The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 77

Chapter 77:

Complete Immunity was struggling desperately.

The purpose of the Complete Immunity was to vanquish all evil that existed in its master.

The Gift, Complete Immunity, was devoted.

To prove its reason for existence, it explored the master’s physical and spiritual forces.

There was nothing abnormal.

However, during the exploration of the mind, it noticed a serious disturbance.

Beyond the thick layers of mental barriers, a severe distortion was transmitted.

From one to ten.

The Complete Immunity sought to correct the master’s distorted mind. However, its intention was thoroughly crushed by the master. Not only that, but the master’s Force began to forcefully suppress it.

This was wrong. The master’s mind was currently distorted. It needed to be corrected. But why was the master hindering that?

The Complete Immunity desperately struggled to make its loyalty known, but it was in vain.

“Recently, the Gifts have been acting a bit scatterbrained.”

No… this couldn’t be happening…!

The Force that surged like a tidal wave mercilessly crushed Complete Immunity’s will.

* * *

Feeling the silence of Complete Immunity, I sighed with relief.

“It’s quite resilient.”

Indeed, a legendary Gift.

Although it momentarily malfunctioned, it broke through my mental barrier in an instant and endured in unfavorable situations.

Some said that some legendary Gifts had a bit of self-awareness, and Complete Immunity might be one of them.

The idea that Gifts had self-awareness was still an unknown area. Some said it was an inherent nature of the Gift itself, while others believed it was conveyed through the subconscious of the Gift’s possessor. It remained an unresolved truth, just like when I lived as the Blood Master in my previous life.

However, the fact was, it’s a Gift with its own ego.

A prime example of this was that Gifts were sometimes triggered against the user’s will.

The Protect held by the British Transcendent Black Wall, Williams, automatically formed a defensive barrier in dangerous situations, independent of the caster’s will. It was known that Williams had perfected an all-encompassing combat style using this Gift.

Just as Protect functioned, there was no rule preventing Complete Immunity from doing the same.

It was fascinating to see the determination in the struggle at the last moment; it seemed the Gift had a will.

As I stepped outside, I ran into Jung Ju-ho, who was wandering around the National Security Agency.

“Oh? Why are you here?”

“I came to check on something. How about the Director?”

“Tomorrow’s the hearing. I’ve been preparing.”

It was said that he not only selected the anticipated questionnaire but also went through a rehearsal.

Not long ago, he used to talk about dying to me, but now he looked pleased.

“You said you didn’t want to be the commissioner, but you seem okay with it now?”

“I’ve accepted it, so I might as well do well. When I become a person with power, everyone will know how scary it is.”

As he sinisterly laughed, his appearance was no different from a villain.

When people gained power, they often revealed their true nature. It usually changed in a very unfavorable direction, but I was curious about how Jung Ju-ho would change.

“But since there’s a hearing, your story will come out, and I’ll talk about you, too. Is that okay?”

“What story will come out?”

“How many politicians you’ve screwed over? It won’t be a good story, of course.”

I hadn’t really done anything wrong. It’s unfair.

“There’s nothing I can do if it comes out.”

It’s not just a day or two that I had been cursed at. I simply kept in mind who cursed me and how without dwelling on it too much.

However, Jung Ju-ho said something unexpected.

“I want to curse at you, too.”


“Because they’re going to criticize me for your excessive actions. Then am I supposed to say I ordered it and turn it all around?”

“Don’t you usually endure curses for the sake of your subordinates?”

When I was in the National Security Agency, wasn’t Jung Ju-ho someone who willingly endured curses for the sake of his subordinates?

Watching that, I even thought he was a true boss in this era.

Contrary to my expectations, Jung Ju-ho jumped up.

“If I’m going to do that, I have to resign. Do you think I’m crazy? I’m going to make a name for myself, so you can take the blame. You’re the one who asked me to be the commissioner in the first place.”

“Okay, got it.”

“Alright, I’ll take that as acceptance.”

“Yes. Instead, I’ll make sure to remember this moment.”


“It’s a joke. Don’t make that expression.”

It took quite some time to calm down the contemplative Jung Ju-ho.

Tomorrow was the hearing, so it was time for me to leave without sticking around.

I saw Jung Da-hyun coming into the National Security Agency late at night. Traces of a fierce battle were evident on her, with bloodstains on her hair and uniform.


“Welcome back.”

I welcomed Jung Da-hyun, who approached with a joyful expression.

“Caught the villain?”

“Yes. It was a place involved in drug distribution, but it was quite challenging to clean up the organization. There were skilled villains connected with external villain groups. I gathered them all in one place and took care of them. They won’t cause trouble anymore.”

“Well done.”

It was refreshing to hear Jung Da-hyun speak brightly about killing villains. It seemed like she had shed the stifling appearance she had when I first met her.

However, Jung Da-hyun, despite her cheerful words, looked at my face and a worried expression crossed her features.

“You look tired. Are you okay?”

“Me? I’m fine.”

“You look tired.”

“I had a few tasks to handle today, that’s all.”

I went all the way to Yeosu to catch Berserker, and I even tried various methods instead of choosing the easiest way to kill him. Come to think of it, that Berserker didn’t appreciate the effort I put in for him at all. An annoying guy.

Then I had to deal with Complete Immunity, which led to a considerable consumption of mental strength.

I thought there wasn’t much of a difference, but Jung Da-hyun’s insight was sharp. Has her intuition’s utility increased?

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

“I’m glad, but…”

“Do you have something to say?”

“I actually wanted to ask for a favor, but you seem tired.”

“Tell me. If I can, I’ll listen.”

“Well… If it’s okay, could you help me with my training?”


Not Berserker, but me? I wondered if she wanted to call Berserker, but Jung Da-hyun firmly shook her head.josei

“I want to learn properly from you, Oppa.”

“You know why that could be difficult.”

“I can get hurt badly.”

I had stored recovery potions for such moments. Well, even if one’s arms and legs were broken, if they used the potions at the right time, they could recover without injury.

It’s not like we’re a race that gets stronger from near-death experiences.

I couldn’t help but notice the anticipation in Jung Da-hyun’s eyes.

“Is it okay if your arms and legs get twisted?”


“Okay. When should we do it?”

“Right now.”

If she wanted to experience it herself, there’s no choice but to do it.

I went with Jung Da-hyun to the training room. As a result, Jung Da-hyun’s arms and legs were broken, and it became a miserable sight, but she never gave up and continued to challenge me.

Certainly, the scope of survival had expanded compared to before, and the application of Intuition had increased.

She deserved praise. So I messed with her even more.

Finally, I sent generous praise to Jung Da-hyun, whose will remained unbroken.

“You’ve reached a considerable level. It seems like you’ll reach Level 7 soon.”

“Thank you.”

“Can you get up?”


I sprayed Jung Da-hyun with my recovery potion. Since I have an infinite supply, I gave it back to her to use when she’s in real danger, since she’s a hunter from the National Security Agency. By the way, I used it on Berserker today, so it’s consumed quite quickly.

After setting her broken arm back into its original form, Jung Da-hyun struggled to her feet.

“Thank you.”


It was a strange feeling to see her thanking me after being turned into a mess.

In my past life, she didn’t hesitate to use any means to kill me. Indeed, people were meant to live kindly.

I gave feedback to Jung Da-hyun.

Overall, her skills had improved a lot. At this rate, she would reach level 7 soon, and within three years, she would be able to catch up to the skills she had in my past life.

As for becoming a Transcendent, I wasn’t quite sure.

By the way.


“What’s wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

As I walked out, I thought back to the Complete Immunity that had tried to sneak through my mental barrier during the coaching session with Jung Da-hyun.

I thought I had educated it, but maybe not enough.

I needed to go home and firmly establish the groundwork.

* * *

The International Transcendent Day held in Tokyo was a significant event.

There was a time in the past when monsters appeared, and humanity was on the verge of being overwhelmed. Then, when awakened individuals appeared, the world celebrated the heroes who would save them from the threat of destruction.

However, that enthusiasm didn’t last long. As the monsters entered a deadlock, a villain emerged challenging the existing social order, and the image of the Awakened rapidly deteriorated.

Moreover, due to the lack of a legal system to counter awakened individuals, various incidents occurred.

As a result, social conflicts intensified, and the confrontation between awakened and non-awakened individuals deepened.

The International Transcendent Day marked the first day when the legal system was complete, symbolizing the complete integration of awakened individuals into society.

Among them, the one standing at the apex was a Level 8, a transcendent being.

The estimated number of Transcendent currently existing worldwide was around 150.

When including villainous figures, the unofficial count was about 200.

Among them, around 50 Transcendent gathered every year on the International Transcendent Day.

It was one of the world’s largest festivals, where not only diplomatic negotiations between countries took place but also exchanges among Transcendent occurred.

In South Korea, I and Lee Chan-taek are scheduled to participate as Transcendent. Additionally, there were plans for over 300 people to cross over to Tokyo, including a government diplomatic delegation of around 100 members and 200 hunters affiliated with the National Guild Union.

As one of the top awakened nations in the world, the scale of the event was set to be the largest ever, given that the venue was Tokyo.

Before departing for Tokyo, I met Lee Chan-taek at the Blue House.

“Are you doing well?”

“Thanks to you, I’m doing well. I always appreciate your help. I’ll learn a thing or two in Tokyo.”

“Don’t mention it.”

After the Nuri Hunt, Lee Chan-taek’s Avant-Garde guild experienced significant setbacks.

However, the downturn didn’t last long. Lee Chan-taek took the initiative, strengthened his forces, and entered into an alliance with the Sacred Guild, introducing the Big Bang series first.

As a result, in a short period, he achieved the recovery of the power lost during the Nuri Hunt.

Moreover, when suspicions arose regarding the Nuri Hunt process, he took a stand on my side, expressing support and giving interviews, showing friendly gestures.

“The hearing seemed quite tumultuous. Are you okay?”

“No problem.”

“Both you and Director Jung Ju-ho are impressive.”

Yesterday’s hearing with Director Jung Ju-ho was a spectacle. It was almost confusing whether it was Director Jung Ju-ho’s hearing or mine.

Especially, starting from the fact that Director Jung Ju-ho allegedly allowed my excessive suppression during my time in the National Security Agency, the blame against me dominated the entire hearing.The more amusing thing was that usually, attacks came from the opposition, and defense was the ruling party’s role. However, attacks against me didn’t discriminate between opposition and the ruling party.

Here was Jung Ju-ho’s response.

– Should I have risked my life to block him?

In response, there was a miraculous silence from both the opposition and the ruling party.

No, why would Jung Ju-ho assume that if he blocked me, he would die?

Honestly, it was unfair.

The problem was that those who claimed to be my fans flooded the comments, saying things like “ㅇㅈ.”

Anyone reading it would think I was some villain going around killing people.

Still, there was a silver lining.

“There were some benefits.”

“What kind?”

“Now I know how they all think of me, regardless of their political stance.”

“That’s a pretty scary thing to say.”

“I don’t intend to act on it. I’m just stating the fact.”

“I understand.”

It’s always good to keep it in mind.

When I and Lee Chan-taek were having a lively conversation, Cheon Myeong-guk entered.

Although his usual expression was passive, today he seemed unusually cheerful.

“Thank you for coming. The sight of two Transcendent together is delightful.”

Something good must have happened because he was grinning from ear to ear.

“Our country’s goal for this event is to widely publicize the achievements we have made so far. At the core of that will be the promotion of Nuri’s hunt.”

According to Cheon Myeong-guk, after the appearance of monsters with higher danger level being referred to now as level 8 plus, my hunting of Nuri became a topic again.

The South Korean government was currently claiming that the successful hunt was a fact, dismissing the rumors as unfounded conspiracies.

It’s such a hotly debated topic among Transcendent that Lee Chan-taek would be testifying as a hunter who was there when it happened.

He’s going to admit that he failed and ran?

Seeing Lee Chan-taek, he nodded calmly. That made me feel like he had received something.

There’s a high probability of undisclosed transactions happening beneath the surface.


As I opened my mouth, both of their gazes focused on me.

“Even if I say I hunted, there are people who won’t believe it.”

“Yes. However, if there are hunting achievements and testimony from Lee Chan-taek, there will no longer be a basis to claim manipulation.”

From my perspective, it seemed like people who picked fights would continue to do so.

Those guys only changed their minds on the verge of death.

Oh, of course, I had never let anyone who changed their mind like that live.

They had to take responsibility for their own thoughts.

Then, I asked about the part I was curious about.

“Still, what will happen if I kill someone who says they can’t believe that I hunted Nuri alone and so, they wanted to test my skills?”

Curiosity drove me to action.

Would that make me the public enemy of International Transcendent Union?

Would there be any other world class villain?


Neither of them answered. Did they not understand, or was the question wrong? Looking at the expression of the soil-like Cheon Myeong-guk, it seemed like the question was conveyed correctly.

Did I misunderstand another part?

“Ah, I don’t intend to kill. I’m just asking out of curiosity.”


I was just trying to hear the government’s position before taking any action.


It seemed like both of them didn’t believe it.

T/N: Sorry for the super late update. I’m currently busy with some irl things, and I can’t find the time to translate a new chapter for this story. ><

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