The Damned Demon

Chapter 252  The Little Zone Master

Chapter 252  The Little Zone Master

Asher didn't need her warning to know that causing any trouble with her would mean death. As expected, the Zone Master has the final judgment on anything.

But he never expected a little human girl to be the Zone Master, or was this some kind of elaborate disguise?

Asher chuckled softly, stepping forward with a gentle, disarming smile, "I'm simply a customer," he began, his voice soothing and steady, "I need a common-grade health potion for my level. Can you help with that?"

The little girl, arms still confidently crossed over her chest, pursed her lips as she considered Asher.

After a moment, she named her price, "That would be 200 Mana Shards," she announced, her voice echoing in the silent shop. Her eyes never left his, her expression daring him to protest.

A blink was the only sign of surprise from Asher. The price was enough to wipe out 2 entire Hunter Groups, yet this little Zone Master declared it as if it were a pittance.

Understanding how the frustration and anger of the previous customers, he maintained his calm exterior, "I see. That's... unexpected. Is there a reason everything here is a bit...pricey?"

The little girl clicked her tongue, "Everything I sell is actually very cheap. And it comes without risk. If people can't understand that, then they were born misers and should try making their own stuff," she shot back, her tone filled with a mix of annoyance and condescension.

As her words washed over him, Asher had to admit there was a sliver of truth to her statement.

There was certainly danger involved in acquiring the necessary resources to produce such items. Still, the disparity between her definition of 'cheap' and his was staggering.

"I guess I can't argue about that. In this safe zone, you literally enjoy safety and peace. So it all definitely would come at a price," Asher mumbled as if in self-realization.

The little girl nodded with a satisfied look, "Finally, somebody who isn't dumb."

"Then I shall come back when I am rich with shards," Asher said with a nod.

The little girl's eyes widened at Asher's statement about coming back, a hint of surprise flashing across her face.

"Well, I'll be waiting to take your shards," she said with an impish grin.

Asher smiled at her business-minded attitude, "Sure," he assured her, "However, I was hoping you could give me a bit of information. How many shards do I need to collect to forge a Deviar Crystal? And where can I forge it?"

"Oh, finally asking the right questions, are you?" the little girl teased, her silver eyes sparkling with amusement.

She placed her hands on her hips as she said, "You need 50,000 Deviar Shards to forge the first crystal. And when you have that many shards, the way to forge it will naturally reveal itself to you."

Asher's eyebrows shot up in surprise as 50,000 was no small number.

However, her words kept playing in his mind, especially 'the first crystal'.

"Wait," Asher asked, an air of disbelief in his voice, "what do you mean by 'first' crystal? Wouldn't I need 350,000 Deviar Shards in total to forge all seven Deviar Crystals?"

A hint of amusement twinkled in the little girl's eyes as she scoffed, "Did you really think it would be that easy to complete the Quest for the Worthy?" she asked. Her words caused Asher's brows to knit together in a frown.

Before he could respond, she continued, smirking at his confused look, "The dungeon you're standing in right now is actually a mini-dungeon. It's a part of 6 other mini-dungeons."

Asher looked at her in disbelief. This dungeon was already quite expansive, so the idea of it being only a fraction of the whole was staggering. As the information began to sink in, he mulled over her words, and then his eyes widened in realization.

"So you're saying I have to collect 50,000 Deviar Shards, forge one Deviar Crystal, and then... and only then... my group and I are qualified to enter the next mini-dungeon?" he asked, piecing together the implications of her words.

The little girl nodded, a cheeky grin spreading across her face, "You're as smart as you look. Not bad. And don't forget, the amount of Deviar Shards you need to collect in the next dungeon is twice the amount you need to collect in this dungeon. And so on for the next and the next."josei

Asher quickly calculated the numbers in his head, '50k…100k…

200k…400k…800k…1600k…3,200,000…' Asher held his breath as he realized he would need a staggering 3.2 million Deviar Shards to forge the last Deviar Crystal and claim the Deviar.

Seeing the contemplative expression on Asher's face, the little girl tilted her head to one side and said with a smile, "If you think it's going to be hard, then you're thinking right," She paused, eyeing him from top to bottom before adding, "But for someone like you, you should be more worried about the people you might come upon than the dangers lurking in the dungeons."

Asher furrowed his brows, thinking over her words, wondering why it was like that, though he got the hint she wasn't willing to reveal more than that.

However, he nodded his head, appreciating her advice, "Thanks for the heads up," he responded.

But then, he remembered about Callisa, "By the way, is there a way to not make a large beast companion stand out while traveling? I have one such companion."

The little girl's silver eyes twinkled as an impish smile spread across her face, "Oh, I'm aware of your cute, big Kraken," she said, her grin growing wider, "If you let me ride on her for a while, I can tell you a way."

Asher was a little taken aback, not expecting her sudden interest in Callisa. He realized that no matter what or who she was, she was probably still a child at heart, fascinated by the exotic.

Still, he decided to not let her get her way easily, putting on a pained expression as if in a dilemma, "Ah, it's unfortunate. My beast companion isn't quite in the mood for fun rides unless someone can help her travel without standing out. She has been sad about burdening me and my people for a while," he said, giving her a knowing look.

Then, with a thankful nod, he said, "Either way, thank you for the information you provided. It's been very helpful."

Then, he turned on his heels, ready to step out of the shop, leaving the little Zone Master with a surprised look on her face.

The little girl, seeing Asher turning away, suddenly sprung into action.

"Wait!" she cried, popping the thumb she was sucking out of her mouth.

She jumped off the counter, her petite figure almost bouncing as she hurried over to him. Asher hid a smile, turning around with a feigned look of curiosity.

The girl huffed slightly, attempting to puff up her chest, "For special situations," she started, her nose in the air, "I am willing to give a discount on certain items. There is something called a 'Beast pouch' you could purchase for 150 Deviar Shards."

Asher perked up at the term, "Beast pouch? What is that?" he asked.

"Just as it sounds, silly," she said, with a click of her tongue, "It's a pouch in which you can store your beast. It's small enough to fit in your pocket. You can make your beast companion come out of the bag whenever you want."

His eyes sparkled with anticipation, "Truly? Such a thing exists?" He didn't know a living being could be stuffed into something small like that, and maybe it was a special artifact made available for the quest, "I think my beast companion would be quite pleased to hear this... and quite happy to give you a ride as a thank you."

Considering the advantages of the beast pouch, the cost of 150 Deviar Shards seemed a worthy investment. He glanced at the little Zone Master, his initial impressions of her slowly changing.

"But you have to promise you won't go back on your word!" The little girl strongly specified, making Asher chuckle and say, "I wouldn't go back on my word, especially to a Zone Master like you."

"Hehe, then go to the next shop. I will be there!" The little girl grinned as she rubbed her hands together with glowing eyes.

Elsewhere, in another Safe Zone,

Edmund was standing at the counter of a shop with a frustrated look, staring at the little Zone Master, who was ignoring him with a bored expression.

But he had enough and,

"Why can't I fucking bring those five Hunter girls inside?" he barked, slamming his hand on the counter with a loud clatter. His red eyes flamed with anger as his companions – Thaddaeus, Zephyrine, and Ignatius – looked on in strained silence.

The little girl, unfazed, lazily rolled a piece of parchment she had been reading and, with a swift movement, suddenly slapped Edmund's face with it,


"How many times do I need to explain it to you?" she snapped, her small frame radiating with annoyance, "The safe zone isn't a place for you to fool around and break any rules."

Edmund's face flushed a deep red, an embarrassing contrast to his pale skin, especially since she slapped him before his vassals, who had their eyes widened as well.

His eyes narrowed dangerously, and for a moment, it looked like he might strike her. But the hand he had raised paused mid-air, clenched into a trembling fist. He knew the power the Zone Master held, irrespective of her child-like and human appearance.

With a visible effort, he controlled his temper and struggled to speak in a lowered voice, "They belong to me…They are my possessions. So why…can't I bring them inside?"


Again, the scroll met his face, this time on the other cheek, reddening his face even more, "I've told you repeatedly! The rule is clear: 'Hunters aren't allowed.' Were you fucked up by a donkey to turn out so dumb?" she retorted, her tone dripping with mockery.

The three standing behind Edmund gulped and blinked in disbelief, not expecting such words to come out from a small-sized figure like her.

The cracking of Edmund's knuckles echoed in the tense silence, his fists shaking with suppressed rage.

He shot her a glare that could have melted steel, but he took a deep breath as he said in a shakingly calm voice, "I…was…under the impression that violence is prohibited in this safe zone," he hissed, every word measured and precise, pointing out to the fact that she slapped him twice!

*Pha! Pha! Pha!

Once again, the sharp crack of parchment against skin echoed in the store.

This time, the little girl did not stop at one slap. With quick, precise movements, she delivered three blows to either side of Edmund's face, each slap landing with a loud, resounding smack, "I wouldn't call this violence," she said, an impish grin playing on her lips, "I'm simply trying to slap some sense into you. You should thank me, teehee."

Edmund's eyes blazed with indignation. His face was a mask of controlled fury, and his knuckles had turned white from the force with which he clenched his fists. The veins in his neck stood out, pulsing in time with his rapid heartbeat.


From the corner of his eye, he saw a movement and turned his attention towards Ignatius.

The fiery-haired lord was covering his mouth, his body shaking with poorly concealed laughter.

He quickly turned it into a painful grimace when Edmund's gaze landed on him, "The fruit I had earlier must've been bad," he grunted, clutching his stomach dramatically, "I feel sick."

Edmund ignored him and turned back towards the Zone Master, shooting her a final venomous glare, "We're leaving," he spat out, his voice cold as ice, "We don't need to stay in this lame safe zone."

He turned on his heel, and stormed away, his vassals trailing after him as they returned to the five orcs standing outside with their 5 captured Hunters.

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