The Damned Demon

Chapter 163 Unexpected Invitation

Chapter 163 Unexpected Invitation

As Asher and Rowena exited the Pillar Sanctuary, Asher couldn't help but notice the somber expression on Rowena's face. With a gentle touch, he reached for her hand, asking softly, "Are you still worrying about what the High Seer said?"

Rowena hesitated for a moment, then lifted her eyes to meet his, her voice tinged with concern. "Yes, I'm worried about the future. I already have so much on my mind, and now this... I just don't know what to expect."

Asher chuckled softly, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Don't take these things too seriously," he advised, "Even if you want to, remember that the High Seer said the future is in our hands. Everything will be alright as long as we're together and strong."

He then gently wrapped his arms around her from behind, a tender embrace that caught her off guard, "What you should be worrying about," he whispered playfully, "is that three years is a long time away for our Sacred Union."

Rowena felt her cheeks flush at his words. She managed a soft, barely audible reply, "It isn't as far away as you think," before gently slipping out of his embrace. 

As she walked away, her eyes sparkled with a rare hint of a smile, a fleeting glimpse of the emotions she kept so carefully hidden.

However, the moment she left, Asher's expression became serious, and couldn't help but wish all so-called prophets and soothsayers to disappear off the face of this world. 

He didn't want them to fuck up his life again with their stupid prophecies. Unfortunately, he just would have to plan ahead, just in case.

Asher was seated in his private chambers, deep in thought, when Merina, his ever-attentive maid, approached him with a curious expression on her face. She bowed gracefully before speaking, "Master, Lady Naida Valentine has requested an audience with you at your earliest convenience."

Asher's eyebrows raised in surprise as he pondered the unexpected request.

Naida was a powerful and influential figure within this kingdom, and for her to personally reach out to him was certainly intriguing. "Did Lady Naida mention any specific reason for the meeting?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

He wondered if she invited with hostile intentions after what happened between him and Silvia. 

Merina shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "My apologies, Master, but she did not disclose her reasons. However, given the polite and amicable manner in which she extended the invitation, I believe she wants to form an acquaintance with you. Nobles do this all the time."

Asher considered this information for a moment, his gaze distant. 

Eventually, he made up his mind and looked back at Merina with a decisive nod. "Very well, I'll meet with her and find out what this is all about," Asher felt he had nothing to worry and should see her and find out what all this was about.

Asher was preparing to head out to meet Naida when, unexpectedly, Eradicator appeared behind him. Her movements were swift and silent, "I'll escort you," she announced with a hint of determination in her voice.

Asher glanced at her and noticed Twilight, her pet cat, peeking out from behind her cape and resting on her shoulder. The cat's eyes were filled with curiosity, and its tails swayed gently behind it. 

He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the sight. He hadn't anticipated that Eradicator would carry her pet around all the time. Did she take a liking to it? That seemed surprising.

Still, he had to say, "Keep the cat hidden," Asher cautioned her, "It's supposed to be a part of your disguise, after all."

Eradicator looked down at Twilight, who seemed to understand the gravity of the situation. She nodded at Asher, acknowledging his concern.

With deft movements, she secured Twilight more discreetly within the folds of her cape, ensuring the cat remained out of sight.

And not long after, the two set out for Bloodvine Castle, the castle of House Valentine.

As Asher, Merina, and Eradicator approached the Bloodvine Castle, he and Merina couldn't help but notice its striking appearance. Unlike the dark, intimidating, and ominous castles of House Drake and House Thorne, Bloodvine Castle presented a fascinating juxtaposition.

The castle was nestled within a lush landscape, surrounded by an abundance of greenery and blooming flowers. The vibrant blood-red vines that lent the castle its name intertwined gracefully with the stone walls, creating an artistic tapestry of color and texture that seemed to come alive. The dark sun cast a bloody, crimson glow over the castle, highlighting the intricate details of its design.

The architecture of the Bloodvine Castle was elegant and refined, with tall, slender spires reaching towards the sky and delicate, arched windows that allowed natural light to flood the interior.

As they approached the entrance of Bloodvine Castle, a group of guards stood at attention, their eyes fixed on the three visitors. 

They were clad in well-fitting dark red armor, adorned with the sigil of House Valentine, and they carried themselves with an air of discipline and pride. However, despite their formidable appearance, their demeanor was far from hostile.please visit

Upon recognizing Asher, the captain of the guard stepped forward and offered a respectful bow, his fellow guards following suit. "Greetings, Consort Asher," the captain said in a cordial tone, his voice carrying an unmistakable note of respect, "We have been expecting your arrival. Lady Naida has informed us of your visit, and it is our honor to welcome you to the castle."

The guards' polite and welcoming attitude was a pleasant surprise for Asher, who was more accustomed to the cold and suspicious attitude of most demons in this realm.

Their courteous manner seemed to reflect the castle's overall atmosphere of beauty and harmony, setting the stage for a potentially amicable meeting with Lady Naida Valentine.

It seemed as if not only the core members of House Valentine but even the guards and servants were friendly and amiable. 

But of course, Silvia was an exception.

As he drew closer, he could hear the soothing sound of water flowing from an ornate fountain located at the center of the castle's courtyard, surrounded by beautiful flower beds and carefully manicured lawns.

This unexpectedly picturesque scene stood in stark contrast to the foreboding atmosphere that characterized the castles of House Drake and House Thorne. The Bloodvine Castle seemed to be a beacon of beauty and harmony, a perfect place to have friendly meetings.

As Asher, Merina, and Eradicator stepped inside Bloodvine Castle, he and Merina were struck by the exquisite beauty and elegance of its interior.

The high-vaulted ceilings, adorned with intricate frescoes depicting scenes of love and unity, seemed to stretch endlessly above them. 

The polished marble floors glistened under the soft, warm light emanating from the ornate chandeliers that hung from above, casting mesmerizing patterns on the walls. 

Asher felt like he was walking through a beautiful illusion and could see how wealthy House Valentine was even though House Thorne was considered to be the wealthiest.

As they walked through the opulent halls, the trio was greeted by a number of servants who were busy tending to the castle's daily needs. 

Dressed in elegant uniforms bearing the emblem of House Valentine, the servants moved gracefully, with an air of efficiency and purpose. Their faces displayed warm smiles as they acknowledged Asher and his companions, offering respectful bows and murmuring words of welcome.

As they approached the ornate doors of the inner courtyard, two impeccably dressed maids stood waiting to receive them. Their eyes were gentle, yet their postures radiated a quiet confidence. They bowed deeply as Asher, Eradicator, and Merina drew near.

"Lady Naida Valentine awaits your presence inside, Lord Asher," one of the maids said, her voice melodious and respectful, "She has requested a private audience with you."

The other maid turned her attention to Eradicator and Merina, offering them an apologetic smile, "I'm afraid Lady Naida has asked that only the royal consort attend this meeting. If you would be so kind as to wait here, we will ensure that you are well taken care of during your stay."

Asher looked at them and nodded, indirectly telling them to wait outside.

Eradicator also nodded, her eyes briefly meeting his, conveying her readiness to act if he needed.

Asher acknowledged their understanding with a slight nod before turning back to the maids. "Very well, please lead the way," he said, his voice calm and collected.josei

With another bow, the maids gently pushed open the intricately carved doors of the meeting hall.

As Asher stepped into the meeting hall, he raised one of his brows upon seeing the sight before him. 

Standing on a balcony overlooking the castle's lush gardens was a breathtakingly beautiful woman, tending to her flowers with delicate precision. The sunlight streamed in through the arched windows, casting a warm glow on her ruby hair and accentuating the vivid red of her eyes. 

Her expression was serene, the epitome of grace and elegance.

Her medium bust was tastefully accentuated by the elegant red gown she wore, which clung to her curves and cascaded down to the floor like a waterfall of silk. The gown's intricate design and fine craftsmanship highlighted her noble status and impeccable taste.

She seemed to be in her own world, her fingers deftly plucking any wilted petals from her precious flowers, her gaze filled with tender affection for the delicate blooms. For a moment, Asher felt as if he was intruding on a private and intimate scene, but he knew he had been invited here for a reason.

He was about to announce his presence when Naida's eyes flickered towards him, her expression shifting to one of warm hospitality. She offered him a charming smile as she gracefully descended from the balcony, her gown flowing behind her like a river of red silk.

"Consort Asher," she greeted him, her voice as melodious as a songbird's, "Welcome to my castle. It is a pleasure to have you as our guest. I trust you have been faring well."

Her words sounded courteous and genuine, and Asher could sense that this meeting might be more intriguing than he initially thought.

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