The Damned Demon

Chapter 132 A Forbidden View To A Unforutnate Discovery

Chapter 132 A Forbidden View To A Unforutnate Discovery

A few hours ago, in the Bloodwing Mansion, a well-dressed, handsome, tall man was in his room alone.

But what he was doing was something others might find a bit strange.

Oberon was using a 'Sightfinder', which was a fancy binocular-like device that allowed him to see faraway places or, in his case, the Eastern Courtyard of the Demonstone Castle.josei

He made sure to draw the curtains close enough to just leave a small gap for the Sightfinder.

He had already got the news that Rowena had left for the Eastern Courtyard to take a walk after a long time. 

Since he had been waiting for such an opportunity for an eternity, he didn't want to waste it and wanted to admire her beauty without worrying about staring too much. He could never get such a chance, even if he was standing before her.

But just as he was about to relax and enjoy the sight of her intoxicating beauty, his eyes shook upon seeing Asher entering the courtyard.

What the hell was he doing there?

Oberon had never seen Rowena letting anyone else enter her favorite courtyard. 

He was expecting her to tell Asher to leave, but instead, he was walking closer to her, and they seemed to be talking casually.

Could it be that Rowena didn't mind him being there? Was it really true that the rumors weren't people simply trying to make the two seem closer?

But his heart sank when he saw the two holding hands and strolling through the courtyard. He couldn't believe it! The rumors weren't baseless.

How dare that alien cur touch her hand!

His eyes followed their every move as they walked. He didn't care how long he was standing or how the hours were passing. But seeing how she was showing expressions or mannerisms that were warm and soft compared to her usually cold and regal mannerisms, Oberon couldn't believe she was being like that all because of that alien.

It was as if he was looking at a different person!

He was clenching his fists the entire time, but what made his eyes boil was the sight of Rowena drinking that alien's blood and how the atmosphere between the two was changing drastically.

He knew someone like Rowena would never personally drink the blood of anyone. Just based on how awkward she seemed before drinking his blood was proof that Asher was the first one she was drinking blood from, and that made him hurt right in his chest.

He felt it was an intimate act that he believed only he had the right to experience with Rowena. 

His grip on the curtains tightened as he watched them, unable to tear his eyes away. He felt a deep hatred and jealousy welling up inside him, boiling over like lava.

He couldn't believe that Rowena was enjoying the company and the blood of that alien. 

His face contorted into a frightening mask of fury, and his jaw clenched so tightly that his teeth were grinding against each other.

His dark red eyes blazed with a fiery intensity that threatened to burn the scene in front of him. He could feel a raging inferno within him, and he struggled to keep it under control.

And when he saw Asher cup her cheek and caress the bottom of her lips, he felt like screaming with rage.

But upon seeing Rowena lean over Asher, covering his head with hers, Oberon's mind raced with images of them passionately kissing, further fueling his anger and frustration.

He was not someone who easily lost control over his emotions. But at this moment, he was consumed by a passion that was both unfamiliar and terrifying. 

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest and his breath coming in short, sharp gasps as he struggled to keep his emotions under control.

Right at that moment, Rowena left, and Oberon saw Asher's eyes suddenly shifting toward his direction.

Oberon took a step back unconsciously and didn't know why he did.

But he sat down in his chair, his head pounding and his blood still boiling.

Can he really sit still and wait for an opportunity like his mother said? The more he waits, the more Asher will squirm into her skin.

He let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that there was no other way but to wait.

Still, he took a solemn vow as he muttered to himself, "I will make you eat the hands you touched her with, Asher..." Even though he muttered this to himself, he couldn't shake off the pulling sensation in his gut.

Asher walked towards his room, feeling satisfied that a certain someone won't be sleeping well tonight.

However, as expected, Eradicator was standing in front of his room, and the moment she saw him, she gave a light bow and said, "Your Highness, I will be standing guard during your Reaping session."

Asher nodded, knowing that it was normal for somebody to stand guard while a demon was busy reaping. But only the privileged had the ability to station guards while they reaped.

And the main reason they had guards protecting them was that they would be most vulnerable during reaping, just like Merina told him the first time.

Since his spirit would be on the other side, somebody needs to protect his body. But that was not the main reason Eradicator was here.

As an ex-Hunter, he knew how Hunters could exorcise demons out of corrupted humans and then open a reverse gateway to the demon's real location and kill them. It was a risky move since Hunters couldn't tell if there were other powerful demons hiding near the demon they were trying to kill.

Still, the risk of a reverse gateway opening was always there, and he knew Rowena sent Eradicator here to make sure the worst won't happen.

Asher entered his room and saw Merina making preparations for his Reaping session, "Master, welcome back. I have made sure everything is set for your reaping session."

Asher looked at the soft mat she had prepared for him and nodded.

"Umm, Master, I don't know if you already know, but I heard you can take breaks during a reaping session if time allows it," Merina softly suggested, just in case he didn't know.

Asher nodded, "I know that, but if it's something like 24 hours, then I doubt I need a break. Can't take any chances," Asher said as he sat down on the mat. 

At the same time, he remembered what Duncan told him, 'If you really want to cause serious damage to their world while gaining a lot of rewards, only pick those Reaping quests that give you the potential to do so, though the risk might be on the higher side.'

Asher felt that Reaping quests might help him a great deal in his quest for revenge, at least in the future.

He closed his eyes as he searched through the available Reaping quests, looking for the one that would catch his interest.

[ Quest - Reap the soul of Remy, an E Rank Hunter, by manipulating him into getting rid of his best friend, who is from an influential background ]

[ Restrictions : Only those below Level 10 may accept ]

[ Difficulty : Not-so-Easy || Time Limit: 4 days ]

[ Rewards : +3 Talent Point, +3 Skill Point ]

[ Accept? ]

Asher's eyes lit up upon seeing the words 'best friend' and 'influential background'. This could be a good quest to start off, though it was a bummer he won't earn any life crystals.

Without further ado, he accepted the quest.

[ 40 Life Crystals utilized ]

Asher realized that the more he levels up, the higher the cost it was to let his soul travel to the other side. He didn't know if the Devils were being greedy or if it was because it takes more effort to transport the souls of stronger demons.

Whatever it was, he wasn't worried about utilizing some.

[ Your soul will be now transferred to the Severed Realm ]

Asher felt as if his mind was being stretched and squeezed just like last time. And not long after, he felt a tingling sensation that signaled his arrival on Earth.

The world was hazy at first, but slowly, the buildings and streets began to take shape. He saw the beautiful Swiss Alps towering in the distance, casting a shadow over the city.

'Switzerland, huh?' Asher felt as if Europe was just as he remembered. 

He could feel the pulse of the city, the thrum of life that seemed to echo through the pavement beneath him. It was a far cry from the Demonstone Castle and the hellish lands that surrounded it.

His spirit form suddenly felt a strange pull towards a specific location. It was as though something was drawing him towards it, urging him forward with an almost irresistible force.

He followed the pull, winding his way through the streets until he arrived at a small cafe.

Inside, he saw a young man with good looks, sitting alone at a table, staring out the window with a faraway look in his eyes.

Asher could see that he was looking at his vessel named Remy and decided to wait till he went back home. Once he does, he can then try and possess some object in his house and then finish the quest before the timer runs out.

Remy entered the small apartment, which he shared with his elderly grandmother, who was fast asleep in the living room.

He walked past her silently to not wake her up, though he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt that he wasn't able to provide for her better.

His gaze fell upon the open letter on the coffee table, which invited him to join the most prestigious and famous school in the world, the Hunter Academy.

The academy was known to train only the most skilled hunters and produce the best of the best under the guidance of powerhouses.

Remy knew they reached back to him because they thought he was talented enough and even offered him a full scholarship which would also allow him to take care of his grandmother.

But no matter how much he was tempted, he crumpled the paper and threw it into the dustbin, knowing that he couldn't get rid of the chains around him.

He thought about a certain someone who also had got a seat at the Hunter Academy and had a dejected look knowing that he couldn't join her when she leaves after five days.

Feeling helpless and trapped, he sat down on the couch and stroked the watch on his wrist before gently removing it and placing it on the table.

Not long after, he dozed off on the couch, though he didn't notice his watch glowing with a brief dark green light momentarily.

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