The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 57

Chapter 57:

Zhang Zedong’s weapon was the most commonly seen greatsword in China. I remembered hearing that he cherished it because he received it directly from the President of the Republic of China. In my previous life, I had torn that thing to shreds.

Upon seeing a splendid sword that was impeccably maintained to the point where a chilly aura could be felt, I smiled in satisfaction. Then he began to speak in fluent Korean.

What? He could do that?

“Take out your weapon, rookie.”

“This is my weapon.”

When I held up both hands, Zhang Zedong’s eyebrows twitched.

“I know that your main weapon is a sword.”

“A sword?”

“I know you’re the Eraser.”

“It’s not me.”

“Oh, really?”

“If you have evidence, bring it.”


“You’re insisting without evidence.”

From some point on, everyone seemed convinced that I was the Eraser.

…Scary bastards. Since it’s hard to believe that two Level 8s could appear at once, they must think it’s me.

Anyway, there’s probably no evidence, so I openly denied it. What could he do about it?

“If it’s not you, it doesn’t matter. You’re going to die, anyway.”

“It’s nice to know we’re on the same page.”

He called it a duel, but he didn’t even try to hide his true intentions at all.

Thank goodness. We shared the same thoughts.

It’s a duel where I wouldn’t die, but my opponent was bound to die. A truly enjoyable duel.


Whatever curse Zhang Zedong said, a light flashed in his eyes, and he began to charge at me.


When the duel between Choi Jun-Ho and Zhang Zedong began, the forces of each country moved busily.

The Chinese delegation formed a formation centered around the Prime Minister, and the villain task force team moved toward the Blue House personnel. They kept a slight distance and waited. Then, Jung Da-hyun approached the Berserker.


“You moved to a good position at the right time.”

“Because it was an order, but did you know that the two of them were going to have a showdown?”

“I knew. The reason I, the villain, am here is to prepare for such situations.”


Jung Da-hyun’s expression became complicated. She knew that Choi Jun-ho was just being considerate of her.

Still, she felt uncomfortable. She knew. This was too much, even for her. It’s because he didn’t trust herself yet.

The conclusion was clear. It’s because she was weak. She needed to become stronger quickly to gain his trust.

Seeing her like that, the Berserker spoke.

“Don’t overthink it. Just watch their battle. It’s a showdown between two Transcendent that other hunters are dying to see.”


“Watch closely. I’ll explain their intentions to you.”

Jung Da-Hyun’s ears perked up at the mention of a Level 8 Transcendent’s explanation.

At that moment, Zhang Zedong launched a preemptive attack.

“The Chinese Transcendent is moving first. It seems he intends to take the initiative by utilizing the advantages of his weapon.”

The blade shot out like a flash of lightning and reached Choi Jun-ho’s face without leaving an afterimage.

It was a dizzying scene that could have pierced his face.

In that instant, Choi Jun-ho’s form blurred, deftly sidestepping the sword while reaching out his hand. When Zhang Zedong realized Choi Jun-ho’s intention, he reclaimed the sword and the other’s hand swiped through the empty air. Having thwarted Choi Jun-ho’s plan, Zhang Zedong pushed the sword back and thrust it forward into the gap. It was an attack that completely disregarded the Force. However, Choi Jun-ho easily dodged it.

In the blink of an eye, their distance closed and opened again, resulting in more than ten clashes.

“If it weren’t for Choi Jun-ho, this attack could have overwhelmed the opponent. However, it seems the Chinese Transcendent is not falling for it. He effortlessly dismantled even what appeared to be vulnerabilities and approached with ease. Then, what should we do if we were in his position? If it were me, I might try to find an unexpected vulnerability, or I might even risk getting injured to press on. No, then my heart would likely break. So, I should employ a different strategy, hmm!”


While the Berserker was talking to himself, Jung Da-hyun was deeply immersed in the confrontation between the two Transcendents. Even she, who was close to Level 7, found it difficult to identify the movements of the two Transcendents with her own eyes, as they were incredibly fast and dazzling.

Boom! Crash! Clanging!

Just when Zhang Zedong’s sword seemed to blur, countless Force fragments exploded from all directions with a deafening sound.

Choi Jun-ho’s ability to repel all of them was also astonishing, and Zhang Zedong, who continued the flow of attacks, was equally impressive.

The vague image of the Transcendent had begun to take shape as she watched the duel.

“This is a clash between Transcendent.”

Seeing it with her own eyes, she now understood why they were called Transcendent.

The framework of her understanding of Awakened was shattering.

If she had to face one of them, what would happen?

Even if she were lucky enough to block the first or second attack, her neck would probably be severed by the third.

She could somewhat glimpse why various countries were desperately trying to produce Transcendent, and how the treatment of Transcendent could surpass imagination.

Meanwhile, it seemed that the self-dialogue had ended, and the Berserker was ready to provide an explanation again.

“China’s top player is quite something. He’s aware that the flow is heading towards Choi Jun-ho and is desperately trying to twist it.”

“Isn’t it unfavorable for Jun-ho Oppa?”

Berserker’s gaze turned to Jung Da-hyun.

“Why do you think that way?”

“It seems like the initiative in the attack is with Transcendent Zhang Zedong.”

“Kakakaka, did it seem that way? You must not have that much confidence in him.”

“No, I didn’t mean it in that sense.”

She said this because in the aftermath of the collision; it seemed like Zhang Zedong was the one in control of the confrontation.

Berserker, who had been laughing heartily, said.

“One can have the initiative, but they can also intentionally give it away. No, it’s more accurate to say that he allowed it in this case. It’s a very nasty character.”

“Why would he intentionally give it away?”

Berserker gestured with his eyes to Zhang Zedong, who was launching an attack.

“To summarize that in two words, you could call it ‘estimation’.”


“What do you think is the biggest advantage that Choi Jun-ho has?”

“Overwhelming strength? Ruthlessness?”

“Those two can also be considered advantages. But the advantage I see in that guy is different. It’s the ability to perfectly assassinate a designated target without a single error.”


The nickname of Eraser suddenly flashed through her mind because of the similarity in nuance in terms of how they attacked their target.

The only things in common between the Eraser and Choi Jun-ho were that they both appeared as Level 8 Transcendent at about the same time, went to Ansan at about the same time, and had similarly ruthless tactics.

“Choi Jun-ho’s assassination ability is connected to what I called ‘estimation’. Right now, he’s assessing the opponent’s abilities. He’s exploring and analyzing the opponent in the process. He even reads the opponent’s capabilities that might come into play as variables. Then, as soon as the assessment is complete, he takes action.”

The smile on the Berserker’s lips deepened.

“Just like now.”


The sound that had just been heard was distinctly different from the collisions that had been heard so far. Zhang Zedong, holding the sword, had managed to deflect an attack. However, in that moment, Choi Junho had managed to slip through his defenses.

A lightning-like flash flickered in his hand at an alarming speed.

Zhang Zedong’s expression began to change. Whereas a moment ago he had been exulting in his victory over Choi Jun-ho, now there was a hint of nervousness.

“Anyone who has faced Choi Jun-ho can tell. The feeling of being controlled by him from start to finish. He brings thorough despair to his opponents and executes them. The fate of the Chinese Transcendent is determined. Whether his neck is broken, his whole body shattered, or his heart broken like mine, Choi Jun-ho always kills his opponents anew. No matter who it is, I look forward to it, hehehe!”


From then on, the tide began to shift in one direction.


‘This can’t go on like this.’

Zhang Zedong felt his heart sink. Choi Jun-ho’s strength was beyond his imagination.

He had experienced Choi Jun-ho’s strength at the airport. He had called him an inexperienced Transcendent, but he was better trained than expected.

Nevertheless, he never thought he would be defeated. The greatest genius of the People’s Republic of China, the strongest Transcendent, was himself. The world didn’t know it now, but he had been waiting for the day when he could announce that he’s the strongest man in the world.

What he showed at the airport was merely a glimpse, a prelude to showcasing his strength on a grander stage and delivering a cruel death to this inexperienced guy.

But he was losing?

To a Transcendent who had appeared in this small country?

It couldn’t be.

Zhang Zedong clenched his teeth, gripping the sword hilt tightly, and exerted more force. A tremendous amount of Force surged through the air. It swirled and stretched out from his sword, a force that could shred even a monster with a single blow.


However, it crumbled like a sandcastle in Choi Jun-ho’s hands. What could be the problem? Was it the technique? Or perhaps the strength? Maybe even the strategy? The swordsmanship he had believed to be flawless proved utterly futile before Choi Jun-ho.

He had been avoiding it, but it was becoming clear. There was one reason why his meticulously executed attacks were being blocked.

…Am I weaker than Choi Jun-ho?

The word “defeat” began to dominate his thoughts. He couldn’t accept the idea that he was weaker than Choi Jun-ho. The guy had just become a Transcendent this year, while he had become one several years ago and had experienced many real battles.

This couldn’t be true. Was it some kind of mental attack? Turning a blind eye to the truth in front of him, Zhang Zedong pulled out all of his strength until he could feel the strain on his body.


However, what he saw was not Choi Jun-ho being pushed back, but him clutching his own sword.


Choi Jun-ho tore through Zhang Zedong’s sword.


Zhang Zedong’s skills were within the range of what I had expected.

Whether it was now or twenty years in the future, he was about the same.

Considering that he was still maintaining his skills before turning 60, it was highly likely that he had become content with his current level.

Being satisfied at this level was pathetic. If he wanted to become stronger, he should have become a villain or something. It was utterly pitiful.

He constantly pushed his opponent back, wielding a mighty Force imbued in his sword, but his attacking style remained the same as it did twenty years ago.

I thought he might be hiding something, so I sparred with him a few more times, but it seemed this was the end.

“Now it’s getting boring.”

Zhang Zedong began to be pushed back.

He used the sword as a shield to ward off several attacks, but after two more strikes, only the hilt of the sword remained, wobbling in his grip.

He had claimed to value it more than his own life when he received it from the President, but in the end, it seemed his own life was more precious.


Now, fear was clearly visible on his face. I had seen that same expression in my previous life. Despite all the arrogance, he was a fragile guy. That appearance suited him very well.

“You won’t declare defeat, will you? Huh? There’s only one spot for someone to survive, right? Ah, anyway, even if you declare defeat, I have no intention of sparing you.”


I grabbed the right wrist of the guy who was trying to retreat, whimpering as he stepped back. He couldn’t block the Land Mine this time.



There was some resistance, but his wrist broke, and he dropped the sword. When I reached out for his left hand, he fiercely resisted by swinging his fist.

Like a child struggling.

But it’s too late.


Both of his hands shattered, with the left one breaking first, and from then on, they began to break one by one. Every time my hands filled with Land Mine touched him, his bones cracked. Since he had been exhausting himself by using his power to the limit from the beginning in order to catch me, he couldn’t avoid my grasp.

I had told him I wouldn’t accept his declaration of defeat, so he had only one option.


Zhang Zedong was a hunter with a teleportation Gift, so he would try to make a desperate escape when my offense slackened

His eyes flashed as he stepped back, narrowly avoiding my hand going for his throat.

It seemed like he saw an opportunity to run.

“Ugh, ugh!”

Zhang Zedong turned his body and began to distance himself from me.

He knew that my Land Mine would only activate when it touched him, so he was trying to use teleportation by getting away.

I knew he would do that.josei

He did the same thing in my previous life.

So the moment he stepped back, I held in my hand the broken greatsword he had once cherished. The blade was dull, but it was a masterful sword, and it still radiated power.

I used my Gift, Blade Storm, mercilessly on him, who was trying to use teleportation.

The Blade Storm was much faster than his attempt to escape.

Zhang Zedong was engulfed by the Blade Storm at the same time as his Transition Gift activated.

The space that had opened in front of me closed, and it reopened where the members of the Chinese delegation and students were sitting. It seemed there was an item on the other side that could trigger Transition.

However, what came out through Transition was not Zhang Zedong but a lump of red flesh and blood.


The Chinese delegation looked in astonishment at the spectacle of flesh and blood that used to be Zhang Zedong.

China’s youngest Transcendent, the one in charge of the defense of the three northeastern provinces, had been torn to shreds without even preserving his body.

Shock and astonishment overwhelmed everyone.

As a participant in the duel, it was a puzzling occurrence for me.

Originally, in a duel like this, it’s possible to be torn to pieces and killed.

If they didn’t know that, they shouldn’t have applied for the duel.

Anyway, they had a valuable experience this time, so I hope not to make the same mistake again.

But the look on the Chinese Prime Minister’s face told me he’s not going to easily accept this result.

His chubby cheeks trembled, and unable to contain his anger, he glared at me and shouted.

“Yi, Yik! Kill that bastard!”

Kill? Who? Me?


In response to the Chinese Prime Minister’s cry, the hunters and students who were part of the delegation rushed at me without discrimination.

Was this a new form of purging?

I showed no mercy to those who charged at me with intention to kill.

I raised the broken great sword and unleashed Blade Storm upon them.

The unique Gift Slash mixed with Nuri’s legendary Gift Blade Storm tore through those charging at me, reducing them to piles of flesh and blood.

“He, Heik!”

“Ugh, uaaaah!”

I even chased down those trying to flee and killed them all. The only ones left standing were those who had remained still from the beginning.

It would be unfair to spare only these guys just because they didn’t charge at me.

Since I had killed the others, I approached the remaining guys with the intention to deal with them as well.

That’s when the President’s voice was heard.

“Enough, let them be. Those people were just standing still.”

If he had spoken 30 seconds later, I would have finished them all.

I pretended not to hear and was about to make another attack when I locked eyes with the Prime Minister. He quickly lowered my head, avoided eye contact, and distanced myself while clicking his tongue briefly.

“Yes. I only intended to deal with those who charged at me.”

Without any regrets, I dropped the sword on the ground and gave a reassuring smile, as if to say, “Relax.”

Upon hearing this, the Chinese delegation began to squirm where they stood. Some even wet themselves.

I smiled to tell them to relax and that I would spare their lives. So was it necessary to have no control over their bodily function?

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