The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: A Person Can’t Be Too Greedy In Life

( It’s so cold… ) Sui Li’er couldn’t help but shiver.


The temperature was below zero, and she was wearing such thin clothes, it was strange not to be cold. Chen Ling felt a little heartbroken when he saw her like this. He opened the temperature control function in the system.

“Heat up.”

〚 Ding~ Using temperature control permission, please confirm coordinates. 〛

This is a permission for the Divine Personnel. Chen Ling originally thought that he wouldn’t need the Divine Personnel permission at all during the five years he came here. Unexpectedly, he used it for a girl.

〚 Ding~ Current temperature -6°, temperature control in effect, warming up. 〛

It was almost only about ten seconds. The city, which was so cold, seemed to be enveloped in a warm furnace. The temperature quickly rose.

Soon, the temperature reached 20°. Sui Li’er also clearly felt this temperature. Surprised, she looked up at the stars in the sky and murmured “Is it an illusion? It feels like it’s getting warmer?”

“Whoo~” A warm wind blew by.

Sui Li’er was delighted.

“Uh, it’s so warm!”

〚 Ding~ Target feels happy, Points +2000 〛

〚 Current Points: 277,000 〛

〚 Ranking: 1 〛

Chen Ling sighed: “Is it so easy to make you happy?”

But at this point, Chen Ling had changed his mentality towards her. Completely calm and unhurried, just be happy when you’re happy. It’s good to be happy. The girl looks pitiful, so helping her wouldn’t hurt.

Chen Ling was not someone who’s overflowing with sympathy, but for some reason, this person in front of him gave him a sense of familiarity. Next second, the system’s voice rang again.

〚 Ding~ Improper use of host temperature control detected, causing strong public dissatisfaction, -1 point 〛

〚 -1 point 〛

〚 -1 point 〛

Messages kept popping up, and he lost ten thousand points in a flash.

〚 Current points: 267,000 〛

Chen Ling’s sudden temperature increase caused dissatisfaction among ten thousand households. In this season, every household has measures to keep warm, and Chen Ling’s sudden temperature increase makes it like a steaming furnace in those people’s homes.

“Oh… is this how it works?”

Chen Ling sneered, “Since it’s like this… Sorry, everyone!”

“Heat up!”

〚 Ding~ Current temperature 20°C, temperature control in progress. 〛

Chen Ling kept raising the temperature until it reached 35°C! Sui Li’er also felt the sudden rise in temperature: “It’s too hot…”

She wipes the sweat off her forehead and says, “Why does it suddenly feel like the wind is hot, huh~”

As she walks, she fans herself with her hand. However, she’s still happy because this temperature is much better than before. But not everyone feels the same.

〚 Ding~ Improper use of temperature control, causing public outrage, Points: -3! 〛

〚 Points -3! 〛

〚 Points -3! 〛

“Oh my god! What kind of weather is this! It’s so hot!”

“Help me! I’m going to die of heat! Why is it so hot outside too!”

The originally quiet night suddenly became lively. Many people opened their windows for fresh air, only to find that it was no different outside. So every household began to show off their skills.

All kinds of “Freezing Spell”, “Cooling Water Spell”, any spell that could lower the temperature, they would use it. No one knew what the hell caused this sudden rise in temperature, they cursed and cursed, and cursed the ancestors of Chen Ling for 18 generations.

They could not even dream of it, they were actually fighting against the gods…

And they couldn’t imagine that in the next five years, this new god would give them trouble every day.josei

“Nice! Keep going.” Chen Ling suddenly discovered a method that could make him happy, and at the same time reduce his points…

At this time, in the Main God Realm, Lin Moyu frowned, looking at Chen Ling like he was stupid.

“What is this guy doing! Is he crazy? Isn’t he just looking for trouble?” Of course, she couldn’t understand Chen Ling.

Chen Ling looked at the system interface as his points kept dropping, and he couldn’t be happier.

In his mind: I knew I had to do more good deeds, and the heavens have opened their eyes…

His so-called good deeds were helping one person and causing damage to tens of thousands. Watching Sui Li’er walking in front of him, he couldn’t help but appreciate her even more.

He had been secretly following her, and she walked and walked until they arrived at a 24-hour convenience store. They stopped under the brightly lit sign for a long time.

Sui Li’er bit her lip and hesitated, standing under the lamp post. At this moment, the people in the shop suddenly opened the door, startling her. But in the next second, she was overjoyed and said, “You can see me!”

However, that person didn’t react at all, and just stood at the door to catch their breath, muttering to themselves…

“Damn! Why is it so hot in the middle of the night? It’s not even this hot in the summer!” Then they went back into the shop. Sui Li’er looked at the open door and sighed, biting her lips gently.

“Okay…I can’t be seen…” Talking to herself, she seemed to enjoy asking and answering herself, because no one else in this world could answer her. Then she leaned against the wall of the shop and squatted down.

( Forget it…I’ll wait until I’m starving to say anything…)

( A person can’t be too greedy in life…)

After seeing her inner thoughts, Chen Ling was somewhat speechless: What greed…who taught you that…

With this invisibility curse, she could go into that shop and loot everything without anyone knowing it was her. And even because of the curse, those people might not even realize that something was missing from their shop.

Since she had chosen to live, why not live well? Oh…she was originally planning to die…and I saved her…

I’m sorry!

Chen Ling’s guess was not wrong.

In the past when Sui Li’er went in and took things at random, the things she took were equivalent to never existing from the beginning. Everyone’s memory would be cursed to rationalize, and the memory of that thing would disappear.

Sui Li’er also knew this, but that feeling really made her feel hopeless. Isn’t stealing a way to prove her existence? But that curse erases even this way.

Suddenly, a thought popped up in her mind:

( How about… starving to death? But starving feels so uncomfortable…)

Chen Ling glanced and knew: Sui Li’er must have experienced the feeling of hunger to the extreme. And probably every time she was so hungry, she went to steal something to eat.

Chen Ling had the misfortune of experiencing it when he was a child. When he was five years old, because he didn’t eat properly and made his mom angry, his dad locked him up and starved him for three days…

In the end, his mom begged like crazy, and his dad finally let him out. Although even if Chen Ling didn’t eat anything for a month at that time, he wouldn’t die.

But the feeling of hunger was really unbearable. This made him even more puzzled.

If it was him, if he was born to be alone, he would have probably been reincarnated long ago. What belief is supporting Sui Li’er, allowing her to live until the age of 17 before deciding to end it all?

“Target memory extraction.”

He suddenly felt an impulse to understand her past. To see how she had lived these years. What she had experienced today. What made her unable to bear it and choose to end everything.

Her memories, like a movie, fast forwarded and played in front of Chen Ling. Starting from the age of four.

At four years old, her curse had not taken effect yet. She lived in a small orphanage, happily every day. But her hair was clearly a beautiful aquamarine color when she was young. Suddenly, at the age of six, the curse took effect.

Her hair turned pink overnight. But no one noticed, and she didn’t notice either. In the eyes of others, she suddenly disappeared. This kind of disappearance is the disappearance of existence being erased. The clothes she wore, the things she held in her hand.

All disappeared.

Even if she writes down her words with a pen, no one else can see those words. Any possible way for others to perceive her existence, all erased by that curse.

On a snowy day, even if she stands in the snow, she will be covered in snow like a snowman. Jumping into the snow and creating a big hole, others can’t see it at all. Jump into the water and create splashes, but in the eyes of others, there is nothing. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t make others aware of her existence.

This curse doesn’t simply render her invisible or inaudible, but rather, it negates her very existence.

But there are also many benefits, for example, if she releases her magic, others cannot perceive it. It means that as long as she improves her strength a little bit, she is invincible in this world and can kill whoever she wants.

Even Chen Ling cannot sense her existence, let alone those little weaklings.

She could have chose to become that kind of person, but she didn’t.

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