The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 78

Chapter 78: Are You Pisces Too?

Ah, isn’t this the Still Mind Spell!

Chen Ling was startled, immediately looking at Sui Li’er beside him. Why would she use the Still Mind Spell? Didn’t she not even know what it was? Most importantly, she must not find out what this spell is used for!

“What are you doing?” Chen Ling interrupted her directly, releasing a powerful energy that dispersed the incantation texts she had formed.

“The runes, where did they go?” Sui Li’er voiced her confusion. She had no idea that her runes were dispersed by Chen Ling, thinking that she didn’t do it correctly.

She planned to try again and muttered to herself: “No wonder! Lord God’s cultivation incantations are so difficult!”

Upon hearing her words, Chen Ling immediately understood what she was trying to do. “Wait a moment.”

“What’s wrong?”

Chen Ling quickly came up with an excuse: “Mortals are not allowed to use the incantations used by gods. Otherwise, at best…” As he spoke, he was captivated by Sui Li’er’s adorable and innocent appearance. She was lying next to him, looking at him with an innocent gaze.

“…at best what?” Sui Li’er asked softly, leaning close to him as if listening to a bedtime story.

“At best… you’ll become foolish, at worst, your body will explode and you’ll die.”

“Ah? That’s so terrifying!” Sui Li’er was frightened by this, relieved that she didn’t succeed in casting the incantation just now.

Chen Ling chuckled softly, “You used it just now, so now you’re already a fool.”

“What? No! I didn’t!” She panicked immediately, quickly touching her own head with her small hand. “No! I don’t want to become stupid!”

Chen Ling chuckled inwardly at her foolish appearance. “If I hadn’t stopped you earlier, you would have exploded and died. Thank me, I saved your life again. Don’t use it anymore.”

“Uh… okay!” After hearing that, Sui Li’er felt a lingering fear and dared not casually use the incantations that Chen Ling usually used.

Seeing that she was no longer daring to use the spell, Chen Ling felt relieved. Curious, he asked, “But why do you know this incantation? You’ve read it several times and understood it?”

“Yeah, I’ve read it many times, so I wanted to give it a try.”

After hearing her response, Chen Ling pondered. Learning an incantation in this world isn’t as simple as reading and memorizing the runes. Learning an incantation requires continuous experimentation and understanding. One needs to feel the magical changes when casting the incantation, fully comprehend it, and be able to speak the incantation while the runes appear, causing a magical reaction in the world.

If one is in a state of ignorance, even if they can depict the runes, they won’t be able to elicit a magical reaction. The incantation won’t manifest. However, when Sui Li’er released the Still Mind incantation just now, Chen Ling clearly felt the fluctuation of magical energy around them. Undoubtedly, the incantation was successful. If he hadn’t interrupted her, the spell would have been completed.

“Just by looking at it, you can understand it? What other incantations do you know? Show me.”

“Hehe, sure! But I don’t know many.”

Saying that, Sui Li’er happily sat up, wrapped in a small blanket. In the process, she inadvertently pulled up the blanket covering Chen Ling, exposing his upper body.josei

She glanced at him, her face blushing. Hehe~ It really feels like we’re a couple!

Noticing her reaction, Chen Ling looked down and said lightly, “Why blush? It’s not like I’m not wearing anything.”

“Uh… it’s nothing!”

She blushed and changed the subject. Several golden runes appeared in the room with a single thought.

Just by looking at those runes, Chen Ling already knew what incantation it was.

〚 Fireball Spell 〛

Then, a golf ball-sized fireball appeared, looking quite pitiful. It was even inferior to Yang Heli, the part-time worker at the convenience store from earlier. His fireball was at least the size of a basketball.

But that person was a high-level mage apprentice. Sui Li’er was only a low-level mage apprentice, so there would definitely be some difference in their abilities.

Although the fireball spell was small, Sui Li’er seemed quite happy. She smiled and looked at him.

Chen Ling smiled back and said, “Next one.”


Then, a gust of wind blew by.

〚 Breeze Spell 〛

It was also a low-level spell with almost no offensive power.

Although the spell was not impressive, Sui Li’er released spells quite quickly. Soon, she finished using all the spells she knew.

In total, she knew more than 20 spells:

〚 Fireball Spell〛〚 Breeze Spell 〛

〚 Pebble Spell 〛 (Creates a few pebbles out of thin air, used by kids in fights)

〚 Illusionary Sound Spell 〛 (A basic voice-changing spell)

〚 Swift Movement 〛

〚 Possession Spell·Enhanced Jump 〛

〚 Enhanced Vision 〛

〚 Snap Spell 〛 (Snapping fingers with a sound explosion)

〚 Whistle Sound 〛 (Produces a whistling sound with a thought, creating a 3D surround sound effect)

And so on, they were all spells with little practical use.

“What kind of random spells are these? Don’t you have any serious ones?”

“Hmm? Aren’t these serious?” Sui Li’er looked at Chen Ling in confusion and snapped her fingers twice.

“Pop, pop~” Two explosions followed.

“Hehe~ This is so much fun!” she exclaimed.

Chen Ling responded, “It’s like farting.”

“Huh?” Sui Li’er blushed and quickly stopped, “What? How is it like farting?”

Chen Ling sighed and said, “With this kind of ability, are you going to go into an exam and fart in front of the examiner?”

Upon hearing this, Sui Li’er blushed even more and replied, “It’s not like farting!”

Seeing her blush, Chen Ling chuckled and said, “Let me teach you something.”

With that, he focused his thoughts, and several runes suddenly appeared. There were hundreds of runes, almost filling the living room.

“Wow… that’s impressive.” Just by looking at the quantity, Sui Li’er knew that they weren’t simple spells.

“What is this?” She naturally couldn’t recognize them, even though she was a Pisces mage.

Chen Ling calmly explained, “It’s a low-level Pisces-exclusive spell that even low-level mages can use. It’s called 〚 Pisces: Water Spike Spirit 〛.”

After explaining, he flashed to the door and opened the stone house’s door. With a thought, the magical energy in the space surged, becoming restless. The next moment, the room was filled with small droplets of water, each the size of a soybean.

Under Chen Ling’s control, the droplets swiftly flew towards Min Jiangyun, who was tied up at the door.

“Pop, pop, pop~”

The soybean-sized droplets struck him like arrows, disappearing afterwards. But soon, blood seeped from his tattered clothes.


Min Jiangyun, who was no longer a high-ranking mage, had been struck by the 〚 Water Spike Spirit 〛.

Although the water droplets seemed to cause minimal damage, they transformed into streams of energy that invaded his body. The water droplets struck him, and although they didn’t seem to cause much damage, they transformed into streams of energy that invaded his body, disrupting his meridians and internal organs. The pain was intense, originating from within.

If his clothes were stripped off, one could see the terrifying red swelling on his skin, with pores that looked like they were about to burst, oozing blood.

At this moment, Sui Li’er crawled off the sofa and approached Chen Ling, looking at Min Jiangyun, who was covered in blood.

“It must be painful,” she murmured with a furrowed brow.

Her voice was quiet, but Min Jiangyun heard it.

〚 Ding~ Target: Min Jiangyun, +10,000 points! 〛

Chen Ling’s expression turned serious, and he said calmly, “He’s a dark mage.”

Sui Li’er paused for a moment, realizing that she had forgotten about that. She quickly added, “Oh, right! Hmph!”

〚 Ding~ Target: Min Jiangyun, -2 million points! 〛

Chen Ling sneered, closed the door, and brought Sui Li’er back into the room.

“Did you jot down those runes just now?” He asked.

Sui Li’er shook her head and replied, “No, there were too many.”

Suddenly, something came to her mind, and she looked at Chen Ling in surprise, saying, “Wait a minute, why can you use the Pisces-exclusive spells? Are you a Pisces?!”

In this world, only individuals corresponding to the zodiac signs could unleash their exclusive spells. For Chen Ling to be able to use the Pisces-exclusive spells meant that he was a Pisces. That was the rule in this world.

Of course, that was the normal case, but Chen Ling wasn’t a normal person… No, he had cheats. He could use the zodiac spells of all the zodiac signs.

Chen Ling chuckled lightly without explaining anything.

Sui Li’er, on the other hand, became excited and bounced around with a cheerful smile: “I didn’t expect you to be a Pisces too! Yay~ I share the same zodiac sign as Lord God!”

〚 Ding~ Target feels happy, +100,000 points 〛

Ah, isn’t this the Still Mind Spell!

Chen Ling was startled, immediately looking at Sui Li’er beside him. Why would she use the Still Mind Spell? Didn’t she not even know what it was? Most importantly, she must not find out what this spell is used for!

“What are you doing?” Chen Ling interrupted her directly, releasing a powerful energy that dispersed the incantation texts she had formed.

“The runes, where did they go?” Sui Li’er voiced her confusion. She had no idea that her runes were dispersed by Chen Ling, thinking that she didn’t do it correctly.

She planned to try again and muttered to herself: “No wonder! Lord God’s cultivation incantations are so difficult!”

Upon hearing her words, Chen Ling immediately understood what she was trying to do. “Wait a moment.”

“What’s wrong?”

Chen Ling quickly came up with an excuse: “Mortals are not allowed to use the incantations used by gods. Otherwise, at best…” As he spoke, he was captivated by Sui Li’er’s adorable and innocent appearance. She was lying next to him, looking at him with an innocent gaze.

“…at best what?” Sui Li’er asked softly, leaning close to him as if listening to a bedtime story.

“At best… you’ll become foolish, at worst, your body will explode and you’ll die.”

“Ah? That’s so terrifying!” Sui Li’er was frightened by this, relieved that she didn’t succeed in casting the incantation just now.

Chen Ling chuckled softly, “You used it just now, so now you’re already a fool.”

“What? No! I didn’t!” She panicked immediately, quickly touching her own head with her small hand. “No! I don’t want to become stupid!”

Chen Ling chuckled inwardly at her foolish appearance. “If I hadn’t stopped you earlier, you would have exploded and died. Thank me, I saved your life again. Don’t use it anymore.”

“Uh… okay!” After hearing that, Sui Li’er felt a lingering fear and dared not casually use the incantations that Chen Ling usually used.

Seeing that she was no longer daring to use the spell, Chen Ling felt relieved. Curious, he asked, “But why do you know this incantation? You’ve read it several times and understood it?”

“Yeah, I’ve read it many times, so I wanted to give it a try.”

After hearing her response, Chen Ling pondered. Learning an incantation in this world isn’t as simple as reading and memorizing the runes. Learning an incantation requires continuous experimentation and understanding. One needs to feel the magical changes when casting the incantation, fully comprehend it, and be able to speak the incantation while the runes appear, causing a magical reaction in the world.

If one is in a state of ignorance, even if they can depict the runes, they won’t be able to elicit a magical reaction. The incantation won’t manifest. However, when Sui Li’er released the Still Mind incantation just now, Chen Ling clearly felt the fluctuation of magical energy around them. Undoubtedly, the incantation was successful. If he hadn’t interrupted her, the spell would have been completed.

“Just by looking at it, you can understand it? What other incantations do you know? Show me.”

“Hehe, sure! But I don’t know many.”

Saying that, Sui Li’er happily sat up, wrapped in a small blanket. In the process, she inadvertently pulled up the blanket covering Chen Ling, exposing his upper body.

She glanced at him, her face blushing. Hehe~ It really feels like we’re a couple!

Noticing her reaction, Chen Ling looked down and said lightly, “Why blush? It’s not like I’m not wearing anything.”

“Uh… it’s nothing!”

She blushed and changed the subject. Several golden runes appeared in the room with a single thought.

Just by looking at those runes, Chen Ling already knew what incantation it was.

〚 Fireball Spell 〛

Then, a golf ball-sized fireball appeared, looking quite pitiful. It was even inferior to Yang Heli, the part-time worker at the convenience store from earlier. His fireball was at least the size of a basketball.

But that person was a high-level mage apprentice. Sui Li’er was only a low-level mage apprentice, so there would definitely be some difference in their abilities.

Although the fireball spell was small, Sui Li’er seemed quite happy. She smiled and looked at him.

Chen Ling smiled back and said, “Next one.”


Then, a gust of wind blew by.

〚 Breeze Spell 〛

It was also a low-level spell with almost no offensive power.

Although the spell was not impressive, Sui Li’er released spells quite quickly. Soon, she finished using all the spells she knew.

In total, she knew more than 20 spells:

〚 Fireball Spell 〛〚 Breeze Spell 〛

〚 Pebble Spell 〛 (Creates a few pebbles out of thin air, used by kids in fights)

〚 Illusionary Sound Spell 〛 (A basic voice-changing spell)

〚 Swift Movement 〛

〚 Possession Spell·Enhanced Jump 〛

〚 Enhanced Vision 〛

〚 Snap Spell 〛 (Snapping fingers with a sound explosion)

〚 Whistle Sound 〛 (Produces a whistling sound with a thought, creating a 3D surround sound effect)

And so on, they were all spells with little practical use.

“What kind of random spells are these? Don’t you have any serious ones?”

“Hmm? Aren’t these serious?” Sui Li’er looked at Chen Ling in confusion and snapped her fingers twice.

“Pop, pop~” Two explosions followed.

“Hehe~ This is so much fun!” she exclaimed.

Chen Ling responded, “It’s like farting.”

“Huh?” Sui Li’er blushed and quickly stopped, “What? How is it like farting?”

Chen Ling sighed and said, “With this kind of ability, are you going to go into an exam and fart in front of the examiner?”

Upon hearing this, Sui Li’er blushed even more and replied, “It’s not like farting!”

Seeing her blush, Chen Ling chuckled and said, “Let me teach you something.”

With that, he focused his thoughts, and several runes suddenly appeared. There were hundreds of runes, almost filling the living room.

“Wow… that’s impressive.” Just by looking at the quantity, Sui Li’er knew that they weren’t simple spells.

“What is this?” She naturally couldn’t recognize them, even though she was a Pisces mage.

Chen Ling calmly explained, “It’s a low-level Pisces-exclusive spell that even low-level mages can use. It’s called 〚 Pisces: Water Spike Spirit 〛.”

After explaining, he flashed to the door and opened the stone house’s door. With a thought, the magical energy in the space surged, becoming restless. The next moment, the room was filled with small droplets of water, each the size of a soybean.

Under Chen Ling’s control, the droplets swiftly flew towards Min Jiangyun, who was tied up at the door.

“Pop, pop, pop~”

The soybean-sized droplets struck him like arrows, disappearing afterwards. But soon, blood seeped from his tattered clothes.


Min Jiangyun, who was no longer a high-ranking mage, had been struck by the 〚 Water Spike Spirit 〛.

Although the water droplets seemed to cause minimal damage, they transformed into streams of energy that invaded his body. The water droplets struck him, and although they didn’t seem to cause much damage, they transformed into streams of energy that invaded his body, disrupting his meridians and internal organs. The pain was intense, originating from within.

If his clothes were stripped off, one could see the terrifying red swelling on his skin, with pores that looked like they were about to burst, oozing blood.

At this moment, Sui Li’er crawled off the sofa and approached Chen Ling, looking at Min Jiangyun, who was covered in blood.

“It must be painful,” she murmured with a furrowed brow.

Her voice was quiet, but Min Jiangyun heard it.

〚 Ding~ Target: Min Jiangyun, +10,000 points! 〛

Chen Ling’s expression turned serious, and he said calmly, “He’s a dark mage.”

Sui Li’er paused for a moment, realizing that she had forgotten about that. She quickly added, “Oh, right! Hmph!”

〚 Ding~ Target: Min Jiangyun, -2 million points! 〛

Chen Ling sneered, closed the door, and brought Sui Li’er back into the room.

“Did you jot down those runes just now?” He asked.

Sui Li’er shook her head and replied, “No, there were too many.”

Suddenly, something came to her mind, and she looked at Chen Ling in surprise, saying, “Wait a minute, why can you use the Pisces-exclusive spells? Are you a Pisces?!”

In this world, only individuals corresponding to the zodiac signs could unleash their exclusive spells. For Chen Ling to be able to use the Pisces-exclusive spells meant that he was a Pisces. That was the rule in this world.

Of course, that was the normal case, but Chen Ling wasn’t a normal person… No, he had cheats. He could use the zodiac spells of all the zodiac signs.

Chen Ling chuckled lightly without explaining anything.

Sui Li’er, on the other hand, became excited and bounced around with a cheerful smile: “I didn’t expect you to be a Pisces too! Yay~ I share the same zodiac sign as Lord God!”

〚 Ding~ Target feels happy, +100,000 points 〛

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