The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: Combo Move With Lord God~


The mournful cries of countless tormented souls reverberated throughout the entire underground space, sending shivers down the spines and causing goosebumps on those who heard it.

As Zuo Yuan sensed the dark magic energy, she extended her hand, and with a thought, one of the ice swords in the air landed in her grip. In the next moment, the Tai Chi diagram at her feet suddenly brightened!

On the opposite side of the Tai Chi diagram, a black shadow materialized. This shadow had no features, just pure darkness, and it wielded a black sword like Zuo Yuan. It was her shadow, her own shadow beneath her feet, and it had disappeared.

As the Tai Chi diagram spun, the forms of Zuo Yuan and her shadow vanished. In an instant, they reappeared right in front of the female dark mage.

[Soul-Chain Grappling]! Zuo Yuan shouted loudly, her voice that had initially sounded somewhat soft now brimming with determination!

The sword thrust towards the female dark mage in an instant. Several golden runes emerged, and both the ice sword in Zuo Yuan’s hand and the black sword in her shadow’s hand were covered in chains of azure color.

This was the remarkable aspect of this Tai Chi spell. Within this domain, every action and spell of Zuo Yuan’s was duplicated. It was a spell representative of the Gemini constellation, perfectly embodying the concept of twins.

“Heh…” The female dark mage sneered.

A potent surge of black energy burst forth. Zuo Yuan didn’t hesitate. Blindfolded, she and her shadow both thrust their swords into the woman’s body simultaneously.


A piercing scream reached deep into the souls of onlookers.

It wasn’t the cry of the dark mage, nor was it Zuo Yuan’s. It was the cry of the tormented souls.

Zuo Yuan felt a sense of panic. Though she couldn’t see, she could clearly sense that the situation had changed before her. The person she had struck with her dual swords wasn’t the female dark mage but a tormented soul.

Due to the effect of the [Soul-Chain Grappling Curse], she could inflict harm on souls. Originally, her intention was to deal a heavy blow to the dark mage, but unexpectedly, she had struck a lesser target.

She also understood what spell the dark mage had employed.josei

[Dark Magic · Soul-Link Substitute]

Soon after, a dark spell appeared behind her. By sensing the reaction of the dark magic energy, Zuo Yuan immediately deduced what kind of curse it was.

As the Tai Chi diagram spun once again and their forms shifted, Zuo Yuan released her spell, colliding with the dark spell.

However, she had lost her initial advantage. In terms of both realm and experience, her opponent was able to completely dominate her. There was no possibility of turning the tide.

But she also fulfilled the purpose of the instructor very well. She successfully dismantled four of her opponent’s dark spells throughout the course of the battle. All of this was achieved while she couldn’t see.

Her blindness forced her to exert more effort than others. She had to rely on sensing the changes in energy during the formation of spells to determine their nature. No one knew how many difficulties she had gone through to achieve her current level.

Although she was defeated, those around her couldn’t help but admire:

“Amazing, Zuo Yuan!”

After Zuo Yuan was rescued by Duyin, he glanced at the crowd indifferently. “Next.”

This time, with Duyin intervening, the others were no longer afraid. They rubbed their hands together in anticipation, but none of them had a chance of winning.

Although Duyin would save them, they would inevitably sustain injuries from the dark spells.

Thankfully, these weren’t spells that eroded the body or soul. The female dark mage wouldn’t dare use those, otherwise, Duyin would surely take her down.

For the new students who went up, they were essentially just practice dummies. They hadn’t received systematic training in dark spells. They were clueless about this stuff. All they could do was use their skills, struggle a bit, and then surrender.

However, the senior students in the class were exceptionally fierce. When it came to fighting, the underground space shook with their fierce clashes. Mainly, it was because Duyin had mandated that each senior student must solve at least two dark spells. Otherwise, they would have to copy the incantations of the unsolved spells ten thousand times.

Considering that each dark spell had hundreds or thousands of runes, this punishment was enough to make them go crazy!

So, everyone gave it their all.

But still, no one could overcome her. The disparity in strength was just too great. At best, they could solve 1 to 6 spells before admitting defeat. And this was with the female dark mage holding back…

“Next!” Duyin’s voice rang out again, and this time no one stepped forward. Everyone had successfully completed the day’s test. A few unlucky ones would have to stay up all night copying spells…

All eyes turned towards Chen Ling and Sui Li’er. It was their turn now.

Duyin didn’t look at Sui Li’er, but locked eyes with Chen Ling. His expression clearly said: It’s your turn.

Chen Ling smiled and glanced at the nearby Sui Sui: “Should you go first, or should I?”

“Um… I’ll go first!”

Chen Ling was a bit surprised by her response: “Why? Aren’t you afraid?”

“I am… but sometimes, I also want to stand in front of you and protect you!”

“Standing in front of me means more than just protecting me.”

Sui Sui: “What else…? I’ll do my best!”

Chen Ling: “Wrap me up.”

Everyone: ???

What the heck? Damn it, I’m tired of always understanding things instantly…

“How do I wrap you up?” Sui Sui was a bit confused.

Chen Ling grinned, about to say something, but was interrupted by Duyin. “Get on the stage!”

He couldn’t bear listening any longer, who knew where it would lead if Chen Ling continued?

Seeing that the mentor was urging her, Sui Sui hurriedly said: “Um, I’ll ask you later, I’m going now.”

Chen Ling casually said: “Just use 〚 Pisces·Water Spike Spirit 〛 on her like you’re poking the dog at our doorstep.”

Everyone: ???

How could they have thought that Sui Sui, who appeared so cute and adorable, would actually use magic for such a thing!

And how could they use magic to poke the well-behaved dog!

Sui Li’er had been thinking that they didn’t have a dog at home, but she quickly realized that Chen Ling was refering to Min Jiangyun. Shaking her head, she said: “You can’t insult the dogs. A dog is not as bad as him~”

Chen Ling smiled and didn’t say anything.

Upon hearing this, everyone understood. Chen Ling was probably cursing someone. Misunderstanding cleared up~

Indeed, the adorable Sui Sui wasn’t that kind of person!

After Sui Sui stepped onto the stage, she still turned around and looked at her Lord God with a hint of fear.

Although Chen Ling didn’t say anything, he would never let Sui Li’er get hurt.

With a thought, he communicated with the system in his mind: “Adjust relative projection position.”

“x = … y = … z = …”

As is well known, Sui Li’er’s projection used to not align with her physical body. Later, Chen Ling changed her projection position to align with her real body. And now, he once again separated the projection position from Sui Li’er’s body.

The visible projection of Sui Li’er that everyone could see now had a deviation from her actual position. The real her had returned to the state she was in before meeting Chen Ling.

In this world, no one could see her, and no one could perceive her true form. Everyone could only see the incorrect position of her projection.

In the eyes of the others, Sui Li’er’s figure flickered and appeared more than 20 meters away, and they couldn’t quite grasp what kind of magic she had used. They just felt it was quite amazing.

Little did they know, it was all an illusion. The real Sui Li’er remained completely still in her original position.

Sui Li’er also noticed that her projection was misaligned.

She realized something: I… seem to be invincible?

This way, as long as she doesn’t foolishly venture into the range of the opponent’s magic attack, she won’t get hurt!

“Hehe~ Lord God… you’re so amazing!”

〚 Sui Sui is happy~ Points +10 million~ 〛

Then, she looked at the dark magic user in front of her, feeling no fear in her heart.

Does this count as a combination move between me and my Lord God? Hehe, pretty awesome~

Take that, Dark Mage~

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