The Damned Demon

Chapter 142 Unyielding Mind

Chapter 142 Unyielding Mind

Asher didn't expect this old woman, who could barely walk, to sniff him out. He couldn't think of at what point he made a mistake.

But he knew there was no point in guessing why and that he was in a tight situation. Still, he didn't let that stop him from thinking of silencing this woman for good, even if that might jeopardize his quest. Maybe his arrogance of not taking a more uncomplicated quest had returned to bite him.

He was about to snap his fingers together to summon his Blade of Damnation but,

"Hold your horses, demon. I don't want to fight you," Grace said as she raised her hand the moment she saw the doll getting tensed up.

Asher was surprised to see this woman not overreacting when any other person, even someone of her age and expertise and background, would have been quick to get rid of him somehow.

Still, he asked with a subtle curve of his lips, "Why? Trying to buy time to get help since you can't defeat me on your own?"

Grace let out a sarcastic chuckle as she sat down on the bed slowly and said, "I am too old to try any tricks. See, I am sitting down right in front of you, and I have no way of getting help, nor would I want to go through the hassle of getting quarantined. Remy also won't even be returning until evening as usual, which you must already know. You are free to escape any time."

Asher had his brows furrowed as he couldn't tell what this woman was trying to do here. He knew she was probably telling the truth. Otherwise, she could have brought help before confronting him.

Still, the logical thing would be to kill her, but he decided to listen her out since his quest would get jeopardized either way, "Fine. Talk but make it quick. I am not as patient as I look."

"I can guess your target is my son since I sensed you were lingering in our house for a day or two," Grace said with narrowed eyes making Asher ask, "How did you know that? I never made anything obvious."

"Little guy, seems like you had no idea my parents were Exorcists even if I didn't follow in their footsteps. They taught me a lot of things about how to keep an eye out for demon spirits. I had this entire house painted with a special paint that changes color very subtly to announce the presence of a demon. These days such old-fashioned methods are not used, but that is all I could use."

Asher looked around at the walls and didn't really notice any drastic change in color. But again, he never paid close attention to the color of these walls to really know the difference, and he also had no idea such methods existed.


She was also born before his time and knew stuff he didn't.

"Still, that doesn't explain how you knew I was hiding in this doll and found me at the right time," Asher said with a shake of his head.

"This paint gives off a very faint smell which only goes stronger the shorter the distance to you. I am old, but my nose is as sharp as ever. It runs in the family," Grace said with a weak but smug smile.

Asher had to admit this old woman was even more formidable than he expected. Even after growing so weak, she hadn't lost her sharpness.

"You said you were waiting for a demon like me. What did you mean by that?" Asher asked as he remembered the strange words she had said earlier.

Which human willingly waits for a demon spirit to enter their house if they weren't interested in killing it? Was it because…

"Because…I have been waiting to make a deal with a demon," Grace said as her eyes focused on him.

Asher furrowed his brows, but then he saw the searing look in her eyes and said, "What deal?"

Grace slowly shook her head as she said, "I want you to reap my soul and ignore my grandson. In return, I will get you what you need and more."

Asher scoffed as if he expected her to say something like that and said, "Your soul in exchange for your grandson's? You have to be kidding. Since you already know I am here for your son, why would I want to make a deal with someone as weak as you? It's too bad you aren't young anymore. I have no use for your soul."

​ "Is this your first time? You are weak, but your power will be sufficient enough to let my mana circuit blaze for one last time for a short while," Grace said, making Asher feel doubtful. He had already heard how old Hunters had succumbed to the temptations of demons to use their power. Some wanted power, some wanted wealth, some wanted fame, and so on.

But in those cases, the power of those demons was comparable to the power of the old Hunters when they were in their prime.

However, in his case, he was a mid-level Soul Warrior, while Grace was originally a powerful A Rank Hunter.

"You don't have to look so unconvinced. Even if the time I get will be short, within that time, I will kill so many powerful people that you will be bathed with more power than you can dream," Grace said as her deep brown eyes shone with intense killing intent.

Asher felt the cold, almost palpable, aura of anger and hatred from her, and he didn't have to guess as he asked, "Let me guess. Do you want to bring down Tristan's father, Gary? You are doing this for revenge, aren't you?" Asher didn't know the full story, but he put two and two together after seeing the red mark on Gary's head and knowing how Gary's guild wasn't really clean.

Grace gave a cold grin as she said, "Aren't you quite the naughty one, checking out an old woman's diary?"

"Just part of the job," Asher shrugged.

Grace let out a light scoff before her expression became serious, "Yes…I am doing this for revenge. But be that as it may, I don't want anything to happen to my grandson."

"I am sure you have a good idea of how strong Gary's guild is. It is a Prominent Tier Guild, and that means you can't get to Gary that easy. He has enough forces in his command to protect him," Asher said with a shake of his head, feeling that Grace might be getting blinded by her desire for revenge to see how unfeasible her wish was.

He knew Hunter Guilds were classified into five tiers. Emerging, Recognized, Prominent, Elite, and Legendary Tiers. 

Prominent Tier guilds were above average, but still, they would have a lot of C Rank Hunters and few B Rank Hunters. Such guilds were no pushovers.

Still, Asher had no doubt she wouldn't have any problem if she was young and healthy. A powerful A Rank Hunter can surely kill someone like Gary if they set their mind to it and even more certainly if they didn't care about getting caught.

But with his power, he doubted she would last 5 minutes, and that would be too short to do anything she claimed she would.

Grace could see what this demon was thinking and said, "Don't think I am spouting nonsense. I have been patiently waiting and planning for years for an opportunity like this. I have thoroughly learned about how Gary's guild works, and I know Gary more than he does himself. So don't think that I won't be able to fulfill my words."

Asher could see she wasn't lying about this since he would have done the same thing in her shoes. As someone seeking revenge, he could understand the reasons that drive her.

It does make it a lot easier if she really knows how to get close to Gary without any difficulties.

Still, he never expected things to take such a surprising turn where this woman was willingly ready to sell her soul to him.

"Alright, I am willing to take a leap of faith here. So…" Asher climbed up on the bed and snapped his fingers together as he laid out the Reaping Contract before her, "...sign with your blood on this contract, and you will get what you wish for," He said with a subtle smile.

Grace's eyes subtly glowed as she pulled together her brows and carefully studied the contract, "How professional you all are," She mumbled with a subtle scoff.

Asher never expected his first reaping quest to end up with a willing vessel, though he was waiting for her reaction after reading the main clauses.

Grace squinted her eyes as she pushed away the contract and said, "This obviously won't do. I am willing to agree to every single clause in that except I want one more clause added…A clause that says you won't harm my grandson in any way as long as I keep up my end of the deal."

Asher wasn't surprised, but he inwardly frowned since fulfilling her demand would mean he would stand to gain nothing from this quest. It was more like he would be failing the quest, and all this would have been for nothing.

As Darren told him, he could reap other souls but would only gain benefits as long as he completed the main objective in time.

He was planning to reap Grace's soul and then reap Remy's soul. That way, Grace will be dead to protect Remy from him, and he can end up with a lot of refined mana by completing the quest.

This was why he was willing to entertain Grace's 'deal'.

"I don't think you understand how this works. I can't change any of the clauses in that contract. All demons offer the same thing, and all I can do to reassure you is my promise that I won't touch Remy. Why would I need him if I can gain a lot from you and go home happy?" Asher said with a casual shrug.

Grace scoffed and said, "Don't get so smart with me. I have been taught since I was young to never believe the words of a demon, no matter how tempting and logical they might sound. So no…I am not doing this deal unless you add that clause. I don't care whatever reason you say you can't do it, but I would never trust your words when it comes to my grandson's life. You can threaten to kill me, but I won't change my mind. At least my death will warn Remy about you."

'Tch, this woman…' Asher was at a loss seeing her obstinate and resolute face and asked, "So you are willing to give up on the chance to take revenge…something which you have been dreaming for all these years?"

Grace smiled and said, "No point in trying to tempt me, demon. I do want to get vengeance with all my heart, but my grandson is more important to me than my revenge. I would rather destroy myself than let any harm come to him. I can't let him get consumed by my pain and anger."

Asher took a deep breath upon realizing that this woman wasn't really blinded by revenge. She still had a hold over her heart.

But at the same time, he can't really go ahead with this deal and not gain anything. Why would he waste his time on all this?

Still, he wanted to first consult Duncan before going deciding what to do with this unyielding woman and said, "I think I will give you some time to clear your head and let you think on this. Maybe then you will have a change of mind," Saying so, Asher snapped his fingers together as the contract disappeared, and he walked out of the room.

Upon hearing his words and seeing him leave, Grace curved one of the corners of her lips.

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