The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 84

Chapter 84:

The president’s expression was grave as he read the report.

“So, does this mean there’s a high possibility of a Level 9 monster appearing?”

“We decided to call it ‘Double Plus’ to minimize the strong impact it might have.”


“I affectionately call it ‘Plus Plus.’ The official name might be better as ‘Double Plus.’”

Cheon Myeong-guk shook his head. I suggested that ‘Plus Plus’ sounded cuter, but it wasn’t well-received.

“That might be better. The moment you say Level 9, people might think the end of the world is coming.”

But the end didn’t come.

From the perspective of someone who had lived in the future, the world was still turning smoothly.

Just more people dying and the number of monsters increasing, but we managed to endure it with difficulty.

Come to think of it, when I was Blood Master, I probably caught more monsters than most large guilds. I was crazy, but in my own way, I was still contributing to the world.

“It was a good choice not to announce this information in Japan. It would have caused uncontrollable chaos.”

Actually, it was because there was a guy who interrupted me before I could even begin my presentation. I decided to pretend it was intentional, as if I had planned it all along.

“Other countries are probably expecting something like this as well.”

“We’re now facing this possibility. The Plus-tier monster is already said to be a different species that has reached a ‘new stage’, being able to use Force and unlocking Gifts. However, if Transcendent Choi Jun-ho expresses certainty about this issue, it will carry a different meaning.”

“Do you think so?”

“Among everything you have said so far, nothing has been wrong. It’s as if you have experienced the future.”


Indeed, being a president was not something anyone could do. He even knew that I came from the future.

“Just kidding. But if you have a Foresight Gift, please let me know. I’m curious about the lottery numbers for next week.”

“Want to try selecting lottery numbers?”


With the president’s joke, the atmosphere softened, allowing the conversation to come to an end.

On the way back home, I pondered about the Double-plus monsters.

I hadn’t encountered one myself. They were pretty rare. With their high intelligence, they often fled if they sensed any disadvantage. Because of that, successful hunting cases were also almost non-existent.

In reality, they were incredibly strong, so when their Gift was activated, they were powerful enough to shatter defense-type Gifts. As a result, hunting teams were formed with a small number of elite Awakened.

Since there’s still time, the smart people would figure out a solution on their own.

By the way, the shaking of the car seemed to be getting worse. I should change it soon. I wonder if there’s a decent used car available. I was not inclined to pay much attention to cars when buying a new one.

In the meantime, I arrived at my parents’ house. They offered to prepare a meal since I just returned from a business trip.

Seeing my parents’ faces after a long time was reassuring, indicating that they were doing well.

“How have you been these days?”

“Very well.”

“That’s good. If there’s anything uncomfortable, feel free to let me know.”

“Sure, don’t worry too much about your parents.”

We had a meal in a warm atmosphere. This comfort was something I could only feel when I was with my parents. Talking with them made me realize that I was truly back in the past.

If I were still insane, I wouldn’t have been able to spend this time with them.

That’s why this moment was precious. Who knew if I would lose my mind again?

That’s why I obtained Complete Immunity, but it seemed to be malfunctioning.

While my mother was talking about the well-maintained apartment complex and the recent gathering of friends, she suddenly asked cautiously.

“But how wealthy is our son?”

“I don’t know. Do you need allowance?”

Wouldn’t they be worry-free if I gave them about 1 million won?

My mother hastily shook her head at my words.

“No, no, it’s okay. The money from Cheongju is sufficient.”

“Don’t say that, just take it.”

“It’s good to have well-raised sons and daughters.”

As she spoke, she mentioned that she received an allowance from Yoon-hee not long ago. She didn’t even tell me. I almost became an unfilial child just like that.

But did she have money to give to our parents while being a fan of idols? She needed to save money if she’s going to get married later.

As I was thinking about this, I felt my parents watching me.

“Do you have something to say?”

“Can I say something?”

“You can.”

“That, the lady from the Sacred Group.”

“Team leader Lee Se-hee.”

“Yeah, Team Leader Lee. Do you happen to meet each other often?”

“We meet frequently.”

My mother’s expression brightened. What’s so good about that?

“Then you must get along well?”

“Not bad. We’re on good terms.”

“Oh, my! Can we expect it to develop into a good relationship?”

My mother’s face sparkled with anticipation. Why was she asking me this now?

“We’re already in a good relationship.”

“What? Really?”

“Jun-ho, what your mom is talking about is being in a relationship.”

His father, who had been watching, said. His mother gently smacked his father’s thigh in a way that it wouldn’t hurt.

“Why do you talk about the son’s personal business so directly?”

“We’re not dating.”

It turned out that we had been asking and answering different questions until now.

My words distorted my mother’s face with shock and horror.

“Didn’t you just say it was a good relationship?”

“I was talking about a business relationship. Lee Se-hee has excellent business skills. I’ve been keeping an eye on her because of her talents.”


Mother lowered her head at my words, and Father patted her shoulder.

“What was I expecting?”

“…So don’t have too much expectations in Jun-ho. You know he’s a disobedient guy.”


I didn’t do anything, but suddenly I became a disobedient son.

* * *

I visited the Sacred Guild to inform them about the Japanese Prime Minister’s request.

At the mention of an increase in the Big Bang series production and the suggestion of a joint venture, Lee Se-hee’s eyes briefly lit up.

“It’s a shame. If I had gone there myself, I would have gotten a better deal. Oh! I’m not blaming Jun-ho-ssi. Probably because they didn’t want to deal with me directly, they played some tricks.”

While saying that, the way her interest was piqued made me wonder why it looked strangely unsettling.

I remembered the words of the vice minister. I was curious about the extent that would prompt such remarks, but perhaps it’s better not to ask?

Lee Se-hee decided to handle the rest of the negotiations, and the topic shifted to the next agenda.

“The government has requested cooperation regarding the Double Plus tier monsters. They say it might exert a threat equivalent to level 9. Dealing with the Plus tier is already challenging, and now this…”

The Sacred Guild had also revealed that they were conducting their own research on the matter. They had made significant progress in researching advanced-level monsters, and they expressed their intention to bid for the next attack.

Personally, I didn’t have much concern about this.

“Do you have confidence in dealing with them?”

“Yes, of course. We’ve thoroughly researched it, and there’s no room for complacency. We expect it to appear soon.”

Being known as the top guild in South Korea, they must have solid plans in place.

Maybe I should observe how they hunt.

When I suggested this to Lee Se-hee, she readily agreed.

They claimed there’s a reliable safety measure in place, but was I simply going to be an observer?

Saying that just me observing was reassuring. I wondered if there’s something I didn’t know.

The conversation, which was flowing warmly, suddenly took an odd turn as Lee Se-hee pursed her lips.

“By the way, I feel upset.”

“What’s the matter?”

“You’re only watching over Da-hyun’s training.”

“Oh, that?”

Lee Se-hee had said it a few times in passing. I let it slip past me each time. It wasn’t that I was ignoring her, but there was no need for me to intervene.


“I don’t have the talent for teaching.”

“What? Why?”

“I’ve been providing rigorous instruction, but Da-hyun struggles to advance to the next level. If she’s putting in the effort and still can’t overcome the obstacle, the responsibility lies with the one doing the teaching.”

“Strange? It’s different from what I heard.”

Different? What’s different?

After shaking her head repeatedly, Lee Se-hee said.

“I don’t mind, so please take some time next time to guide me as well.”

“It would be tough.”

“Well, I expect so. To deal with higher-level monsters, I need to sharpen my senses.”

“I’ll keep at it until you feel like you’re dying.”

“I like that kind of thing.”

Feeling like you’re dying was enjoyable? I was not sure if it’s just lip service or if she’s being sincere.

Seeing Lee Se-hee’s enthusiasm, I should probably teach her.

But it was a concern that I might not have the talent to teach, considering that Jung Da-hyun still had not reached Level 7.

Perhaps it’s because my standards were different from others, and the fact that I became strong was also due to the crucial role of Blood Absorption.

I should try to be more assertive.

“Look forward to it.”


After Choi Jun-ho left, Lee Se-hee began to organize the conversation they had just had.

“Japanese Prime Minister’s request. Jun-ho-ssi has settled it for now, but there’s more to worry about, so it’s better to dispatch a negotiation team…”

Japan was a wealthy nation. Even if they addressed the immediate concerns, there was always more to worry about. While negotiating with Jun-ho on major issues, there was a risk that others might exploit the situation, looking for vulnerabilities in the surroundings.

In addition, there was a need to prepare for a new level of monsters named the Double Plus tier. There were also plans to actively engage in hunting these said monsters.

Choi Jun-ho offering to guide her was unexpected.josei

He also volunteered to observe during the hunt.

It could be considered the best insurance in terms of coverage.

Taking things one step at a time.

Creating connections was an important task.

“Jun-ho-ssi and Uncle seem to say different things.”

Lee Se-hee recalled Baek Gun-seo’s high praise for Jung Da-hyun a while ago.

It was something about an astonishing development.

Baek Gun-seo, who treated Jung Da-hyun like a disciple, never spoke empty words.

But seeing the different reactions from Choi Jun-ho, there seemed to be something off.

Whose words were correct?

The next day, during the meeting on hunting Plus-tier monsters, there was an opportunity to ask Baek Gun-seo.

“I don’t know what kind of person Choi Jun-ho is, but he seems to know how to cast a spell. He has a natural talent for teaching.”

“But Jun-ho-ssi’s words are different. He says he has no talent in teaching at all.”

“Nonsense! He has no talent, but he raised Jung Da-hyun to Level 7?”

“What? Da-hyun is already at Level 7?”

Lee Se-hee didn’t know about this.

Baek Gun-seo noticed the surprised reaction of Lee Se-hee and had a realization.

“Well, I didn’t mention it last time because I thought it might shock you. Yeah, Da-hyun reached Level 7. Given the timing, she probably just hit Level 7. Her skills have become considerably more stable. I suppose all of this is thanks to Choi Jun-ho’s teachings.”

“I didn’t know he had that talent for teaching.”

“There’s no one like him. What’s even funnier is that Da-hyun thinks of herself as Level 6.”

“Why would that be?”

If it were her, she would have proudly boasted to everyone.

While it was good to hide one’s skills, people like herself benefited more by revealing them.

“She has that strict side to herself.”

Yet, Choi Jun-ho himself thought of Jung Da-hyun as Level 6.

There were several unresolved issues, but anyway, it was a remarkable achievement.

Although she spent more time at work than training, Lee Se-hee was also considered a prodigy.

Having been rivals with Jung Da-hyun since childhood, she had no intention of just watching her take the lead.

“I should just suck it up.”

Lee Se-hee clenched her fist and vowed firmly.

* * *

Jung Da-hyun recently felt a sense of accomplishment. She thought she became stronger. But then her fight with Choi Jun-ho seemed to prove her wrong. Then she realized that it was because her opponent was Choi Jun-ho.

During the simulated training, she felt herself transformed into a helpless scarecrow, unable to do anything. Despite squeezing out everything she had, she could only momentarily defend herself, ultimately receiving blows like a punching bag.

The same thing happened during their training yesterday. Since she had a mission today, he was a bit gentle. But Jung Da-hyun still found herself unable to do anything, rolling on the floor without accomplishing a thing.

“I still have a long way to go.”

She realized she was lacking in many aspects when she thought about it. The journey ahead seemed daunting. Unsure of when she could reach Level 7, her so-called genius talent felt disappointingly inadequate.

However, she couldn’t stay in self-doubt forever.

Jung Da-hyun recalled the mission.

Today, there was a planned surprise attack on a villain organization that had long engaged in human trafficking.

“Let’s go.”

Covertly moving out of Seoul, the specialized villain task force arrived at a warehouse in Bucheon.

Despite being part of the metropolitan area and close to Incheon, the information indicated that villains were wreaking havoc in this area.

“All snipers eliminated.”

“Lookouts eliminated too.”

In response to reports coming from all directions, Jung Da-hyun nodded. The warehouse was engulfed in chaos.

This was the opportune moment to strike amid the enemy’s confusion.

Jung Da-hyun exerted strength into the hand holding the sword. The familiar cold sensation brought a calmness to her mind.

She believed that she had changed in many ways.

In the past, she would have wanted to resolve the situation with minimal casualties. That thought still remained. However, now she thought she had to deal with villains more roughly for the sake of minimizing harm.

Handling as many villains as possible was necessary to ensure the safety of her colleagues.

This was a thought she could never have entertained before. However, meeting Choi Jun-ho brought a change to the word ‘justice’ she held.

This was the right path. With one villain gone, a thousand citizens could go about their lives safely.

Although she’s still not used to the nickname ‘Crazy Witch’, it alligned to what she’s doing right now.

“I’ll take the lead, so everyone, follow me.”

Jung Da-hyun stepped forward, and the reserve forces blocked the escape route.

Entering the warehouse, Jung Da-hyun led the way and swung her sword. The crescent-shaped Force blade cleaved through the legs of the villains.

Purple mist began to spread throughout the factory.


“Ah! My leg!”

“Pl-please save me…”

Contrary to their words, blood splattered on Jung Da-hyun’s face as she struck the neck of a villain pulling out a gun from his bosom.

“If they resist, you can kill them!”

With Jung Da-hyun’s shout, screams erupted.


There were villains firing guns, but a sniper lost their life to Jung Da-hyun’s focused attack. Following the leader’s approach, the specialized villain task force hunters mercilessly killed the villains.

The 80 or so villains in the warehouse were quickly reduced to less than half.

The wavering villains didn’t surrender until the end. Normally, holding on after this many casualties meant one of two things: either they were waiting for reinforcements or there’s something here they absolutely couldn’t give up.

And the eerie laughter echoing from the warehouse revealed that it was the former of the two.

“Hehehe. That’s enough.”

Along with it, a figure of a man, about 165cm tall, appeared.

The deputy team leader, Um Kyung-young, recognized the face of the man who appeared and shouted in horror.

“Team leader, it’s the Blood Reaper.”

“Blood Reaper?”

Jung Da-hyun recalled the name of the infamous villain.

Blood Reaper, Ha Gwang-il.

Twenty years ago, a notorious villain who crossed over to China, made a name for himself. It was reported that he lost his right arm, severed by the emerging Transcendent Baek Gun-seo at the time, before fleeing to China.

He was a villain who committed all sorts of atrocities in Korea, claiming that Korea was too small for him. He attacked hunting teams just for fun, killed them, killed the families of civilians who offended him, and sought out and killed promising awakened individuals. He even committed crimes as he killed newborn babies, drenching himself in blood, causing outrage throughout the entire country.

He committed unspeakable, heinous acts that were difficult to list comprehensively. Baek Gun-seo still regretted not apprehending Ha Gwang-il to this day.

After 20 years, Ha Gwang-il, who revealed himself, had a fully intact right arm.

Despite his somewhat petite stature, his eyes glowed with vitality.

“Are you Baek Gun-seo’s disciple? If I capture you and demand one of that guy’s arms, the long-standing grudge will be diluted a bit.”

Ha Gwang-il knew her identity from the beginning.

As he was right in front of them, there’s no escaping it. They had to confront him themselves.

Jung Da-hyun, who took a deep breath, called out to the villain task force.

“I will take care of the rear. Everyone, retreat.”

“Tea, Team Leader?”

“It’s an order!”

“I’ll request reinforcements. Just hold on a little longer.”

Deputy leader Um Kyung-young led the team out of the warehouse, and Jung Da-hyun blocked the entrance. It was a determination to stop Ha Gwang-il no matter what.

With her sword in hand, she closely pursued every move of the Blood Reaper.

For the past 20 years, he had garnered a notorious reputation as a level 7 villain. Even if he’s not a Transcendent, his skills were believed to have reached their peak.

…But why did her Intuition feel calm?


With a strange laugh, Ha Gwang-il rushed in. The moment their swords clashed, Forces intertwined, and a powerful explosion occurred.

Stepping back to easily dissipate the aftermath, Jung Da-hyun realized one thing.

He wasn’t strong.

To be precise, he was manageable.


Sparks flew as they exchanged blows a dozen times in an instant. Jung Da-hyun not only blocked all of Ha Gwang-il’s attacks, but also delivered sharp counterattacks.

It was not difficult at all. Choi Jun-ho was much stronger, faster, eerier, and scarier.

She could even see gaps to counterattack. Was it a trap? It could be. If he was really the Blood Reaper, he wouldn’t expose such openings.

“Not bad, youngster.”

With a grim laugh, Ha Gwang-il rushed in, but she blocked them all.

Could it be that it wasn’t an intentional opening?

As Jung Da-hyun delved into a gap and swung the sword, Ha Gwang-il’s shoulder guard flew off.

The sword of the villain whose notorious reputation echoed loudly in the past… Was it just at this level?

She wondered what had happened. Did Ha Gwang-il’s severe injuries cause his level to decrease?

Jung Da-hyun, holding the sword, asked, “What’s your intention in impersonating the Blood Reaper?”

“What, what? What are you saying, you fool?!”

“Don’t lie. The Blood Reaper is a level 7 villain; there’s no way someone as weak as you could be him.”

What kind of scheme was this? Was the real Blood Reaper operating separately?

If so, her retreating team members were in danger.

“I need to deal with the imposter quickly and go…”

Ha Gwang-il’s face contorted horribly after being so blatantly ignored.

“You bitch!”

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