The Damned Demon

Chapter 243

Chapter 243: Kill As Many Of Them As Possible

Under the sanguine gleam of the blood moon, the stone of the Western Battlement shone with an eerie hue, casting long, dramatic shadows. Standing on the parapets was a figure of gothic majesty.

Her long, raven tresses flowed freely, crimson eyes reflected the haunting glow of the lunar body, and dark lips curved into a contemplative line. The generous swell of her bosom was a tempting contrast to her cold, regal demeanor.

Just as the wind began to whip up, stirring the edges of her dark, ornate dress, a subtle shift in the air announced the arrival of another presence.

From the shadows emerged Isola, her white, luminescent hair flowing like ethereal water around her shoulders.

"Your Majesty," Isola greeted, her voice echoing slightly in the cool night. Her sapphire blue eyes gleamed with hidden depths as she faced Rowena's back, "You wished to see me?"

Rowena's gaze remained fixated on the distant horizon, her crimson eyes flickering in the moonlight.

As the wind whispered through the stones of the battlement, carrying the scent of the night and the distant ocean, she asked in a cool voice, "How do you feel about Asher?"

Isola paused, her twilight blue eyes widening slightly in surprise at the unexpected question.

She didn't know why Rowena would ask her such a question, though for some reason this question stirred something within her.

After a few heartbeats, she responded, "I am not really sure how to answer that….," Isola started, her voice deep and calm, echoing the serene night around them. "As someone who represents my people, I carry the weight of my people's resentment towards him since the loss of the war was mainly his doing."

She paused for a moment, her eyes glinting under the moon's glow, "But on the other hand," she continued, "as someone who cares deeply about the welfare of my people, I cannot ignore his actions after the war. He ensured our survival, and has not inflicted unnecessary suffering on us. For that, I respect him."

Isola's eyes then drifted to the horizon, a certain resolve flashing within them, "Moreover, I am drawn to his vision. His aspiration to conquer the Severed Realm... if that could ensure a better life for everyone in this world, I am willing to aid him to make that vision a reality for all our sakes."

Rowena remained silent for a few moments as Isola's words swept into her mind.

She then slowly turned around, her gaze icy and steady, "I appreciate your honesty, Emissary Isola," she spoke, her voice cool. She then added, "But I do hope you comprehend the weight of what you have just said," There was an icy edge to her words, a subtle bite beneath her formal veneer,

Isola slowly nodded as Rowena took a step forward, "Asher is a linchpin for us all," she continued, her voice never wavering, "His safety, his life… means everything to me. I won't ever entertain the thought of anything bad happening to him."

Her eyes, burning crimson in the moonlight, bore into Isola, making her realize that she had underestimated the intensity of Rowena's feelings for Asher.

She then continued with a sense of cool yet forceful dominance, "I want you to remember this, Emissary Isola. Not only for your sake but for the sake of your people no matter what you truly feel," she said, her tone severe.

Despite the veiled threat and the gravity of her words, Isola's expression remained the same as she calmly nodded, "I would never forget something like that. I won't return without him. He is too important to me."

As she heard her words, Rowena nodded slowly with a satisfied look upon feeling the sincerity in her tone and eyes.

But upon hearing her last sentence, a slight tightness formed around Rowena's eyes and an almost imperceptible hardening of her jawline.

However, she then turned around and said, "Very well," her voice as calm and steady as ever, and continued, "I expect nothing less. You may leave now."

Isola slowly nodded as she turned around with certain emotions reflecting in her eyes before walking away, while Rowena slowly took a deep breath as her lips firmly pressed together.

The day before the quest,

The distant roar of the sea ebbed and flowed rhythmically, a calming serenade against the backdrop of the Naiadon Tribe's shores while the early sun was peeking from the horizon.

Asher and Isola stood there, their gazes fixed on their beast companion, Callisa, who radiated an impressive aura of might and grace.

Not even a year had passed since she had been born, and yet the length of her body had grown bigger by 5 meters. She was also quickly learning and picking up things and abilities, much faster than Asher expected.

Her crab-like figure was adorned by newly-fitted armor, an artistic creation of utility and design, a work of a master blacksmith, which any common man would say.

The armor was a fascinating marvel of design and utility. Sculpted from reinforced Thoriun Steel, the lightest and strongest steel in the world, the pieces were lightweight yet incredibly resilient, interlocking plates that hugged Callisa's massive body.

They traced over her giant pincers, fitting like a second skin and leaving her sturdy black carapace exposed, respecting the Kraken's natural toughness.

Even the color of the armor, a deep oceanic red, complemented Callisa's imposing presence.

Each piece of the armor had been imbued with special runes, ensuring it wouldn't restrict her movements, whether she was navigating the watery depths or striding over land.

The best part Asher liked other than all this was that the armor can easily be tweaked to make it bigger as Callisa gets older and bigger.

He watched Callisa, a satisfied smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. The armor fitted her beautifully, adding a layer of intimidating charm to her enormous figure without overshadowing her natural grandeur.

He called out to her, his voice carrying effortlessly over the ambient noise of the ocean, "Darren and his House outdid themselves this time, didn't they? Do you like your new armor, Callisa?"

"Kooo!" In response, Callisa let out a resonating squeal, one that echoed across the landscape and vibrated through the soles of their feet. Her pincers snapped together excitedly, a show of approval that made Asher's smirk grow wider and made Isola smile as well.

Isola's gaze then shifted between Asher and Callisa, her sapphire blue eyes reflecting a sea of worry. "Asher..." she started, her voice barely above a whisper, "Are we really doing the right thing? Taking Callisa with us on such a dangerous quest?"josei

She turned to face him fully, her white, glowing hair cascading over her shoulders as she continued, "We've been training her for months, yes. But she's still too young, isn't she? I... I worry."

Asher shook his head softly, his eyes never leaving Callisa, "Isola, you already know that beasts are born with instincts far greater than ours. They fight and survive in ways we cannot fully comprehend even when they are just a baby," He turned to meet Isola's concerned gaze, a calming determination in his eyes.

"And honestly, I don't like the idea of bringing her either," he admitted, crossing his arms over his chest, "But in this world we live in, she needs to get stronger faster. And leaving her behind... alone... what if she gets worried and does something... regretful? Who knows how long we might be gone."

Isola sighed, her shoulders dropping slightly as she nodded, "You're right," she admitted softly.

Isola also didn't want to risk leaving her behind unattended. If Callisa gets upset, she won't listen to anyone. Not even her parents.

However, hidden in Asher's heart was an assurance that he kept silent. If the situation were to turn dire, he always had the option of moving Callisa to his Damned Dimension. It was a contingency plan he hoped he wouldn't have to use.


"Boss!" a voice shrieked from the distance, an unmistakable high pitched note that could only belong to one individual.

Out of the corner of his eye, Asher saw Kookus bounding towards him, his red skin a stark contrast against the reddish sand, his blue eyes glistening with what could only be crocodile tears. His pointy nose bobbed up and down as he rushed towards Asher.

Asher was surprised this buffoon was up and running so early in the morning.

Isola, however, wrinkled her nose, her eyes narrowing at the sight of Asher's obnoxious servant, "I'm going to talk to my parents," she said, her gaze moving back to Asher, who simply nodded in response.

As Isola's figure disappeared into the sea, Kookus finally reached Asher, dramatically falling to his feet, clutching his legs, and sobbing theatrically, "Boss!" he wailed, "I will miss you so much. I wish I could join you in your quest and let me become your meat shield against those cunning Hunters. Nevertheless, I will pray for your safe return every day!" As he wailed, his tears soaked the lower part of Asher's pants, making him click his tongue and shook him off.

He then looked down at him with a stern gaze, " You don't have to be so sad, Kookus. I will fulfill your wish since you are coming with me," he stated with a hard smirk.

This abrupt statement caused Kookus's sobbing to come to a sudden halt. He slowly looked up, his teary blue eyes wide in disbelief.

His jaw dropped, and a shaky smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He had been secretly making plans to snoop around Asher's quarters in his absence, even thinking about impressing his future girlfriend with Asher's fancy stuff. But all those plans seemed to crumble at Asher's unexpected invitation.

"'re not joking, Boss?" Kookus asked in a quivering voice, his eyes darting around as if expecting some hidden punchline, "I really want to become your meat shield b-but as an insignificant Soul Eater, I can never be a worthy meat shield for someone favored by the Devils like you, Boss."

"Well, Kookus," Asher responded, the corners of his mouth tugging upward in a barely perceptible smile, "I've got one spot left in my group, and I can't think of anyone better suited for it than my most... loyal servant. I value loyalty more than strength," His voice took on a subtle edge of sarcasm as he said the last few words, making Kookus swallow his saliva, wondering if he was going to die without tasting a virgin nectar.

Deep under the dark waters, Isola floated before her parents. The water around them was dappled with the iridescent glow of the luminescent flora, casting a subtle, ethereal light on their faces.

"Father, Mother," she began, her voice softly cutting through the silence, "Please tell our people farewell on my behalf. I feel like they might be sadder if I did it personally. And I would too."

Moraxor's wavy black hair danced in the water as his gaze bore into his daughter, the intensity of it reflecting both worry and pride. He gave her a slow nod, his chest tightening at the thought of his precious child braving unknown dangers. A curt sigh escaped his lips as he responded, "I understand, Isola. Just remember… our people, and we are proud of you and...," Moraxor took a deep breath in between his sentence as if trying to contain something from overflowing his eyes.

Isola softly smiled and felt surprised to see such a side of her father. If there was one thing she was happy about after the war was the fact that her father was returning to his usual self, just like during the times, she was just a little girl.

Moraxor added with a dark determination, "...before returning, try to kill as many of those heinous Hunters. They are even worse than the Cursed Wraiths. We lost enough, we can't afford to lose too much. This is a good opportunity to hurt them a lot."

Isola nodded with a grim expression as the memories of those who died in the hands of Hunters flashed in her mind.

Beside him, Narissara's expression remained inscrutable, her dark azure eyes scanning her daughter.

She then extended a hand, and from within the flowing folds of her robe, she produced a trinket. It was a small amulet, the sea-green stone set into it glowing with an inner light. She pushed it gently towards Isola, the amulet floating through the water towards her daughter.

"Take this, child," Narissara said, her usually stern voice softening slightly, "It's an old relic of our people. Use it when you're in dire straits. It may save your life."

Isola softly blinked her eyes as she took the amulet into her hands, her eyes taking in the magical aura it emanated. This was the first time her mother showed concern for her safety and gifted her something.

She nodded gravely, locking eyes with her mother, a ripple of warmth spreading across her chest, "Thank you, mother. I will use it well."

The silence that followed was heavy, the weight of parting and the uncertainty of the future hanging thick in the water around them.

Just as Isola left, Narissara crossed her arms and asked, "Why didn't you mention her marriage with Vraxos? She is already in her prime years and if we are to recover the strength of our race, we cannot waste time."

Moraxor turned around and softly nodded with a serious look, "We can do it after she returns. Let her mind stay clear for now."

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