The Cursed King

Chapter 222 - The Wedding

Chapter 222 - The Wedding

"Princess, the day that you have been waiting for has finally arrived," Alina remarked.

"Yes," Elise smiled at her maid and stood up to look at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a beautiful flowy dress that reached the ground and despite everything that happened, her heart was filled with joy.

A gentle wind blew and took in autumn's leaves through her open window. Alina was quick to pick up the leaves and shake her head. 

"There must be no falling leaves at all, but since this is Summeria, the weather cannot be changed like Myreen. I wish that the wedding took place in spring, Your Highness. You would be adorned with flowers like a goddess."

"Summeria is still very beautiful, and this will be our home, Alina." Elise smiled. "As long as the wedding takes place, I am satisfied."

"Yes, Your Highness." the servant bowed. "Shall we leave for the temple now for the ceremony? The carriage and horses are now prepared and everyone is waiting for us. I've heard from the butler and Queen Myrcella and King Alexander just arrived in Castilse and immediately went to the temple."

"Of course, let us go." Elise's eyes lit up. Their wedding was held in a rush because Loriel wanted his mother to witness their wedding before she died. They Immediately sent Renwyck to come to Myreen with his dragons to get Elise's family.

As predicted, they could reach Castilse on the day of the wedding. Ahh.. this made Elise feel so happy. She couldn't imagine getting married without her father by her side.

The weather of Castilse during the day of the wedding was colder, windy and there was even a slight touch of a drizzle that cooled the air.  josei

Loriel himself stood with his mother to check on her condition. Queen Maude was clothed in a heavy shawl, with Zaff close to the queen dowager to make sure that she was in good health.

The entire time that Loriel was congratulated by the guests, the man was respectful and thanked them. Many could see how much preparations were done for this event and yet the man did not look as happy as most expected a man on his own wedding to be. 

"Mother, I will be going to the altar now," Loriel said to his mother.

Queen Maude smiled and motioned for him to go. "Yes, you should hurry. Don't worry about me, my son. I will be here to congratulate the two of you at the end."

Loriel nodded and smiled. He exchanged a few words with Zaff and then approached the temple's priest as he went through the hall. 

All around him were beautiful and rich decorations that adorned the temple's architecture. Loriel hoped that it was something that made his mother happy and also was suitable for the eyes of his bride. 

The promise that Loriel made to his mother and even King Alexander, he planned to keep it. Even though he got annoyed with how everyone expected him to do it without complaints, Loriel was a filial son.

The king of Summeria eyed the seven statues that stood at the pillars of the temple, each one symbolizing the powers and influence of the world upon them.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." the temple's main priest bowed to him. "On this fortuitous day, I have received a revelation that the goddess of the earth smiles upon you and your bride's wedding."

"Is that so?" Loriel couldn't help but ask. 

"Yes, Your Majesty." the priest nodded. "Although the wedding takes place during autumn where the world is asleep and preserving itself for the incoming harshness of winter, like spring, it will blossom once again."

"...Thank you," Loriel nodded and looked out the doors of the temple.

The priest was right that the world right now was asleep. Everything felt sort of numb to Loriel, but it couldn't be helped. 

Despite the cold autumn breeze and a great number of trees devoid of leaves, everyone gathered together for this momentous hour and awaited the arrival of the bride. 

At last, in the distance, the horse-drawn carriage came to a stop as the two knights from Myreen and the ones from Summeria heralded the arrival of the bride.  A footman opened the door as the bride came out.

A genuine smile of joy was on Elise's face as her gaze landed amongst the crowd, among them were her beloved family - her father and grandmother who just arrived in Summeria this morning and immediately went to the temple for the wedding, the queen and of course, Loriel 

The two of them met each other's gaze.

Loriel blinked and found his heart fluttering for a moment of confusion. A small smile formed on his lips as he acknowledged the fact that his bride was the most beautiful woman he truly ever had seen.

Elise smiled even brighter at seeing Loriel's expression. She could see his adoration gaze.

Upon her arrival, the trees across the temple's grounds suddenly changed and became vibrant in color. Dark green leaves sprouted and grew as it was joined by the fragrance of flowers in fresh bloom.

It matched the sheer joy that blossomed in Elise's own heart as she stepped inside of the temple. Everyone's eyes were on the bride, but Elise's gaze was on Loriel alone as she walked slowly to enter the temple. 

She halted her steps when her father came and joined her. King Alexander reached out his hand to her and when Elise held his arm, the proud father walked her down the aisle.

They walked in light and graceful steps toward Loriel who was waiting for them with the priest at the altar.

Loriel offered his hand out to her and respectfully bowed his head when Elise and King Alexander arrived. He mouthed his thank you to his father-in-law. King Alexander nodded and stepped back, to return to her seat, next to Queen Maude.

"You look beautiful today," Loriel murmured.

Elise reached out and held his hand. The two of them interlaced their fingers together as her heart pounded at his compliment. "Thank you… you look handsome as well."

Loriel didn't say anything at that but only nodded. This was enough for the two of them and as long as Elise was in a good mood then it meant that the chances of her agreeing to his request would work out fine.

"The seven gods and all in Cretea bless us," the temple priest raised a beautiful ornate goblet into the air. "Let's praise the goddess of earth for this marriage that she has bestowed upon us this very day. We shall bear witness to the union between His Majesty, King of Summeria, King Loriel Ashborn, and Her Royal Highness, Princess of Myreen, Princess Elise Leoralei." 

Elise bit down on her lip and awaited fervently once the priest handed the goblet to Loriel.

The king took a sip of the wine and then Loriel looked deeply into her eyes, a shared look that made her heart pound as he placed the goblet in her hands. 

"May the two of us share this one cup as a start for the future where the two of us will also share our joys and sorrows with one another. Through days of Winter and Summer, Spring and Autumn, let us remain with one another."





Hello, I just published a new book from the werewolves genre, to join AllNovelFull's writing competition. The title is "The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate".

Please add it to your library and support me to win the competition. xx

The book is reverse-harem, nobody died, and it will be my first take on a mainstream genre. You can say I finally try to write something that (hopefully) many people like to read.

This is the synopsis:


Choosing him, or him?

When she jumps over the academy walls to escape from her bullies, Sophie falls straight into the arms of Nicholas, the kingdom's crown prince with a sweet and sunny disposition. Sparks fly and love blossoms between the poor orphan and the prince.

But... suddenly, Leland, the dangerous new alpha of the most powerful werewolf pack in the kingdom claimed her to be his mate?! Sophie is torn between two men. One calls her his wife, the other claims her his mate.

The prince is warm and sweet, his love is burning like the sun. The alpha is cold and overbearing, his love is as heavy as the mountain and as cold as the winter.

Which one will Sophie end up with when both sides wage war over blood, hatred, and revenge?

Leland will burn the entire kingdom just to get Sophie and avenge his race. On the other hand, the newly crowned king, Nicholas, strives to drive out the werewolves that the kingdom deemed as monsters while keeping a dark secret within himself–

He is also a werewolf.


You can search the book by the title <The King's Wife Is The Alpha's Mate> and add it to your library, or you can click my username and go to my reading lists called "Missrealitybites Books" and find it there.

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