The Damned Demon

Chapter 155 The Inescapable Nightmare

Chapter 155 The Inescapable Nightmare

Grace strode confidently into a dimly lit corridor that was adorned with grotesque statues and symbols, the shadows cast by flickering torchlight only adding to the sinister atmosphere of this place.

It wouldn't take two guesses for an ordinary person to recognize this place as a eerie secret hideout of a demonic cult!

The cult members of this cult stepped forward to see who boldly dared to enter their place, ready to chop up the fool.

Their appearances were frightening, their faces marked with strange symbols and grotesque piercings. Their dark clothing hung loosely from their thin frames, making them look even more menacing.

However, the moment they saw the face of this vermilion-haired woman, her presence struck fear into their hearts as they quickly gave way. It was not as if they were seeing her for the first time today.

They couldn't help but shudder thinking about what happened the first time she showed herself here today.

However, their eyes sparkled upon seeing her dragging along a whimpering and injured young man who looked quite ripe.

Tristan's eyes quivered in fear upon feeling the weird gazes from these creepy motherfuckers. He didn't expect Grace to drag him into the hideout of some freaky demonic cult. Does she know them or something? How long had she been corrupted by a demon?

Whatever it was, he was literally peeing in his pants and too scared to even let out a whimper.

Grace ignored these cult members as she made her way through the winding passages, the stench of fear and despair from Tristan only becoming stronger.

Finally, she reached a dark hall, its walls lined with shackles and instruments of torture, making Tristan feel like his heart was stuck in his throat.

However, his eyes widened when he found a middle-aged man being held captive in this oppressive chamber.

Upon taking a closer look, it was his father!

His once proud demeanor was now seemingly reduced to a shell of his former self. It was a pitiable sight even though he seemed alright on the outside except for a bloodied mouth.

With a cold smile, Grace flung Tristan across the hall, his body crashing to the floor near his father, waking Gary up.

Gary's eyes widened in shock and concern at the sight of his son. And despite his own pain and anguish, he immediately dragged himself over to Tristan, his fatherly instincts kicking in.

"T-Tristan!…What have they done to you?" Gary whispered, his voice crackling with emotion. He thought he had lost everything, but seeing his son again, instilled some energy inside him.

Tristan, still reeling from the pain of his broken ankle and the shock of his present situation, managed to stammer, "Father, why…why are you here," he gasped, relief mingling with fear and despair at their uncertain fate.

If his father wasn't here, Tristan hoped that his father would bring help to free him. But now that his father was also here, all hopes of escape were crushed.

Grace's eyes glinted with icy disdain as she looked down at the pitiful father-son-duo. She crossed her arms and smirked, his voice dripping with sarcasm and menace, "Oh, how touching. I hope you two enjoy your family reunion till it lasts," Her tone changed into a commanding tone as she called out, "Valmont, show yourself."

A sudden hush fell over the chamber as the shadows at the far end of the hall began to shit.

Out of the darkness emerged a tall, bulky bald man with strange markings etched into his skin. His limbs and torso were literally packed with bulging muscles.

The intricate designs sprawled across his face, twisting and turning like a sinister maze. His eyes were a piercing shade of gray, and they gleamed with malevolence.

A twisted, unsettling smile revealed his yellow, crooked teeth.

"Valmont?" Gary mumbled with quivering lips as he recognized who this man. He was known as Master Valmont, the cult leader of the infamous cult known as 'The Tormentors'. The name literally would make anyone feel chills upon hearing it, and so did Gary upon realizing where he really was. He was knocked out when he was brought here, and when he woke up, he found himself in this empty, sinister-looking hall.

However, the reason that terrified him the most was that he knew Valmont and his cult members had a 'special' preference for men. Just a subtle and eerie side glance from Valmont was enough to make Gary's face pale.

"Father…you know him?" Tristan asked upon hearing his father mumble a name. However, his father seemed too out of it and wasn't responding.

Valmont's black, flowing robes whispered around him as he stepped forward, accompanied by a retinue of loyal followers.josei

All of his followers had their faces similarly marked and their gazes fixed upon Valmont with equal parts fear and devotion.

As they moved in unison, their footsteps echoed ominously through the chamber, creating an eerie harmony with the distant, flickering torchlight.

Upon reaching behind Grace, Valmont bowed low, his unsettling smile never leaving his face, "Lady Huntress, your presence graces our humble abode once more," he said, his voice a smooth, oily whisper that sent chills down the spines of Gary and Tristan, "How may I be of service to such a distinguished Soulservant like you?"

As Valmont finished his fawning greeting, Gary's terror reached its peak. The realization that Grace had somehow made Valmont and his people submit to her made his heart thud against his chest.

Driven by a primal need to save himself and his son, Gary desperately decided to appease the merciless huntress.

With great effort, he dragged himself across the cold stone floor, leaving a trail of sweat in his wake. The rough surface scraped against his skin, but he was beyond caring.

The cult members watched with a mix of ridicule and amusement upon looking at this once-proud man reduced to a pitiful groveler.

Finally, Gary reached Grace's feet, his body trembling from fear and despair. His eyes glistened with tears as he looked up at her, begging for mercy, "Please…" he choked out, his voice hoarse and weak, "I beg you…forgive us. We'll do anything, anything you ask. Just…let us leave this place right now."

Grace's expression remained cold and impassive, her gaze locking onto Gary's pleading eyes. She let the silence hang for a moment, letting him squirm in desperation. 

Then, her lips curled into a cruel, icy smile as she responded, "Forgiveness? How amusing. My son desperately cried out for compassion and mercy, not for himself but for Emily," Her eyes glowed with a malevolent light as she added, "But you ignored his plea because of your twisted jealousy and obsession for her, and then you went on to rape her three times before killing her and my son. So now, as promised, I am going to make you feel the pain they suffered tenfold."

Gary's face ashened as he looked up at her, the sound of his heartbeat thrashing in his ears.

"Valmont, I am going to let you and your followers have a good time. Rape both of them thirty times and make them watch each other while it happens," Grace said with a chilling smile, making Vermont nod with a sadistic smile, "Thank you for gracing us with such a favor. It is not every day we get to have fun with such handsome and healthy men."

An icy wave of terror washed over both Gary and Tristan. Their faces turned ashen, and their hearts pounded violently in their chests, like caged animals desperate to break free.

Tristan was terrified to the core and felt his blood running cold upon hearing Grace's words.

His eyes widened in horror, darting between Grace, Valmont, and the sinister cult members who now surrounded them. Each twisted face, each set of predatory eyes, seemed to promise unspeakable torment. The impending doom sent shivers down his spine.

"N-No!…Aunty Grace…Please don't do this! I am sorry for everything, b-but please…d-don't leave me with them…" Tristan began to cry as his breaths came in shallow, his body quivering uncontrollably as he tried to stifle the sobs that threatened to escape his lips. He had never cried like this before in his life.

Gary, was staring into space with a blank look. He seemed as if he was struggling to comprehend the gravity of his situation. He was at the top of the world for so long, and now all he felt was the cold, unforgiving grip of fear tightening around his throat.

Regret and despair threatened to consume him, but they were drowned out by the all-encompassing terror that held him in its grasp.

But feeling the hair-raising gazes of the cult members around him, he reeled in his thoughts and prostrated before her, smashing his forehead against the floor, "Please, Grace!…I know I have sinned, but it was all in the past. I am a changed man now a-and…even if you have to punish me, y-you can't go this far. Do you think...Remy would want to see you like this?"

Grace's gaze remained icy and unforgiving as she listened to his desperate plea, "Remy wouldn't want to see me like this? You are right, but I am sure he isn't going to shed a tear upon hearing how a father and son duo were raped and killed by demonic cult members. It would sound like poetic justice to the world once the truth comes out, and Remy would finally have some peace. So, enjoy this inescapable nightmare with your son."

"NOO! Grace, PLEASE!!! Just kill us now!" A guttural cry of horror tore itself from Gary's throat. It was a sound that came from the very depths of his soul, a primal scream of anguish and despair that echoed through the chamber, reverberating off the cold, stone walls. He would rather die than go through this!

However, his cry was like music to Grace as she turned around and began to walk away, ignoring his cries.

Valmont stepped forward with an excited glint in his eyes and rubbed his hands together as he asked Grace, "Sorry to bother you with this, but since you mentioned you wanted them dead, any specific instructions, or is it up to our discretion? I am only asking if they happen to survive the enthusiasm of my men."

Grace's lips curved into a demonic smile as she said in a icy tone, "Since they are so proud of their junk, cut them off and feed it to them. Let them bleed to death while choking on it."

Gary and Tristan's expression became lifeless, their eyes empty and hollow. The terror that once consumed them had given way to a numbing sense of despair, as if their souls had been snuffed out by the cruel fate that awaited them.

They saw Grace's silhouette disappearing, and all that was left in the hall was the chilling laughter of the cult members as their shadows approached the father-and-son duo.

And soon, only screams of horror coupled with groans and laughter of pleasure filled the hall for hours until the screams died out.

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