The Damned Demon

Chapter 193

Chapter 193: A Heavy Decision

"You…" Isola's chest tightened with a volatile mix of anger and hatred. To think that this man, who had deceived her, was now scheming to use her as a bargaining chip, left an even more bitter taste in her mouth.

It was as if there was no end to how far he could go. She never saw this coming.

She was prepared to die rather than end up as a bargaining chip, but there was no point. It doesn't really matter if she died now. Her people will easily get overwhelmed by the armies of the Bloodburn Kingdom.

However, if she lives, then she could still try to save the lives of her people. She still was determined to not give up.

Asher quickly explained to Rowena why this princess was here and how he managed to weaken the Kraken.

Rowena's eyes widened in surprise as Asher recounted the tale of how he had managed to weaken the Kraken, a creature of such immense power that he could have gotten crushed like an ant if the Kraken wanted to.

As she listened to his words, she struggled to comprehend the sheer audacity and cleverness required to carry out such a daring plan.

In that moment, a wave of admiration and warmth washed over Rowena.

He had risked his own life, teetering on the brink of death, all for the sake of protecting their kingdom from irrecoverable losses in this war.

He alone managed to do what those old and seasoned warriors or experts couldn't.

She underestimated his talents and powers and felt as if his true potential was unfathomable.

She wanted to appreciate his efforts, but right now, she knew her people were still fighting outside.

Not wanting to waste any more time, she lowered her whip as she looked at Isola, her gaze stony, "It's time to leave, and you are coming with us."

Isola's fists were still shaking, but she relaxed them, knowing there was no other alternative.

"Come on. Get up," Asher said as he was about to grab her arm to pull her up.

But she weakly slapped away his hand as she said with gritted teeth, "I…don't need your help," Her eyes cold with resentment. She still didn't know if these two were going to use her to make her people surrender and then execute them all.

"Is that so?" Asher let out a chuckle upon seeing her try hard to raise herself up.

But his expression abruptly shifted, his eyes narrowing and his voice turning stern and harsh, "Enough of your stupid antics. We don't have time for this," he snapped, reaching out and firmly grabbing Isola's arm.

The sudden change in his tone and demeanor caught her off guard, and she found herself getting swept up and pulled forward.

"The more you waste time, the more your people die. Now, behave," he demanded, the steeliness in his voice leaving no room for argument. Isola gritted her teeth, her eyes burning with resentment but ultimately, she knew she had no choice but to comply.

With a resigned sigh, she allowed Asher to pull her to her feet, her heart heavy with the burden of her people's fate resting upon her shoulders. As they prepared to leave the grim chamber, Isola steeled herself for the uncertain future that lay ahead, silently vowing to do whatever it took to protect her people, no matter the cost.

A pall of despair settled over the Umbralfiends on the battlefield, their morale plummeting as they witnessed the shocking scene before them.

Their once-mighty guardian, the Kraken, lay defeated and vulnerable on its back, a massive, bloody wound gaping in its belly. The Bloodburn Queen's dragon perched triumphantly atop the vanquished beast, asserting its dominance over the terror of the seas.

The Umbralfiend soldiers exchanged disbelieving glances, their hearts heavy with fear and disbelief.

They had placed all their hopes in the Prophecy of the Ancients, a sacred belief that had guided and instilled hope in their people for generations.

But now, as they watched their guardian's imminent defeat and the thought that their princess might have already gotten killed, they began to doubt everything they had held dear.

With their faith shattered and their spirits broken, the Umbralfiends struggled to maintain their fighting spirit, their movements sluggish and disorganized.

In stark contrast, the Bloodburn armies surged forward with renewed vigor, their morale bolstered by their queen's incredible display of power and the Kraken's defeat.

As the battle raged on, it became increasingly clear that the Umbralfiends were on the verge of collapse. Even the most inexperienced observer could see that their defeat was imminent.

In the midst of the chaos and despair, the once-proud Umbralfiends grappled with the harsh reality of their impending demise, wondering how they could ever recover from this crushing blow.

On one side of the battlefield, Narissara's eyes were set with a cold determination, her movements swift and deadly as she faced her adversaries.

Esther and the Death Knight, a terrifying specter under her control, fought Narissara in unison.

Narissara launched arrow after arrow with blinding speed, the edges of her bow's blade slashing through the air as she made every attempt to keep the relentless duo at bay. Her determination to kill her sworn enemies didn't wane despite the fall of the Kraken.

Esther observed her opponent with a calculating gaze, understanding that she didn't need to go all out.

Narissara's exhaustion was evident, and it was only a matter of time before she succumbed to the combined force of her and her Death Knight.

The ghostly warrior, shrouded in ragged, bloodstained dark blue robes, swung its long sword with vicious intent, adding to the mounting pressure on Narissara.

On the other side of the battlefield, Moraxor surged forward with a newfound determination.

Despite the pain and weariness that gripped his body, he gripped his scepter tightly, using its power to blast a path through the chaos towards the fallen Kraken.

He knew in his heart that he was too late to change the tide of the battle or probably even save his daughter. But despite all that, he yearned to at least see her face one last time and satisfy one of many regrets.

His heart pounded in his chest as he charged, his path to the Kraken nearly cleared. The battlefield seemed to blur around him, a chaotic whirlwind of blood and steel.

But just as he was about to reach his destination, a sight made his heart both soar and plummet simultaneously: three figures emerged from the gaping hole in the Kraken's belly.

The Bloodburn Queen and her consort, Asher, stood there, the latter holding a ring blade to Isola's neck.

Moraxor's eyes widened in a mixture of relief and fear as he took in the scene. His daughter's face was pale and sickly, but she was alive!

However, seeing the blade on her neck, his hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white. He fought to control the rage and despair that threatened to consume him. But he knew there was no way he could win in this situation.

Isola's heart hammered in her chest as she found herself forcibly pulled from the familiar depths of her dark realm into the surface world she had only ever heard of in stories.

Her entire life, she had been captivated by the tales of the world above the sea, and now, she was unexpectedly thrust into it.

The thought of experiencing the surface world had been a dream, a secret longing that she dared not hope to ever become a reality.

As her head broke the surface, the sudden change in atmosphere made her gasp, her fins involuntarily flinching as she drew her first breath of open air. The sensation was strange, almost alien, and it left her momentarily disoriented.

Her eyes, accustomed to the perpetual dimness of the abyss, struggled to adjust to the brightness of the red sunlight that bathed the world above.

Slowly, the blurred colors and shapes that assaulted her vision began to coalesce, revealing a devastating battlefield instead of the rolling meadows and forests she had imagined.

She remembered how the circumstances of her arrival were cruel and unfair, a harsh reminder that she was now a captive in this world of wonders.

She had dreamed so many times how her first arrival in the surface world would be like but never thought it would be this way.

Her eyes then met her father's, and for a moment, the chaos of the battlefield seemed to fade away. She recognized the concern in his gaze, and despite the distance that had grown between them over the years, she knew he still cared for her.

Isola's heart ached as she thought of what was to come. She could see the relief in her father's eyes, but it was overshadowed by the terror that the Bloodburn Queen might execute her right before him. The air around them seemed to thicken, heavy with tension and unsaid words.

"Forgive me, Father…I failed you all," Isola whispered, her voice barely audible over the clamor of the battlefield.

Moraxor's gaze never wavered, locked onto his daughter's face, as he shook his head, "Don't, my child. We are the ones who failed you…I couldn't be more proud of you," Moraxor let out the thought he had been suppressing for all these years, wanting to let it out before the chance was gone.

Rowena stared coldly at Moraxor. Her voice rang out like ice, chilling the very air around her, "King Moraxor, tell your people to surrender. Otherwise, your daughter will pay the price for your actions."

Moraxor blinked his eyes, not expecting these words from her. Even if he doesn't surrender, their dragons and their armies could easily destroy them. Why would she want this unless she wants to execute him and his people before everyone?josei

However, the sliver of chance that he might be able to save his daughter's life made his heart waver. He knew he and his people would prefer dying in the battlefield but the thought of losing his daughter was unbearable, especially when she was still alive, standing before him. He also didn't want his race to get extinct.

And so he took a deep breath and asked with a trembling gaze, "If I do that, do I have your word you will spare my daughter and my people's lives?"

Based on what he knew about the Bloodburn Queen, she was someone who never goes back on her word. But he knew it might be different for her enemies.

Rowena nodded and said, "You have my word as long as you and your people are willing to accept the consequences."

Moraxor's eyes flickered between his daughter and the battlefield, a storm of emotions churning within him.

His heart was heavy with the weight of his decision, and yet he knew it was the only way to protect what remained of his people and save his precious daughter. With a deep, steadying breath, he steeled himself to make the ultimate sacrifice.

His grip tightened around his scepter, the symbol of his power and authority. With a solemn determination, he raised the scepter high above his head before plunging it into the ground with a resounding thud. The impact sent a tremor through the earth, as if the very world was mourning the fall of the Umbralfiends.

He then withdrew a sea conch from his belt, its surface etched with ancient runes that spoke of its significance.

His hands shook slightly as he brought the conch to his lips, knowing full well the implications of the sound he was about to make. The moment hung in the air like the calm before the storm, the battlefield holding its breath in anticipation.

Then, with a deep, mournful exhale, he blew into the conch. The sound that erupted was hauntingly beautiful and heart-wrenching, a forlorn cry that echoed across the battlefield, reaching the ears of every combatant.

The sound was unmistakable – it was the sound of surrender, a signal to lay down arms and accept the will of the victor.

The battlefield fell into an eerie silence as the warriors on both sides processed the gravity of the moment. The Umbralfiends' shoulders slumped in defeat, their faces etched with the pain of a broken people, while the Bloodburn soldiers looked on with a mix of triumph, contempt, and regret that they didn't get to kill every last one of them on the battlefield.

Just a few moments before, on a certain side of the battlefield, Narissara's once proud and cold demeanor had been shattered, leaving her kneeling on the blood-soaked ground.

Her breaths came in ragged gasps, sweat and blood streaking her once flawless face. The pain from her injuries was immense, but it paled in comparison to the crushing weight of defeat and the impending loss of her people.

Esther and her Death Knight stood ominously over the fallen queen, their cold, unfeeling gazes fixed on her weakened form.

Narissara's bow lay discarded, its blade stained red, a silent testament to the ferocious battle that had taken place. The dark blue robes of the Death Knight fluttered like the wings of a vulture, waiting to feast on the remnants of Narissara's hope.

As the tip of the Death Knight's sword hovered menacingly above her, Narissara's eyes burned with defiance.

Even on the verge of death, she refused to let fear or despair claim her. She was a queen, and she would die with the dignity and pride that her position demanded.

With the last of her strength, Narissara lifted her head, fixing her cold gaze on Esther, unyielding even in the face of her own demise, "Do what you will," she spat, her voice hoarse but resolute, "But know that the spirit of my people will never be extinguished."

Esther's eyes didn't even ripple as she indifferently said, "That isn't of any concern to me," Saying so, Esther was about to give an order to her Death Knight to deal the killing blow.

But right then a sound from a conch echoed across the battlefield, making Esther freeze her hand.

Narissara's eyes shook as she lowered her head in shame and anger, "No…" She mumbled, unable to bear the shame of surrendering to their sworn enemies.

Esther immediately looked towards the shores and saw her queen raising her hand and clenching her fist.

In an awe-inspiring display, a massive pillar of crimson flame burst forth from her hand and soared high into the sky. The sheer size and intensity of the fire captured the gazes of every fighter on the battlefield, friend and foe alike.

The pillar's light cast an eerie, red hue across the war-torn landscape, illuminating the faces of the exhausted warriors. With a booming, authoritative voice that carried across the entire field, Rowena declared, "Hear me, my people! The enemy has surrendered. Cease your attacks and stand down."

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