The Damned Demon

Chapter 303  For Better Or Worse?

Chapter 303  For Better Or Worse?

Asher extended his arm, and dark green flames began to wreathe around his hand, illuminating the faces of those around him with their eerie, chilling glow. The flames danced and flickered like they were alive, casting ominous shadows that danced on the ground.

"For reasons that are beyond me," Asher began, his voice deep and carrying a hint of amusement, "not only am I perfectly fine, but I've also grown in strength. I'm now as strong as a mid-level Soul Reaper."

As Asher said this, he was truly astonished that his power actually increased, never expecting anything good to come out of using such dangerous power.

He also never expected he could use radiant mana, and it sounded so baffling even to him. Just because he was a Hunter in his previous life doesn't mean his demonic mana circuit in his present life could use radiant mana.

However, for reasons known to him, this wasn't truly shocking to him.

Before Ceti could voice the obvious incredulity that was etched across her face, Asher cut in, "I know it's impossible, Ceti. Whatever power the phoenix bestowed upon me, even if temporary, is unlike anything I've known and I have no idea why." josei

Ceti opened her mouth, then closed it, processing his words. Her usual sharp demeanor seemed slightly tempered by this revelation. Yet, the fact that his strength increased this much was no different than absorbing a Deviar albeit not as powerful as the one that was being offered as the reward for this quest. And all this happening while he was sleeping was just another shocker.

"But," Asher continued, "if the golden aura emanating from me was truly the same as that of Golden Prince, then shouldn't all three of you have been blinded by its intensity?" Even though he was close to Ceti and Merina in more than one way, he still couldn't risk his future by revealing his past.

The entire demon realm hated his past self to their bones and he couldn't really tell how they might react if they knew the truth. He was still determined to not jeopardize his own quest for vengeance for he had already paid the price of an entire lifetime to simply let it go.

Merina nodded, her usually soft gaze sharpening with intrigue, "Yes, especially since we were so close. We were unconsciously staring at you the entire time. Golden Prince's radiance would have definitely blinded demons like us...The power of the phoenix must have manifested in mysterious ways."

However, amidst this revelation, Isola's thoughts took a different turn.

Memories flitted through her mind, of a time within the belly of the Mother Kraken, when Asher's flames enveloped her yet caused no harm.

His touch had been warm, almost protective, but never scalding. Even now, as she looked at the green flames dancing on his palm, she was reminded of the warmth she felt amidst their embrace.

She could guess why the brilliance of the Golden Prince's light never blinded them.

Isola briefly smiled and said, "We should consider what happened to you as a fortunate thing, even if we can't understand what exactly happened. The Heavens banished the phoenix to let it burn to death so there must have been a chance it helped you despite being a demon as a defiant act against the Heavens."

Merina nodded with a soft smile, feeling the exact thing while Ceti pursed her lips, feeling somewhat convinced, though she was still feeling concerned, "I still don't trust this phoenix or anyone that does the Angels' bidding but...I guess there is no use in pondering about it as long as you are...okay," Ceti said as she gave a quick, relieved glance at Asher who softly chuckled with a nod.

Asher took a good look at their expressions and was relieved they weren't suspicious of his true identity or anything.

He knew one of the main reasons for this was because no one in their right mind could accuse him of being Golden Prince.

As far as others knew, he woke up a year after Golden Prince died, and who was going to guess he transmigrated to this demon body.

It would be too much of a stretch.

The only one who might have known something was Rowena's father, but he was already gone.

"But we still can't let others know you were able to use radiant mana or that we were anywhere near that place. Who knows the kind of rumors and troubles people who don't like you might cook up," Ceti said with a huff as she crossed her arms while Isola and Merina nodded.

Asher could only nod while hoping that nobody saw him since Ceti was right. However, he felt his lips easing into a soft smile seeing how Ceti and Merina decided to leave it at that when any other demon would have straight up hated him or become suspicious just from the fact of him using radiant mana alone.

It would be enough grounds to make the entire demon realm crucify him since it would be no different than humans reacting to someone using demonic mana.

He knew their trust in him was the other main reason why they weren't suspecting him at all. If it was before he would be feeling satisfied and glad yet now there was this wisp of turmoil in his chest.

"Ceti, Merina, can you two go and somehow persuade the Zone Master to let go of Callisa? Since she knows you two better, she might give in. Poor Callisa must know Asher is alright now," Isola asked with a helpless smile as Merina nodded with a soft yet understanding smile while Ceti let out a tired sigh, "That little…

urgh…Fine, let's go, mother. Let's hope Callisa hasn't succumbed to her whims."

The air grew still, the sound of departing footsteps echoing faintly as Ceti and Merina disappeared from sight.

An almost palpable tension settled between Asher and Isola. The once bustling surroundings now seemed to blur into the background, their presence fading into insignificance in the face of the unresolved emotions between the two.

Asher's eyes, usually so firm and assertive, took on a gentle softness as he turned to face Isola, "You seemed eager to have them leave. And you've been...avoiding my gaze. Why? Don't tell me..."

Isola hesitated, her eyes darting around their surroundings briefly as if searching for an escape from the intensity of the moment. to think, I find myself filled with uncertainty and worries."

His gaze, initially gentle, grew more complex, reflecting the turmoil Finally, her eyes, now brimming with emotion, met his, "Asher," she began, her voice quivering slightly, "What are we? After last night, everything just... it's so overwhelming. Now that I've had a moment to think, I find myself filled with uncertainty and worries."

His gaze, initially gentle, grew more complex, reflecting the turmoil of his own emotions, "Isola," he murmured, "I never anticipated this... twist in our journey either. But know this…you are very important to me."

She offered a fragile smile, a mix of happiness and trepidation, "You also have become quite important to me in many ways that I…I want to stay beside you, not just now...but in the future as well. But then there's the fact that you are the consort of the Bloodburn Queen. And our reality. Once we return, you know we can't be together. Here, under this open sky, we can't even hold each other," Her voice broke at the end, her eyes glossy with unshed tears.

Isola yearned to at least be able to caress his face without worrying about putting him in trouble under the eyes of so many while also not making her people think she was betraying them.

Asher's eyes darkened as he looked away, a heavy sigh escaping his lips.

He wished he had the answers to reassure her. He wished he could promise her a future devoid of these complications.

But he couldn't, not when he was still having that lingering fear inside him. Not when he still didn't know what to do with Rowena.

In the recesses of his mind, he berated himself for the unexpected turn his life had taken.

His aim had always been clear - use everything to his advantage, rise to power, and seek vengeance. But now, his own heart had become his most unpredictable variable.

And the worst part was...he wasn't sure if this was for the better or worse.

Isola's gaze softened considerably after seeing the troubled look on his face.

The warmth of her smile attempted to soothe the tumultuous storm in his heart, "Asher," she began, her voice as tender as a gentle breeze, "I never meant to burden you further. I'm sorry. No matter your decision, I'll understand. I know what you have lost, and as I promised, I will always support you every step of the way."

"Isola..." The weight of Asher's voice belied the plethora of emotions bubbling beneath.

Seeing her smile so warmly for his sake, his heart constricted. But before he could articulate any of it, she gracefully diverted,

"About what we were discussing with Ceti and Merina…," she began, drawing a deep breath, "How did you manage to use radiant mana without it becoming a death sentence for you?"

Asher recognized her intent to shift their focus, but the question distracted his thoughts as past memories flooded his mind.

A frown settled on his features as he pondered the implications, "I... to be honest, I was both surprised and... not."

Isola's brows knitted together in confusion, "What do you mean? Did something like this happen before?"

Asher let out a dry chuckle, a hint of irony in his tone, "It's amusing, really. The primary reason they were so swift to label me a corrupted Hunter lies in the myriad of oddities surrounding me."

She blinked, intrigued, "Oddities? What sort of strange facts are you talking about?"

Asher took a deep breath, his eyes focusing on the horizon, "In my time as a Hunter," he began, pausing momentarily, "there were indeed rare instances where I found myself lingering in the demon realm even after the Heavenly Immunity had lapsed either by accident or on purpose."

Isola's eyes widened, surprise evident on her face, "A few times? But... how?" She was visibly taken aback, "Every Hunter knows the risks associated with overstaying in the demon realm without that protective immunity. The demonic mana in our world is lethal to humans, draining their lives and granting them a painful death. How did you not succumb?"

Asher nodded in acknowledgment of her valid concerns, "That's the baffling part. I often questioned it myself," He looked into the distance, memories flooding back, "When the Heavenly Immunity wore off, instead of feeling weak or drained, I felt...different but still strong. The sun of Zalthor, which typically is a nightmare to any Hunter, didn't stop empowering me. But it did transform me in peculiar ways," He took a deep breath, the weight of his confession evident in his voice, "My aura would shift from its usual golden hue to a deep, vivid crimson. With it, my emotions seemed to sway—like I was on the precipice of becoming something... other. Less restrained, more volatile...Sometimes I had a hard time recognizing myself and I used to hate it whenever it happened."

He paused, his eyes lowering, "A handful of people were privy to these transformations. They exploited this knowledge, painting me as a corrupt entity from the outset the moment I got framed. It made it easier for them to convince everyone that I was corrupted from the beginning. That's why you must have seen some posters or images of me with red eyes and all going around over there."

Isola blinked, processing the depth of what she'd just heard. She whispered, her voice tinged with disbelief, "So, does this mean that... you were able to harness demonic mana even when you were a Hunter? Just like how you've recently managed to use radiant mana despite being a demon now?"

Asher hesitated, searching for the right words, realizing the gravity of the implications, "It seems so. But the why and how of it remain mysteries even to me. But…I feel like that phoenix…she must have known something about this."

Isola pulled together her brows as she asked, "Why do you say that?"

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