The Damned Demon

Chapter 293  Stay Till The End

Chapter 293  Stay Till The End

As Axton chuckled, he and his friends confidently walked over to Boden's side, their collective aura even more menacing.

Gildon smirked at the cornered group, "Seems Sir Victor has a soft spot for us, doesn't he? But it's all because of the goodness of his heart for humble souls like us."

Axton nodded, his gaze now focused intently on Isola, "Sir Boden," he began, his voice dripping with mock concern, "I'd appreciate it if you could avoid killing the demonesses outright, especially the Umbralfiend We have some unfinished business, she and I."

"What kind of business?" Boden asked in a gruff voice.

"Well," Axton began with a smirk, playing with a small knife in his hand, "I was curious if she would be as vocal as one of her sisters was. She was rather... loud, especially when we extracted her organs one by one while still breathing. Did you know Umbralfiend organs allow you to make stuff for underwater breathing?"

Merina's and Ceti's faces contorted in rage, their voices low but filled with venom, "You monster," Ceti spat out, while Merina's eyes promised retribution.

Despite the horrific revelation, Isola's face remained impassive. Yet, the minute tremors in her clenched fists betrayed the storm of emotions raging within.

Amused, Axton patted Boden's armored arm, "Interesting fact, don't you think, Sir Egon?"

Boden, his face still covered by his helm, appeared uninterested in their banter. He calmly shrugged off Axton's touch, clearly not appreciating the familiarity, "I'm not here to chit-chat," he responded coldly, "If you're done reminiscing, then it's time to finish them. I don't have time to waste."

Asher's footsteps echoed softly as he stepped forward, standing tall and unyielding. His eyes locked with Boden's as he said in a mocking tone, "Boden, I always thought the Egon Family stood for honor and pride. Never knew you were just lapdogs for the Harts. Or perhaps they have enough dirt on you snobs."

The air grew tense, each word Asher spoke seemed to hit a nerve.

Boden's eyes glowed with suppressed rage, the glow eerily reflecting off his armor, "Watch your tongue, demon," he hissed, pointing an armored finger at Asher, his voice filled with loathing, "Or do you hope that by spouting nonsense, you'll save your pathetic life?"

Axton couldn't help but let out a mocking laugh, "Ha! I still can't believe this pathetic fuck is Hellbringer…The one that has our juniors cowering in their beds? From where I stand, he is all talk," He smirked, looking at Asher with disdain, "On second thought, I would like it if you can make sure you don't kill him too quickly. I am pretty sure the demon queen must be missing her consort a lot. But too bad she won't be receiving his corpse. Otherwise, I could have sent her a nice gift."

Cain nodded, his face shadowed with concern. Whispering to Axton so that only he could hear, he said, "We need to figure out how he knows things about us. No demon can know that."

Boden turned his eyes from Hellbringer to Axton, nodding slowly, the glow in his eyes taking on a more ominous tint, "Agreed," he growled. He raised his great sword, its blade gleaming threateningly in the dim light, and pointed it towards Isola and her companions, "Listen up! Cripple them! Don't kill any of them…yet."

Ceti and Merina, in spite of their exhaustion, stood protectively by Isola's side, ready to fight to their last breath.

However, the two and Asher felt a familiar touch in their mind, Isola's soft yet determined voice echoing in their minds, "Asher, in your spatial bag, there's a teleportation scroll I placed there earlier. I can buy you all enough time to use it and get out of here."

Merina and Ceti's eyes widened in alarm, their heads snapping to look at Asher as they, too, heard Isola's words. "Isola, what are you saying?!" Merina exclaimed mentally, her voice edged with panic.

"We'll all go together!" Ceti's voice rang out, her determination evident in her tone. She had expected things to end up badly, but she didn't feel like running away.

Isola's voice continued, unwavering, "No…you two have to stay alive for Asher's sake. There are so many things at stake," There was a heaviness to her words, a mixture of regret and determination.

Ceti and Merina had their expressions ripple as they looked at each other before looking over at Asher, who looked quite calm despite whatever was happening.

Ceti wondered if he really did not care if Isola dies.

Isola then turned slightly, her gaze locking with Asher's. For a fleeting moment, the air around them seemed to still, the tension and danger momentarily forgotten. Her lips curved into a soft, sad smile, "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with a melancholy warmth, "Thank you for staying by my side till the end."

Her eyes shimmered, reflecting the soft glow of the moon and the depth of her emotions. It was as if she had something more to say but couldn't.

Tears threatened to spill, but she blinked them away, her expression hardening once more as she was about to face towards the approaching Hunters.

But just as Isola turned back, Asher took her completely off guard by suddenly stepping up to her.

With a half-smirk and a glint in his eyes, Asher murmured, "Well, since you thanked me for staying till the end, I guess I really have to stay till the end."

Isola, stunned by the sudden gesture, had her lips part as she felt her heart flutter.

But she was determined to retort, though any words she had planned were instantly forgotten when Asher unveiled the glowing phoenix feather from his pocket.

Its resplendent glow spread, casting ethereal shadows around and demanding attention. The sheer raw energy emanating from it made the air thick with tension.

The advancing Hunters, all ready to deal a devastating blow, froze mid-step, their eyes locked onto the glowing feather. It was as if time had momentarily stopped, and all that existed was the magnificent feather radiating power and mystique.

"That can't be...A phoenix feather?" Boden's voice was laced with disbelief, his stoic demeanor faltering for the first time.

He had got the mini-quest which involved defeating a mythical being like the phoenix. However, he and his group decided against it since it was too risky, and they were confident of advancing to the next mini-dungeon without the rewards.

Axton's earlier smugness faded as a sense of dread enveloped him. Even his companions, usually full of bravado, shifted uneasily on their feet.

Isola, her voice trembling with worry, tried to reason with Asher, "No, Asher... It can kill you...Don't do it...Please..."

But the determination in Asher's eyes was unwavering. The corners of his lips quirked upwards in a sad smile, "It's too late to warn me..." he whispered, voice thick with emotion.

As those words left his lips, a deep, searing pain rippled through him, making him grimace.

Fiery golden lines ran over his skin, and it seemed like they were wrapping around his body like a cocoon. The intensity of the phoenix feather's power was unlike anything they had ever seen.

Isola reached out to him, panic evident in her eyes, but before she could touch him, Asher's entire form was enveloped in a blinding, golden aura.

The light was so intense, so pure, that everyone present, including Boden, was forced to shield their eyes.


The ground trembled, shaking the earth beneath their feet. Overhead, dark storm clouds gathered at an unnatural pace, with thunder roaring its dominance. The world seemed to resonate with the raw power Asher was unleashing.

"What the fuck is going on?" Gildon hissed as he covered his head with his arms while the earth continued to rumble.

Rourke shouted out in disbelief, "I knew it! That goddamn feather must be a powerful treasure!"

Axton could only grit his teeth as even after closing his eyes, the blinding light was seeping into his eyelids, making him cower even more.

The pressure in the air was suffocating, a crushing weight that demanded submission while they had no idea what was going on around them.

It felt as though the very air had been sucked out of the area, replaced with a thick, pulsating energy that bore down on them. The feeling was inescapable, oppressive, and despairing.

Axton, so confident just a few moments ago, felt like a child facing a monstrous tidal wave.

His knees buckled, and he collapsed, gasping for breath, his eyes wide with terror. His friends fared no better; Gildon and Rourke tried to hold onto each other, but their limbs felt heavy, and they too, slumped to the ground.

Cain's smug demeanor was gone, replaced by a mask of abject horror, as he too was forced to the ground by the overpowering force. Their very souls seemed to be trembling in the presence of this overwhelming power.

Boden, the only S Rank Hunter in this place, was a sight to behold. Even as his body resisted, the strength and determination in his eyes was evident. Shielding his face with one arm, he managed to push himself slightly off the ground, grimacing at the effort.

His breathing was ragged, and every muscle in his body screamed in protest, but his spirit remained unyielding. It took him a moment, but he managed to open his eyes, forcing himself to take in the changed landscape.

The scene before him was apocalyptic. All the Hunters that had came with him except for Axton and his team were gone!

It didn't take him too long to look around and realize that their very existence was reduced to ashes and golden embers that floated eerily in the air.

The once bustling battleground was now silent, save for the low crackle of the golden flames that seemed to dance everywhere. josei

But it was the figure in the center of it all that truly sent a chill down his spine.

There, amidst the floating ashes, stood a skeletal being, its very form blazing with golden flames that seemed to pulse with life.

It was as if the phoenix had reincarnated not as a bird, but as this ethereal, skeletal deity.

Its bones were formed of what looked like diamond, reflecting the brilliant golden flames that surrounded it.

But what truly struck fear into Boden's heart were its hollow sockets which suddenly turned to lock onto him, giving off a sense of dread that clutched his soul.

Boden, swallowing hard, managed to rasp out, "What...what are you?"

Boden couldn't understand how a demon could possess such pure and radiant mana with the power of Light. The only one who possessed such pure and radiant power was the Golden Prince. It was just inconceivable!

What also made him feel even more despairing was that the aura he felt from Hellbringer was not weaker than a peak Soul Devourer!

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