The Cursed King

Chapter 135 - The Happiest In A Long Time

Chapter 135 - The Happiest In A Long Time

Loriel suddenly felt his chest pounding. This position felt so intimate.

Elise was sitting on his lap, facing him. He hugged her small waist, while the woman wrapped her arms around his neck. Their eyes locked as their faces were only inches from each other.

Elise decided not to ask Loriel about his past relationships. She didn't want to think about other women today. She wanted to enjoy this night with Loriel.

Now that they were officially in a relationship, she couldn't wait to get to know the man more intimately as they spend more time together as a couple.

Loriel looked at her dotingly. He smiled and then tilted his head to the side and kissed her luscious lips. This was perfect... As he hugged her body in his embrace, he got to kiss her again.

This was the best Christmas ever.

Elise liked this too. She immediately got used to kissing Loriel and also couldn't have enough of him. And so, they made out on the couch. Everything felt so pleasant.

When Loriel's hand started to snake inside her dress, Elise suddenly moved from her daze and instinctively moved her body away from him. Both Loriel and she were surprised. Loriel immediately ended the kiss and cleared his throat.

"I am sorry, I got carried away..." he apologized.

Gosh.. he was so happy and on cloud nine when he made out with her, that his desire was awoken. His naughty hand was slowly trying to grope her.

Of course, Elise would feel uncomfortable because they just started dating and she must want to take things slow. At least at the beginning.

"I-it's okay, Loriel... really," she smiled awkwardly. "I am fine. I was just surprised."

She got up from his lap and tidied her messy hair. Loriel got up too. He was in a panic. He really hoped Elise didn't freak out and left him. He promised to better behave next time, and be more patient.

"I am sorry," he pleaded. "I will not do it again."

Elise smiled and touched his cheek to reassure him. "It's really fine. Isn't it what boyfriend and girlfriend do? I am just surprised and need some time to get used to it. Our relationship is very new and I have never been intimate with anyone before..."

Loriel knew that. Elise had always loved him, ever since she was little. There was never another man in her life, just him, her husband.

Loriel was the same.  After he realized how much he actually loved his wife, he vowed to never touch any other women and he kept his word. 

For over fifteen centuries, he never stained himself by sleeping with any other women. He wanted to save himself for his wife, for when the time they could meet again. 

"You can take all the time in the world," Loriel said gently. "I will wait until you are ready."

Elise closed her eyes as if to inhale Loriel's sweet essence and kept him with her. She loved hearing his voice. He always spoke dotingly to her and this made her feel so special.

When she opened her eyes, she touched his cheek again and then planted a kiss on his lips. "Thank you for all the wonderful gifts. I love them all."

"Merry Christmas, honey," said Loriel, feeling extra happy because he got to call her 'honey' again.

"Merry Christmas, Loriel. Good night."

Having said that, Elise went to her room and called it a night.

Loriel touched his lips that Elise took initiative to kiss earlier. Tonight was his happiest in a long time.

He slept so well that night and even had a wonderful dream.


The next day both Elise and Loriel woke up feeling refreshed and happy, especially Loriel. Now that they were officially a couple, he was more confident in discussing their current living together over a meal.

Last night during their time together, filled Loriel with such bliss and he was entirely grateful that Elise granted his wish.  Loriel truly wanted to be by her side and cherish her. 

As he set their breakfast together and Loriel sat with Elise, he gave her a warm and loving gaze. "Elise, now that we're together, I think I want to speak to you about something." 

"What is it, Loriel?" Elise asked. She ate some of their food and thanked him for the meal with a warm smile.

Loriel clasped his hands together. "Do you still remember when we first met and I told you that I encountered a financial crisis?"

"You did, I remember that you couldn't even get a proper ride... but you're alright now, right, Loriel?" Elise's brows furrowed with worry. 

"Yes, I'm already back on my feet." Loriel chuckled. "My finances are in order thanks to the financial advisers and manager that I have around me, so everything is good now and you need not worry about paying me for the penthouse at all. I'd actually like to return the money to you." 

Elise blinked. "Well, that's…"

Elise and Loriel were now a couple and they were living together under one roof. Of course, it made sense to Elise that she didn't have to pay for living here, but she paid him before this happened.  josei

"Actually, Elise, you no longer need to worry about working at all." Loriel smiled. "The two of us can actually afford to just stay here together in the penthouse and live on all of the trust fund and assets that I've acquired over the years. You need not lift a finger any longer."

"Well... I don't think so, Loriel." Elise said.

"Huh?" Loriel blinked.

"Please don't get me wrong, Loriel. You've been quite so thoughtful and considerate of all my circumstances, and we're even together now." Elise blushed. "But I don't want to be relying solely on you."

"I don't mind if you do it," Loriel said. "I'd be more than happy to have you not worry about your finances and any other troubles, Elise."

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