The Cursed King

Chapter 280  Dante And Elise

Chapter 280  Dante And Elise

When Dante returned to Cretea and reunited with Elise, he felt all of his worries fall away as he saw the beautiful woman waiting patiently in one of the temples there.

Compared to any other woman, he found Elise enchanting and her kindness was truly all-encompassing. Nobody in their right mind would have freed a caged ugly bird back in the past, but Elise did.

In return for everything that Elise ever did to him, Dante swore to make her life better. The Time Master had already rid of the man who caused Elise so much intense pain, Loriel was gone for good.

Dante was determined to treat her better than that awful man.

Elise smiled lightly and saw her friend. She stood up from one of the couches and looked anxiously at him. "Dante, welcome back to Cretea. How did it go? I know I'm asking so much from you, but how did my father and grandmother take the news?" josei

The smile on Dante's face fell away slightly and he smoothly lied. "They are saddened by your departure, but once I explained that it was necessary and that there was no other way to save their grandchild? They relented."

"Oh thank goodness," Elise sighed in relief. "I was worried about the two of them. Perhaps next time I can invite them to come here with me in Cretea if that is okay?"

Dante didn't want to oppose such thoughts, although it was already next to impossible. The Time Master made an exception for Elise and he was the one in charge of the goblet that contained the potion of immortality.

However, he wasn't sure if inviting two more people to Cretea and these ones who would remember Loriel would be a good idea.

Dante cleared his throat. "Elise, I know that you would love them to be here. However, I am afraid that after you bring your father and grandmother here… what will happen to Myreen next? Would you also want the people of Myreen to also become immortal?"

Elise bit down on her lip as she thought of the future of their beloved kingdom. Who else would run the kingdom if the royal family was gone?

"I don't want to be separated from my loved ones. I know that I left Myreen when I married Loriel, but I also want to treasure my family."

That look on her face was really alluring and Dante was afraid that if Elise ever glanced lovingly in his direction, he might have actually chosen to do whatever she wanted.

However, Dante was aware of those thoughts and feelings.

"Familial love is a beautiful thing," Dante smiled. "That I can acknowledge. However, love is always a dangerous thing. It can make you do things that you didn't know were possible so guard your heart."

Elise stared at him and wondered if he was referring to Loriel. Tears glimmered in her eyes as she wondered how her husband was doing.

"I… I always thought that as long as my love was sincere and my intentions were good, what I do for love is a wonderful thing and not dangerous. It can make you sacrifice so much for the other person, Dante."

Dante sighed and knew who Elise was referring to, so he quickly stepped forward and wiped away her tears.

"Dimitri is a cherished brother of mine, but I do not force him to always be with me, and instead, I let him do what he wants. There comes a time where you learn how to be more self-sufficient. Two people may part ways, not because they dislike one another, but it is a part of their growth."

"Do you think that this can happen to me…?" Elise bit down on her lip and stepped away from Dante. "What if I'm actually wrong about not wanting to remember and I could make a good thing out of my terrible memories with my husband so I can grow as a person?"

Dante bit his tongue and chided himself. He was all for Elise learning how to love herself and appreciate herself more. But the Time Master wanted to be the man who could help her find value and worth in her own self.

Unfortunately, Elise was not only beautiful but she was also smart and intelligent beyond comparison. Without Loriel around her, Elise was actually recovering far much faster than he expected that maybe she wouldn't even need Dante at all.

Dante shook his head and waved his hand in thin air as a goblet appeared in thin air along with a waterskin. The sound of bubbling water poured down into the goblet and he offered it up to her.

"Elise, I think it will still be a good idea to drink the water from the river of forgetfulness."

"Why?" Elise raised a brow.

"Well… what changed your mind?" Dante asked.

"I have calmed down after weeping so much. After further thoughts and contemplation, I think it is good for me to still remember the pain." Elise placed a hand on her stomach. "I think I would be a little surprised if I woke up pregnant but didn't know who the father was."

"Do not worry about that, I can handle that." Dante lied.

"How?" Elise batted her eyes at him. "Will you take care of my child and tell them about Loriel? I want to explain to my child how my decision to come here to Cretea came to be… and that's a little difficult if I don't remember my husband."

Dante wanted to say that he would become the father and that it was unnecessary to speak of Loriel.

The man was dead.

Besides, Loriel didn't deserve to be a father and all other sorts of reasons.

However, Dante's lies began to accumulate little by little and he now knew what to say.

"I am thrilled to see that you are feeling better, Elise," Dante said. "But I am afraid that perhaps you are trying so hard to stay strong. I am worried that during nights when you are by yourself, you will lie awake crying and in misery because of your no-good husband."

Elise lowered her head dejectedly. "I can't deny that it won't happen…"

I started hating Dante. Why do you keep lying? This makes you no better than Loriel :(

Elise lowered her head dejectedly. "I can't deny that it won't happen…"

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