The Damned Demon

Chapter 300  Worries Of The Heart

Chapter 300  Worries Of The Heart

300  Worries Of The Heart

As the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, casting a deep red glow, Rowena stepped out of the castle.

Guided by a path made of smooth cobblestones, she approached the Pillar Sanctuary. The sanctuary was a chamber within an ancient building standing tall, far away from the bustling areas of the kingdom.

Since this place was considered sacred, nobody, including the previous kings and queens never dared to sully it or cause any kind of disturbance to it.

The sanctuary itself was built from lebaster stone, its walls etched with intricate patterns that told stories of prophecies past and foretold. Some myths suggest that these stones help absorb vibrations of the Seven Hells, thus allowing the Seer to listen to the sound each thread of fate might make.

The grand entrance of the sanctuary was framed by twin pillars with a cascading veil of ivy. As Rowena neared, the heavy wooden doors creaked open, revealing the dimly lit, incense-filled interior.

In the heart of the sanctuary was the Chamber of Visions, where the High Seer, Alaric, often resided.

Its floor was covered in plush deep blue rugs, and around the room were tall bookshelves, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls.

Crystal orbs of various sizes and colors were placed strategically around the chamber, their faint glow casting dancing shadows on the walls.

Seated at a massive, ornate wooden table carved with symbols and runes was Alaric.

His long white beard flowed like a river down to his waist, and his wise eyes, almost as old as time itself, sparkled with a depth of knowledge.

As Rowena entered, he looked up, his gaze softening as he recognized her.

"Ah, Your Majesty. It's been a while since you sought my counsel," Alaric greeted, his voice deep and soothing.

Rowena nodded, her regal demeanor intact as she approached, "Indeed, Seer Alaric. These are trying times."

Alaric motioned to the chair opposite him, "Please, have a seat."

Rowena gracefully sat, her gown pooling around her. She looked directly into Alaric's eyes, the weight of her concerns evident, "I seek clarity. The path ahead is murky, and I find myself in need of your wisdom."

Alaric sighed as he looked at her with an understanding nod, "Even a common man can see that the royal consort being away and participating in the Quest for the Worthy is something that troubles you the most."

Rowena maintained her gaze as her eyes briefly softened before saying with a hint of desperation, "I thought I could stay strong until he returns. But as each day passes, I find it…unbearable. I do not know how he is doing in the quest, if he is safe or if he is…" Rowena sighed as she closed her eyes, trying to control the tumultuous emotions flowing into her heart.

She also didn't know if he would get back before the date of the Sacred Union.

"I understand…" Alaric nodded in a deep and soothing voice and added as he leaned back, "Very well," he murmured, "Let's delve into the threads of fate and see what they reveal."

Alaric began his divination as his hands moved gracefully above a crystal ball that sat at the center of the table.

As his fingers danced, the ball began to glow, illuminating the room with an ethereal light. Wisps of crimson smoke formed inside the ball as his lips began to tremble while mumbling something incoherently.

After a minute that felt like an eternity, Alaric began to speak, his voice a soft whisper, "I cannot see the precise location or the direct events surrounding the royal consort. The mists of the Seven Hells are heavy, obscuring clear sight. However, I sense a great struggle within him, one concerning his heart and his future."

Rowena's crimson eyes widened slightly, and her voice, though calm, carried a hint of urgency, "What does that mean? Is there anything within my power to help him?"

Alaric's face, wrinkled with the wisdom of ages, showed a momentary furrow of his brows, "His heart... It seems to belong to more than one place. Every decision you make will impact his happiness and has the potential to shape the future of both the Bloodburn Kingdom and his very soul."

Rowena's heart skipped a beat, her emotions reflected in her gaze, "More than one place... Does that mean...he loves someone else too?" There was a hint of vulnerability in her voice, a crack in her usually cold expression.

She felt her heart clench, and for some reason, Isola's face flashed in her mind.

Alaric opened his eyes, which held a deep compassion, and he let out a soft sigh, "I am not sure but it's not as simple as love shared between two souls. The royal consort's heart is in turmoil, suffering for reasons I cannot clearly decipher. What I can tell you is that to find peace, his heart needs solace. A loving touch, understanding, compassion. The more sources of this solace he finds, the better. Otherwise…" Alaric's eyes trembled as his expression filled with hesitation.

Rowena's voice had an edge of urgency as she pressed him, "Seer Alaric, what is it you aren't saying? I must know."

The room grew tense as Alaric hesitated, biting the inside of his cheek as if he were gathering courage. His long, white beard shifted as he moved, and his wise eyes darted briefly to Rowena, hinting at a truth he was reluctant to unveil.

Taking a deep breath, Alaric replied with a gravity that sent chills down Rowena's spine, "Your Majesty, if the royal consort does not find the solace he seeks... I foresee a grave fate looming over him and everything surrounding him. The mists of the future are fickle, but what I see is undeniably dark."

Rowena's already pale skin seemed to grow even whiter. Her eyes, usually so sharp and commanding, now looked vulnerable, filled with the dread of an impending storm. She sat rigid, every muscle taut, her fingers curled tightly into fists.

Seeing the weight his words were having on Rowena, Alaric continued with evident pain in his expression, "I deeply regret that I could not offer you the solace you sought today. It may be wise for you to take some time, to rest and ponder deeply upon the revelations. Many destinies intertwine with the choices ahead."

Rowena's gaze turned distant as she reflected on Alaric's words. With a trembling voice, she whispered, "I was blind... I never realized he suffered so. Does it mean I did not love him deeply enough to see? Or perhaps did I do something to make him lose faith in me and not confide in me?" Rowena couldn't help but voice out the fears that had been plaguing her heart for a long time.

Alaric shook his head gently, his eyes filled with understanding and wisdom, "In all my years as the High Seer, I've not experienced love as you people do. However, I've witnessed its intricacies in countless souls. Believe me when I say, both you and the royal consort love each other more profoundly than you may ever fathom."

A glimmer of hope shone in Rowena's eyes, the light of a love that refused to be snuffed out.

Alaric continued, "The royal consort's immense love for you is possibly what's keeping him from burdening you with his torments. And perhaps your profound love for him has made you overlook the subtle signs, choosing to see the strength rather than the hidden vulnerabilities."

Rowena absorbed Alaric's words, their depths sinking into her very soul. His words struck a chord inside her as she felt he was right.

She did choose to overlook the subtle signs she had picked up, especially how he acted around her before he left.

Or perhaps she was afraid of delving into it.

However, she was now more curious than ever to know what was plaguing Asher's heart. She felt saddened she never knew about it all this time.

Rowena then slowly rose from her seat, the long, elegant train of her black gown sweeping across the cold floor of the sanctuary. There was a regal poise in her posture, even in her evident distress.

Turning to face Alaric, her voice firm yet laden with gratitude, she said, "Seer Alaric, there's no need for apologies. Your words, though daunting, have given me the clarity I desperately sought."

Alaric, visibly relieved at her understanding, bowed his head slightly in respect, "May the winds of fortune guide you, my queen."

With a graceful nod, Rowena approached the massive doors of the Pillar Sanctuary before leaving the place with a heavy heart and complicated emotions.

The opulent hall of Bloodwing Mansion was bathed in a muted crimson glow, the intricately designed chandeliers overhead casting shadows on the dark marble floors.

Majestic columns adorned with ancient carvings lined the hallway, their surfaces glistening from the soft luminance. The vast corridor, despite its grandeur, was filled with an atmosphere of palpable tension.

Dozens of guards, dressed in the rich jet-black uniforms of House Drake, stood in firm ranks, their sharp eyes constantly scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

It was as if they didn't even dare to let down their guard for even a second, especially considering the person who stationed them here with strict instructions.

However, the moment the grand double doors at the entrance swung open to reveal an elegant figure with a voluptuous bosom, the stoicism of the guards seemed momentarily shaken.

The unmistakable sound of her heels clicking against the marble echoed throughout the hall.

With her silver hair cascading down her back like liquid moonlight and her posture radiating authority, her very presence was imposing. Every step she took was filled with purpose, her regal gown billowing behind her. josei

As she strode forward, each guard she passed bowed deeply, their heads nearly touching the ground. The chilling aura she radiated made them involuntarily swallow, the weight of her gaze almost too much to bear.

Yet her eyes, those piercing red orbs, were not on them but fixed intently on the ornate door at the end of the hall.

Will the queen be able to help our boi? :#

Finally reached 300 chaps, damn!

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