The Damned Demon

Chapter 290

Chapter 290: This Is Too Easy

The raging tide of Tidal Tempest roared with a fury unmatched, cascading towards the land with the wrath of a thousand storms. The water, impossibly high, bore down on Axton and his friends as they sprinted for safety, each heartbeat a drumbeat echoing the urgency of their situation.

The five of them raced across the undulating terrain, dodging the furious assault of the tide.

Axton, at the lead, channeled his earth magic, summoning up stone platforms beneath their feet, giving them brief moments of purchase on the slippery ground. With a flick of his wrist, he used his Willforce to hurl any obstacles from their path.

Behind him, Cain summoned flames, heating the air around them to create an updraft, pushing the water back, if only for moments.

The steam hissed violently, the sound of nature's wrath and man's defiance intertwined.

But it only brought them a few seconds of relief against the relentless tide as it swallowed the lands behind them.josei

Elias let out a sinister chuckle as he swiftly transfigured fallen logs into winged creatures, providing momentary distractions to the marine predators drawn to the chaos.

His wind magic accelerated their pace, pushing them forward with gusts at their back.

Rourke fought the tide's advance by creating deceptive barriers, redirecting the water away from their direct path, and buying them precious seconds.

However, as if to make things worse for them, they spotted a couple of demons ahead, trying to ambush them.

"Keh! These fucking demons think they can get the drop on us? Rourke, you know what to do!" Axton growled out as Rourke smirked.

He took out a small, brown ball and threw it into the air, letting out a huge cloud of smoke.

The demons that were following them rushed into the cloud of smoke and were surprised to see the Demon Rippers running in a different direction. Yet, they continued to follow them.

"Hahaha, nicely done, Rourke. Those arseheads have no idea you just led them into the jaws of the tide with a mere illusion," Elias laughed as they ran. Despite being in a precarious situation, the glee in his eyes only intensified.

Gildon chanted rhythmically, his enhancement magic strengthening their limbs, pushing their bodies beyond their normal limits.

And with a couple of vials in his hands, he threw them on the ground that erupted in smokescreens, obfuscating their retreat in case more demons were following them.

With one final surge of their combined powers, the Demon Rippers finally managed to reach the higher ground where the tides seemed to have no interest in following them.

Panting, they turned back, witnessing the complete submergence of the land they had just fled from.

Cain's blazing eyes glinted, "That was too close. Fuck that bitch…" he growled, fire dancing on his fingertips.

Rourke smirked, his predatory green eyes scanning the watery expanse, "Relax, Cain. This is nothing but child's play. We can do this all day just for fun, hehe."

Elias, his voice cool and menacing, remarked, "This only makes me more excited…haaa…What we are going to do once we get our hands on our dear Umbralfiend Princess."

Gildon chuckled darkly, "You guys have to let me enjoy her alone for at least a few weeks. I can't let Rourke break her too early, keke."

Axton's icy-blue gaze settled on each of his comrades as he grinned, "She and her friends, especially that hyped-up little shit called Hellbringer…We are going to give them a good time for being so eager to hunt us down. But first…we have to survive 1 more hour since, whether we like it or not, she is a Soul Devourer. We need Sir Victor back on our side before we capture her. And, of course let him have the first honors for his help."


Suddenly the whistling sound of an arrow cutting through the air punctuated the sound of their conversation.

It lodged itself into the ground, quivering, a few feet away from Axton. All 5 of them immediately became vigilant, though Axton relaxed as he noticed a note attached to the arrow.

With a swift, crude movement, Axton picked up the arrow and unwound the note tied around its shaft.

As he read the contents, a smirk played on his lips, his icy-blue eyes glinting with mischief, "Boys…Looks like we are about to get a lot of friends, hehe."

Before the others could say anything, the rustling of leaves and the soft sounds of footfalls signaled the emergence of a group of Hunters.

Twenty of them! Each of their auras was palpable and strong enough to even cause the air around them to shift drastically.

They looked seasoned and formidable, their weapons gleaming under the faint light filtering through the trees.

Axton laughed, the sound echoing eerily through the landscape. He spread his arms wide in a mocking gesture of welcome, "Well, well! Welcome, boys. I should've known. Sir Victor loves us too much."

And then, one of the Hunters — a tall, burly man with scars running across his face — stepped forward. His smile revealed a set of stained teeth, and his deep-set eyes gleamed with a mixture of greed and anticipation, "I never expected the famous Butcher and his friends would need our help like this. Having a tough time, eh?"

Axton's lips curved as he crossed his arms and said, "You don't say, Skull Crusher. It's not every day we get a bounty on our heads, especially mine. But seeing you all here, I must say Sir Victor spread the word quicker than I anticipated."

Skull Crusher started with a voice like gravel, "200,000 Shards is quite the sum to help you guys out. More than the price on your head," He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in, "And to gain the favor of the mighty Hart Family? That's not an opportunity we are about to pass up."

Elias, leaning against a tree, glanced at the Hunters with a slimy smile, "Guess we are in Sir Victor's debt now, huh?" he remarked sardonically.

"We've thought this through," Another Hunter began, his voice carrying an authoritative tone, "There's a secure high-ground place we had scouted out earlier. It'll be perfect for you lot to rest up until this is over."

Raising a brow, Axton asked, "And what if a wave of demons decides they fancy a piece of us? You think your band of merry men can handle that?"

Skull Crusher's smile didn't waver. Patting his chest with pride, he responded, "We are the best A and B Rank Hunters from where we are coming. And from what we've heard, there's probably just one Soul Devourer looking for you all. She's dangerous, but with the artifacts and enchantments we possess, we can set up a defense perimeter that'll deter any demon group from thinking of trying their luck. But I know this is all overkill because the place we have scouted out is 50 meters high, and 30 meters of it is submerged. No soul with a brain would dare come near. Even if they did, it would be easy for us to kill them while they struggle to climb up."

Gildon let out a short laughter with a mirthful smile, "They're practically rolling out the red carpet for us."

Rourke leaned in, whispering just loud enough for his friends to hear, "This is getting too easy, almost too good to be true. With this set-up, we probably won't even need Victor's scroll."

Elias, with his sly smile, added, "Well, let's hope they're as good as they claim. I should have taken better care of our bets to have fun with while enjoying the show. It's a pity they were too weak, tsk, tsk."

Axton, looking at the awaiting Hunters and then back at his group, made a grandiose gesture with his hand, "That sounds quite perfect. Lead the way, friend."

The rocky terrain rose high 50 meters above the treacherous waters of the Tidal Tempest, its craggy surfaces reflecting the silvery glow of the large moon that hung dominantly in the night sky.

It looked like a fortress against the backdrop of the shimmering ocean below.

The Demon Rippers settled on its pinnacle, the ambient light giving their faces an eerie glow that matched their malevolent aura. They were in the middle of the terrain, surrounded by large boulders and stones covering them from every side, almost like a shield.

A gentle breeze tousled Rourke's fiery hair, his predatory eyes looking around. Cain, on the other hand, was playing with small embers in his palm, the flickering firelight casting an ominous reflection in his blazing eyes.

Looking around, Axton's lips curved into a grin, "You know, I must give it to Skull Crusher and his friends. They found the best spot in this wretched place without spending a shard or resources. And with that teleportation gate there," he pointed at an intricate stone archway glowing softly at the far end of the terrain, "I doubt they'd let anyone else even get a whiff of it."

Elias's grey, snake-like eyes gleamed with mischief as he responded, "Oh, they wouldn't. But it sure feels like we've struck gold. A safe haven, a teleportation gate, and our very own elite group of bodyguards. What more could we ask for?"

Rourke, smirking, added, "Well, they did say we're worth more alive. Might as well enjoy the VIP treatment while it lasts."

Gildon, ever the jester of the group, stretched out on a flat rock, arms behind his head, looking up at the stars. "You know, boys," he began with a playful tone, "I was expecting a bounty hunt, but this feels more like a luxury retreat. And if our beautiful princess decides to still take us on, then we all will be having a good time sooner than we expected, kuku."

The group erupted in sinister laughter, their dark mirth echoing through the night, amplifying the eerie atmosphere.

Dozens of meters away,

Skull Crusher, his bulky frame silhouetted against the rocky backdrop, smirked confidently at the others, "Just like clockwork, guys. Not a single demon in sight, and with just half an hour to go. This has to be the easiest assignment we ever got," He ran a hand through his thick beard, casting a smug glance in the direction of where the Demon Rippers were resting.

However, his smile froze as the gentle ripple of the large expanse of water below, which was previously calming and benign, churned more violently.

Every one of them had their instincts tightened as the waters started to boil with intensity.

Some of them gulped as the silhouette of something vast began to emerge. Giant pincers, each one large enough to smash mountains, broke the surface.

A pair of immense, beady eyes stared ominously, reflecting the gleam of the moon. The colossal 30 meters long body of the creature rose, its armored carapace glistening with seawater, and its multiple legs casting terrifying shadows on the water's surface.

Most of them had their eyes widened as it didn't take too long for them to recognize it.

One of the Hunters, a wiry figure with black hair, pointed, voice shrill with alarm, "By the gods! T-The Kraken is coming!"

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