards me Nora leaned onto my ears and whispered

“Nick Leviathan, the second son of the whale tribe’s king and princess Marlene’s younger brother”

Hearing it I nodded my head, it didn’t take for long for Nick to reach me, he had a smile on his face as he extended his hand for a shake

“Nick Leviathan, it’s nice to meet you”

“Austin Lionheart, It’s nice to meet you too”

I smiled back to hands I shook hands with him, overall as I looked at him I get a kind princely feel and I could tell that he was well respected from the gazes that the rest were giving him

“It’s a pleasure to meet the hero of the sea!”

“A Hero?”

I raised my eyebrow in intrigue after hearing Nick’s words, seeing my confusion he smiled as he spoke

“Indeed a hero, after all you gave rest to the many soldiers that was suffering and you have our gratefulness for it always”

After he had finished speaking he smiled lightly, at the same time I discreetly looked around the place, I could see that the majority nodding their head and looking at me gratefully, while some seemed spiteful, well honestly I didn’t care, I gave him an embarrassing smile as I waved my hands

“Oh you jest, I was merely using borrowed power and I was only able to even help due to the strong will your soldiers that held great justice even at corruption”

The words I spoke brought a smile to Nick and the rest that had gathered, well it was always best to be on good terms with others, after it I didn’t wait for long as I asked

“I presume you have being send here to guide us?”

My question startled him but later he smiles and spoke

“That’s correct I am here to lead the way for you and to make sure that nothing bad happens on your trip”

His last words were almost a whisper but I heard it clearly and I nodded my head to it, I could understand after all it’s not like everybody is happy at having a human bring out their most hidden secret and stomp it to the ground and I don’t think that some might be happy at the fact a human K.Oing their most respected Hero

“Sure, lead the way”

Is all I said as I started following Nick who was now walking in front of me, as I did Nora too walked beside me, my eyes kept scanning all around me as I took the new sites in, the shape of each of the buildings here was to match the same ones of the sea

They were proudly presenting their cultures on the sea, in fact the sea is one of the many popular tourist site in this world, there’s a joint group between the sea and the land that work together to form a sea tour, it’s very popular among many families, plus it’s at an affordable price

I got to say those bastards are making a killing profit with these tours, leaving those aside I marvel at the newly seen designs and new creature I came across, I could see that each of the houses had it’s on huge indoor pool

As I kept admiring the new stuff, we all reached upon a huge manor that stood proud, within this area I could see more amount of student and each of them were fairly strong in their own right, I also notice the fact that we were the only humans here, as I was admiring the manor Nick turned to me as he spoke with a proud smirk

“Welcome to the sea Jewels Manor”

“It’s beautiful”

I gave of a lip service, hearing my ‘awe’, Nick smile widen, at the same time I looked towards Nora who was looking at the scene disinterestedly but even then I could see her gaurd was up, she would attack at anything that might seem suspicious

“Well then lets go”

I spoke out to the prince who was still in his prideful display, hearing my voice he nodded his head as he lead the way again, we walked as we passed by several other students who were in the mansion, they all looked at me as I passed by but since the one leading was Nick no one came and interrupted

Like that we walked through the huge mansion for a bit until we reached a door to a huge room that was guarded by what seemed to be two sealion tribe, seeing Nick they nodded their head and he nodded back to them as he knocked on the door softly

“Sister, their here” josei

“Come in”

A cool authoritative voice was heard, with that Nick opened the door as all of us walked in, entering inside I could see Marlene and Catherine inside, it was now time for me to deal with these princess’s

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