The Damned Demon

Chapter 273 Whispers Of The Rebellious Heart

Chapter 273 Whispers Of The Rebellious Heart

Chapter 273 Whispers Of The Rebellious Heart

For a few moments, they lingered in the kiss, a slow and gentle meeting of lips that held an underlying current of shared emotions.

But suddenly, as if jolted from a dream, Ceti pulled back. She hastily moved her body to the side, her face flushing a brilliant shade of red.

The realization of what had just happened seemed to crash over her like a wave. In a flustered tone, she quickly covered her face with her hands, her voice muffled as she stammered, "P-Please forget what just happened…"

Was she really that crazy to kiss him? And it wasn't just a simple kiss, it was her first kiss. She never thought her first would be with Asher, of all people. Yet why... why did it feel like her heart was being bathed by moonlight?

At her sudden retreat, Asher couldn't help but chuckle.

He admired her flustered state for a moment before reaching out to gently pull her hands away from her face. His eyes were soft, his smile charming as he posed a question, "Why should I forget something that I don't want to?" he asked as his gaze bore into hers, refusing to look away as he added, "And I'm quite sure, you don't want to forget either."

His words were confident, as if he could see right through her, reading the turmoil of emotions in her eyes.

The statement wasn't an accusation, but rather a simple fact, that made her heart race all over again, making her wonder why she couldn't just get a hold of her feelings.

"No…you are wrong…I wasn't thinking straight…" Caught in his gaze, Ceti could only put together a quick retort, her mind still reeling from the unexpected turn of events.

Yet despite what she said, a part of her, a significant part of her, couldn't stop thinking about the kiss.

"You think so?" Asher questioned, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "But you kissed me back. You can't deny that. Whether you thought about it or not, when you kiss someone, that usually means you like the person."

He...likes me?

"Or is it normal for you to go around kissing people?"

Ceti harrumphed as she gave him an aggrieved glare, "Of course not!"

Ceti couldn't believe how he could assume such things about her and added in the heat of the moment, "This was my first…" She trailed off as she winced.

She then quickly turned her head away, as if she could hide her flushed face from him, "B-But…I don't like you," she retorted, her voice carrying a hint of defiance, "I like... someone else..." Her words trailed off, the reality of them sinking in as a pang of guilt washed over her.

Silvan's face flashed in her mind, his soft smiles and his confessions of love filling her thoughts.

A subtle laugh escaped Asher's lips at her proclamation, "Oh, so it's Silvan you fancy?" He questioned, clearly amused, "But if that's the case, why haven't you two become an item yet? Don't give me a boring excuse like you didn't want to make him lose face or something. I know there is something else."

whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Seeing her obvious hesitation, Asher's subtle smirk grew more Her lips parted and closed several times, but words failed her. She struggled to find an answer to Asher's pointed question, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Seeing her obvious hesitation, Asher's subtle smirk grew more pronounced.

He shifted on the bed, moving to sit behind her, "I've always observed you and Silvan, allowing me to learn some interesting things," he admitted, his voice quiet yet carrying an undeniable conviction.

Ceti blinked in surprise, her heart pounding in her chest. Why would he take such interest in her and Silvan's relationship? josei

But Asher continued, his words slow and measured, "I see the way you two interact. You may like him, yes. But not in the way he wishes. You don't see him as your man, do you?"

His words were built on careful observation and insight. He had seen their interactions, and asked around about their history.

Since Silvan and Ceti were people of interest to him due to being part of House Drake, he made sure to know about the two as best as he could. And on the way, he learned things he didn't expect to.

And from what he could tell, Ceti's feelings for Silvan were not romantic.

Her inexperience in relationships, coupled with her close friendship with Silvan prevented her from realizing it.

Nevertheless, he didn't care what she really felt about Silvan since it wouldn't change anything.

Ceti's eyes rippled as she pressed her lips together, his words striking a chord in her heart.

She took a deep breath as she tried to reel in her thoughts.

In a voice barely above a whisper, she responded, "You... you shouldn't go around assuming things about people like that," Her words were filled with a strange mix of uncertainty and defiance.

Asher's smile didn't fade, instead, he leaned in closer, his gaze never leaving hers, "Alright, let's do a simple test then. If you pass, I promise to forget what happened," His tone was casual, yet the intensity of his gaze told her he was serious.

Ceti blinked, taken aback by his suggestion. A knot of anxiety twisted in her stomach as she cautiously turned to face him, "What kind of... test?" she asked, her voice shaking ever so slightly.

The corner of Asher's mouth twitched upwards in a smile, a glint of amusement sparkling in his eyes. "Well," he began, leaning in closer. "It's said that when you kiss someone you like, your heart beats faster. So, if we were to kiss again, and your heart didn't race, then you'd pass the test."

Ceti could feel her cheeks grow hot at his suggestion. Her heart thudded loudly in her chest, and she was certain he could hear it. The audacity of his proposal, the implication of it all, left her feeling flustered and completely caught off guard.

"Y-You...!" She stammered, unsure of how to respond. How was she supposed to accept such an improper test? The mere thought of it had her heart pounding, so how could she possibly pass his so-called 'test'?

The look in his eyes told her he knew just how unfair this test was.

But if she refused, she was sure he would definitely say that she was afraid of failing the test and thus proving him right.

Suddenly, Ceti's eyes glinted as an idea struck her.

She put on a serious face, the turmoil of her emotions hidden behind a mask of solemnity, "I...I am afraid I cannot take part in such a test," she declared, bowing her head slightly, "It would be disrespectful to the queen..." With that, she swiftly laid back down on the bed, pulling the blanket over her face in an attempt to escape the situation. At the same time, Asher's expression suddenly hardened, his gaze becoming vacant momentarily.

Ceti's serious expression transformed into a wince as she went under the sheet. Even as she said it, she knew it was a flimsy excuse.

She was aware of the unspoken matters of the nobility, of the clandestine affairs and secret trysts that often occurred away from prying eyes.

But the queen was different, and her relationship with Asher was unique.

Ceti knew the queen cared for Asher deeply, and the thought of her reaction to the unexpected kiss filled Ceti with even more guilt.

Yet Asher's response wasn't what she expected.

Rather than protest or pry further, he simply watched her with an amused smile on his face, "You slept enough. Get up and finish your soup before it gets cold," His words were light, but his voice held an intensity that was hard to ignore.

Ceti let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Relieved that he had seemingly dropped the idea of the test, she slowly peeked out from under the covers and saw him walking away.

Despite the relief, her heart was still racing, the lingering effects of their conversation, the kiss, and the uncertainty of what was to come leaving her restless.

She could only hope Isola and her mother make it here as fast as possible so that she doesn't have to deal with this awkward tension.


The days dragged on, with no sign of Isola and her mother.

Ceti could guess that their journey was a challenging one, it seemed, and they were running into one obstacle after another.

All the while, she was left alone with Asher, the tension between them hanging in the air like a palpable fog.

His presence was both a torment and a comfort, and to her dismay, she found herself drawn to him in a way she never expected.

Despite the tension and the silent battles she fought within herself, there was a certain solace in his company. A feeling of safety she had never experienced before.

During this time, Ceti found herself growing more silent, only giving brief replies to Asher's inquiries. She tried to keep a poker face to his teases, which only seemed to embolden him further.

His teases became more frequent, his devilish laughter echoing in her ears, warming her heart despite her attempt to remain stoic.

But it wasn't just his carefree demeanor that softened her. He took care of her diligently, aiding her in her recovery, helping her move her limbs and regain some semblance of normalcy.

The man she initially thought was crude and rude revealed a whole 'nother side she never could even imagine in her dreams.

His attentiveness was unexpected, his concern for her well-being evident in his every move. The way he looked at her was unlike anything she had seen before. The intensity of his gaze was hard to ignore, and it left an imprint on her heart that was hard to shake off.

A week passed, and the discomfort that had initially plagued Ceti slowly faded.

Being alone with Asher no longer felt awkward or tense, but instead strangely comforting.

Ceti found herself counting the days left until they had to leave, a realization that shocked her. She had started to hide her recovery progress, feigning weakness to prolong whatever she was experiencing for the first time.

She was curious and tempted to explore this feeling despite knowing that her methods weren't right.

She questioned herself countless times, and tried to put an end to this charade. But each time, she found herself unable to and felt like her heart was rebelling against her. Each time Asher was near, her resolve would crumble, leaving her yearning for something that questioned her feelings.

The more time passed, the more she was unable to stop thinking about the kiss and the moments they shared alone during their journey in this dungeon.

On the 10th day in the private safe zone,

Asher, as usual, after Ceti had finished eating, walked towards the table to place the empty bowl.

Ceti was in bed, her mind still distracted, when she heard the clatter of crockery and a sudden cry of pain.

Asher had collapsed, his hand clutching his side. Alarmed, she sprang out of the bed, her previous 'weakness' forgotten, and rushed to his side.

"Your Highness!" She called out in worry, bending down to help him. But as she reached out to him, his hand shot out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her down with him.

With a surprised gasp, she found herself on the floor, Asher sprawled over her. She was about to question his actions when she saw the knowing smile on his face.

"Fully recovered, are we?" Asher's voice was laced with humor as he looked at her with twinkling eyes, "And here you were, pretending to be still unwell. Do you know the punishment for deceiving the royal consort?"

"I…I…wasn't…" Ceti blushed, avoiding his gaze, not knowing what to say. She didn't want to admit anything, but the embarrassment of her actions made her heart race, and she could feel the heat creeping up her neck and onto her face.

But before she could gather her thoughts, Asher's fingers were gently tilting her face up toward him. He was smiling, a warm, teasing smile that did nothing to calm her pounding heart.

"You know," he said, his voice soft, "you could have simply told me what you wanted. No need to go through all this trouble," He paused, his gaze holding hers, "And I know what you want."

With that, he began to lean in, his face inching closer to hers.

"N-No....I..." Ceti's breath hitched in her throat, her hands unconsciously clutching at his shirt. A part of her wanted to push him away, but her strength seemed to have abandoned her.

As his face drew nearer, she found herself closing her eyes, her heart thudding wildly in anticipation. Just as she could feel his breath on her lips, a voice rang out in the room.

"Asher, Ceti, are you two in there?"

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